mlm network marketing training business
MLM Training 4 Words.
Did you have a great new years eve in your mlm home business?
Are you excited about 2012 and all it holds for your mlm home business?
Are you ready to explode your 2012 network marketing business?
I have been doing some thinking the last week, and looking at 2012, and all it holds for our companies in 2012. We are planning many things in 2012, and some I believe could impact dramatically the professional image of our great profession. Our team took a look at 2011 and what worked, what did not work, and what we should consider for 2012.
In network marketing, there are many avenues you can train and coach on, but we have covered that for years. What I was looking at was a question:
What words most suit the transformation I am looking for in 2012?
You may have that same question. What words fit and really connect to what you want to happen in 2012?
I came up with 4 words that I believe for Jodi and myself, fits well for our business. Now these are not personal goals or income, spiritual, or family goals. Those are set and written down, but I am talking BUSINESS here- our mlm network marketing training firm.
These 4 words are our Success Blueprint for 2012 and I wanted to put them in writing and share them with you, and I hope you share yours with me.
Here are the 4 words:
In 2012, I am going to make some Decisions I have never made before, and some will be very difficult to make. But this is the year for Decision and I am going to make some I have never made before. There is no power in choice- only selection. DECISION carries the Power of Success for your mlm network marketing business.
You need to DECIDE that 2012 is going to be your VERY BEST YEAR and engage what I call the “NOPO Rule.”
What is that?
When you make a TRUE Decision, the NOPO Rule kicks in quietly but powerfully.
NOPO = “No Other Possible Option.”
Enough said.
I am going to disconnect this year with what is not working, and what is not fun anymore. I love what I do for a living- serving the profession worldwide. I thank God everyday that I get to do this for a living. But there are parts of it that I need to jettison and disconnect from, as they really is becoming an anchor and not a power.
I am going to Disconnect from all Negative Thinking in 2012.
I am going to Disconnect from all Lack of Belief in 2012.
I am going to Disconnect with Perpetually Negative people this year. Yes, I will still love them and pray for them- but not let them puke on my parade any longer.
I am going to Disconnect to the Distractions and Detractors in 2012.
I am going to Disconnect to Limitations in 2012- THERE AREN’T ANY.
And I am going to Disconnect to Anything that does not ELEVATE people and their dreams.
3. DARE.
I am going to DARE to do things in 2012 that I have never done and even if they STRETCH me and they are uncomfortable.
Daring is something that most people do not do any more. They would rather live in a “risk free zone” and be comfortable with what other people have decided for their lives. I am not going to let anyone I know settle for that.
I want them to DARE with me.
I am going to DARE to Think bigger in 2012 then I ever have before.
I am going to DARE to Believe bigger in 2012 than I ever have before. “As a man thinketh in his heart- so is he.”
I am going to DARE to Engage NEW Possibilities in 2012, and take them HIGHER.
I am going to DARE to Do New Things I have never done in our business before, and do it over and over again.
I am going to DARE to Love like I have never loved before- and that includes friends and family.
I am going to DARE people more than I ever have in 2012 to lift them out of their self imposed limitation in their home business mlm.
I do not just want to win in 2o12, as anyone can do that. I do not want to just be the first at doing something. I want to totally DOMINATE the niche, the sector, the market, and the industry.
Impossible? I do not accept impossibility as a concept for 2102. I am going to go with the ancient success scripture: “All things are possible for those who believe.”
I believe. And I believe that we are going to DOMINATE- in all that we do.
I believe that we were put on this earth to NOT survive. That is what many people do with their network marketing businesses.
2012 TRUTH: Survival is a fruit of people listening to those who have decided that their friends are right. That is all there is for them.
Not this year.
Not this time.
Not this dream.
Not this boy.
I believe that we are going to Dominate in all that we do because we are going to be relentless in learning, growing, getting better, leading, building, and multiplying what we do.
YOU can do that as well.
It is waiting and it is willing to connect with you so 2012 can be the greatest year you have ever had in your entire life.
This is YOUR TIME. This is YOUR YEAR. This is YOUR DREAM. Take these 4 words and OWN THEM for you and 2012 and watch what happens to what happens to your network marketing business in 2012.
Join me in this great journey and let’s unleash 2012 on the world together.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 recruiting secrets !
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
MLM Training Related Posts:
The ONE WAY to Revolutionize YOU in 2012
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Doug, I just listened to your webinar on Social Networking 101. You’ll be pleased –I didn’t stop taking notes the entire hour. Packed with information, explanation and rationale –I loved it. Thank you for offering me the opportunity to hear from you in this way. What a great way to start 2012. Sarah R. has always sung your praises…she’s so right. Thanks so much.
WOW! Thanks for your kind words and there is more on the site for you. Happy new year!
I want to use your testimonial if you do not mind! Thanks! doug
I am ready to DECIDE
I am ready to DISCONNECT
I am ready to DARE
I am ready to DOMINATE
Take me with you and let me join in this Great Journey.
Lets rock this thang Suresh! doug
There’s some seriously powerful affirmations! Thank you for expanding our minds for the future!