home business mlm
MLM Cold Calling Prospecting.
Do you find RELATING and CONNECTING to your mlm prospects difficult in your network marketing home business?
Are you often wondering why they simply say, “Not for Me?”
Are you open to discovering some secrets to relating to your home business prospect that have prove to work on tens of thousands of prospects?
I made about 100,000 dials in a 14 year period and that is not only a lot of dials, but also talking to a lot of people that answered.
Out of the 100,000 dials, I believe I must have talked to about 20,000 cold market leads. THAT is a lot of conversation and a lot of folks that you must relate to. Sometimes it went better than others times, but usually when I would connect to the prospect, it went pretty good.
We put together a couple of Cold Market Relating systems and tactics that made calling cold market prospects so much easier.
Here is a Cold Calling MLM Prospecting secret:
It is easier to recruit a friend then a stranger.
And that is what we focused on. Our goal was not to recruit the prospect, but PULL THEM towards us, and then we would talk to them about the details of our business.
It worked and worked amazing.
What did we do?
Here are 2 powerful strategies we used on Connecting and Relating to our Cold market mlm prospects:
Cold Market Conversation PowerTalk- The F.L.O.S.S. Secret.
We used this relentlessly, as it focuses on what a home business network marketer needs in order to know where the “Connection Points” are to connect to the mlm cold market prospect.
Ask about them in this order:
“Tell me about your…”
F = Family. (Ask about their family if they have one-this can show commitment.)
L = Live. (Find out where they live and if they are a homeowner, as this can show long -term debt and financial responsibility. “Where do you live?” or “I see you live in…”)
O = Occupation. (What they do for a living and how long-this can show stability. “Just curious- are you employed?”)
S = Sales and Marketing. (Find out if they have been in sales before-this can show experience. “Have you ever been in sales and marketing before?”)
S = See yourself in 6 months. (Find out where they want to be financially in 6 months-this can show ambition. “Where would you like to see yourself say 6 months or a year from now financially?”)
This tactic has been amazingly powerful for the cold calling coaching students I have done as well.
2. The PowerTalk ™ — “Connection Phrases”
Here are some phrases that will help you relate to the prospect, as you want them to think, ‘They are like me!”
“I can relate to that!” – This shows that you can relate and connect to what they just said, and you have something in common.
“I was looking for the same thing.” – This shows that you have been where they are.
“I understand.” – There is no more powerful way to connect than to understand someone and what they are saying and endorsing it.
“I totally agree.” Agreeing with someone is a powerful psychological connector and is soo easy to do.
“I have a friend that does that for a living.” This is a Powerful connector.
“You and I seem to be a lot alike.” This one always seems to work without fail.
“You and I share a lot in common.” This is a great way to say, “I am like you.”
Those are 2 powerful MLM Cold Calling prospecting tactics for your network marketing home business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!
FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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So, lets begin to create a friend from a stranger or casual contact, and like Doug teaches, “Keep It All About Them”
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