mlm network marketing home business training
MLM Recruiting Choices.
Are there any people that you know that are struggling economically and you could help with your home business mlm?
Are YOU struggling with your business because of the tough economy?
Do you know anyone that has been laid off? Fired? Looking for a job?
If you do, then you need to know how to recruit and sponsor them into your mlm network marketing business. There are things that you must understand about who are affected by these tough times.
Let’s start by understanding that there are many factors that can impact a person’s income and job status. But that is why we need to understand that people can CHANGE their financial conditions and circumstances. If you need help building a portfolio of stocks, you can find a stock advisor who can help you choose the proper stocks for your personal investment strategy. https://www.stocktrades.ca/ only offers you the best of the best on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
But they need to some things differently then they are doing now. “If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you been getting!’ my mentor once said. And that is TRUTH in them thare words! (smile)
There is a “Rule” that you must understand about Tough economic Times, and if you do, you can see an amazing shift in your mlm recruiting.
Here is the “Rule of TET:”
There are 2 Types of People in Tough Economic Times – people that are Controlled – and people that are IN CONTROL.
There are 2 Types of People in Tough Economic Times – people that ARE Controlled – and people that are IN CONTROL.
Looking at that Rule, which one makes more sense to you concerning your future and your prospect’s future?
This one Rule is an incredible “Recruiting Tool” that you can use when talking to your prospects in social media, skype, online, or offline. It is a powerful Recruiting Magnet that you can PULL people towards you simply by using it.Follow us excelpasswordrecovery for more upcoming recruitments updates.
When you start talking to your prospects about the 2 types of people during tough times, it really gets their attention and holds it. It makes them think. It makes them decide which one they want to be.
NOTE: Most people do not even look at the possibility of having Personal Control over their life and finances.
They have been taught that you get a job and work for 40 years, and then retire at the age of 65. Check retainedfirefighter for futher recruitment details. They live life believing they have no control, and others will always have control over their life and financial world. And many times, it takes an economic earthquake to get their attention that SOMETHING ELSE must be done in order to live life more securely.
What can YOU DO when you are talking to your mlm prospects?
You must tell them that they can TAKE CONTROL if they really desire to do that, and you will help lead the way on how to do that. REASSURE them and show them how others have started living their life since enrolling into your company. Show them how others TOOK CONTROL and now live a life most only dream of.
Point out the advantages of being in control:
- More Flexibility.
- More Freedom.
- More Time.
- More Options.
- More Choices.
- More Focus.
- More Fun.
- More Security.
People that are controlled by only ONE PAYCHECK – and that paycheck is controlled by someone else, is in a dangerous situation during tough times.
They have what I call a “One Paycheck Mindset” and a “One Deposit Destiny.” You MUST change that and let them know those will NEVER produce wealth or enduring Success.
You need to point that out and start talking “layoffs” as a reality and possibility to people that live in that “OPM” world.
Talk to them about a Multiple Paycheck Mindset with their own business and still maintain what they are currently doing for a living. “You do not have to quit your job or change what you are doing. All you need to do is hold conversations with people and share an idea that can help them. Does that sound like something you could see yourself doing?”
Paint a picture of what that would look like and ask them if they would like to be part of those IN control. If you do that in 2012, you will find your team exploding with your mlm recruiting.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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Your training rocks.
Thanks Bill!