Home Business GOLD Training
A home business training mlm site like we have at PassionFire posts everyday education and trainings that we believe will help move you forward in your home based business. There are many GREAT other speakers, trainers, and authors out in the profession, and we are just honored to be a part of it.
Sometimes we will daily give “how to” education. Other days we will give “why to” education And other times, like today, we give “Reality” education that can only come from experience. After 25 years, you learn a thing or two. And starting in my mid twenties till now- it has been a blessed journey.
Wow. We are celebrating 25 years in this profession this November. Whew. We are going to have an online party to CELEBRATE and YOU are invited!
In our approach to training and education, we have shifted and morphed the home business trainings to fit the marketplace for years, as Social Recruiting Mastery is an example. That has been one of the most fun parts. And it Will continue to be FUN moving along this journey with YOU.
Ok…enough about that. Let’s get to the training today.
Hope that your Labor Day weekend is rocking! Jodi and I wish you a great and restful time with your family.
You know, the last few months, I have been getting so many emails and communications via social media that people are just “done.” And I mean DONE.
Cooked. Burned out. Looking for an Exit sign.
They are ready to throw in the towel and give up on their dream as they feel that it is not going to happen- especially with the economy and all.
Hmmm….who you have YOU been listening to?
Well, I am not going to get up on my soap box, but I will share with you what my mentor said to me one time and he has produced well over 8 Billion with one team!
That is BILLION with a “B.”
These words were golden to me and so needed at a time when I nearly gave up.
I hope that you keep focused and these words help you.
What did he say?
“Those that LAST, end up FIRST.”
This business, this home business profession is a LASTING process- and it will try you, stretch you, and pull you in all kinds of directions.
That includes mentally, physically, financially, and more.
But here is THE TRUTH:
Much more.
So read these 6 “Golden Words” every day and KNOW that you are going to CRUSH IT out of the park.
Gone baby gone. Cannot even find the ball.
I am so glad he shared those pearls with me, and I can now share them with you.
Truly, profound wisdom for a home business that is not growing like it should.
It is NOT how FAST…
Outlast the nay sayers.
Outlast the negatives.
Outlast the small thinkers.
Outlast the petty people.
Outlast those who simply will never ‘get it” about Success.
Outlast the friends and family.
Outlast those who settle for mediocrity. YOU NEVER WILL.
THAT is what Success requires, and demands.
Now it is YOUR TURN to ROCK your business and Shut Down – those who will NOT SHUT UP.
Outlast – to come – In FIRST in your MLM home business.
How do you FUSE Social Media with MLM and create ENDLESS LEADS?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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