home business mlm closing
Your home based business Will never take off, if you never ASK for the prospect to DO SOMETHING.
That is what the successful do. They GET PEOPLE TO MOVE off dead center. And that is one of the best secrets to success in network marketing.
What would happen if YOU just doubled getting people to TAKE ACTION? It would EXPLODE your home business!
Now IT’S TIME to do that very thing in your home business.
Here is a Scenario for your mm business: I want you to imagine going through your presentation. You’re really stoking the presentation going through a series of “Next Moves” to keep your mlm prospect involved and increase their knowledge and interest in your home business.
Then the TIME HAS COME for them to become DOERS:
It is Decision TIME in your home business.
There is a failure formula that many people have come to know unintentionally:
No Decision. No paycheck.
Understand that the last thing you want to hear at this point is a “Maybe.” it does not matter if you are doing an online recruiting process or a face to face- Decision time comes.
Home Business Secret: Maybes in this business will KILL YOUR BUSINESS. You MUST get Prospects Off the Fence!
The Decision is where the Involvement is either Agreed to or they are told you are not who we are looking for. You cannot make money in this home business profession without bringing them to a Decision.
On the Fence = Off the Pay Plan.
In Network Marketing- NEVER Close.
So you want to try to bring them to a decision. And the most common way to do that is through “CLOSING”…
This business is NOT for everyone. Your job is not to Close people, but to help navigate them to a decision that is right for them…
By using what we call “Navigators”…
What are they?
Phrases to help LEAD people to the decision that is right for them.
Think about it…you don’t want people to sign up who will be a headache down the road. So sell them a product, get referrals, and Move Forward…
Here is what we call the “Master Navigator Questions” for online or offline, does NOT matter:
A. Start with…
You know, all I want is what is best for you and is right for you. This was for me, but you’re not me. I am not here to convince you of anything only to see if this is right for you.
B. Then ask…
Does this make sense? (answer)
What is the one thing that really got your attention? Yeah, a lot of folks like that part.
I’ve got an idea, let’s do this. Let’s get the paperwork out of the way so we can get you on your way…
What you have done is create an environment TO HELP THEM MAKE A DECISION!
People will appreciate this so much more than CLOSING them, online or offline…even though getting the decision online simply requires them taking action of some kind…
Navigation is LEADING.
People follow strength.
Be a Leader with Navigators instead of just getting them to sign an application. If you’re a leader, you will get plenty of apps.
Best of all – the Decision is simple to get.
You MUST help and guide people to a decision that is right for them.
If they do not join you, they will REFER you to folks precisely because you didn’t try to pressure them to do something that was not for them. Get them as a customer and get referrals and you’ll achieve success in MLM and Network Marketing.
Either GET THEM to JOIN YOU or to REFER TO YOU or BE HONEST with you. Get them OFF THE fence and your Success will grow rapidly in your home business mlm.
LinkedIn Recruiting? Recruit 10 Professionals a MONTH on LinkedIn?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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