MLM Recruiting- 6 Reasons WHY You MUST have a Home Business in 2012


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home business WHY network marketing


WHY a Home Business.

What are the REAL reasons that Home business entrepreneurs considered network marketing in the first place?

If you are an online marketer, or a funnel marketing specialists, or mobile marketer, what are the reasons that YOU chose a home business?

Would it help you to KNOW WHY most people decide to enroll in a home business?

 That alone would help in your home business recruiting.

Outside of common sense, there are reasons why-  from an economy standpoint -that a home business is a MUST in 2012.

For instance: (here are some facts from the internet news)

  • Fitch: U.S. State and Federal Debt to Hit 94% of GDP
    It is mathematically impossible to pay off the federal debt. (yes that is true.)
    Congress passes record debt hike .
    Obama Signs Law Raising Public Debt Limit from $12.4 Trillion to $14.3 Trillion.
    It Is Now Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off The U.S. National Debt.
    Two Dozen States’ Unemployment Funds in the Red, Nine More Within Six Months
    Cash-strapped US running out of unemployment money.
    More and More States on Budget Brink.

Hello? Enough said?

I was in a seminar recently, and was asked WHY a person needs a home business. I thought that was a great question and thought that I might answer this on this post. We also have a CD called The 12 Reasons why YOU MUST have a Home business as well that gives you 12 MORE reasons.

Here are 6 powerful reasons why people start their own home businesses”

1. Flexibility 

This means you want a Business on YOUR own terms.

The #1 benefit for home business owners is flexibility.  They do not have to punch a clock, report to any kind of a boss, or sit in a car during rush-hour traffic and get all stressed out like many do everyday. You can take as many vacations as you want WHEN YOU want and WHERE you want.

And social media, mobile marketing, and internet marketing allow you to be flexible where you work it. With mobile devices you can work your business anywhere there is internet.

2. Money.

The only limit on your earning potential in network marketing is YOU . Almost as powerful as the flexibility, is the income and money.  I would not say it is easy money as home business marketers work hard for every single dollar they make . But the greatest thing is that YOU are in TOTAL CONTROL of what YOU make daily.

When you own an mlm home business you’re in the driver’s seat. If you need to make more money, you just spend more time working your home business. The great thing about driving revenues from a network marketing business is that it can be totally residual.

WHOA BABY!!! Hold your horses!

What do you mean by “residual income”?

 It means that my team and online tools help drive volume even when I do not have the time to work on them.

This is called “LEVERAGED INCOME.” You are leveraging other people’s time and efforts as well as technology to help increase your income.

Leveraging your income frees you up to go out and recruit new prospects, which helps build your business in the future. As you can see this has a total multiplying effect  on your team, your leaders, and prospects for your home business.

You need to recruit some strong leaders that will help you to earn a substantial monthly income. If you recruit the RIGHT people, your network marketing business can be self-sustaining. If you decide to take a week off and go on vacation you are still making money by your team leveraging their efforts.

3. Low Start-Up Costs.

You don’t have to mortgage your house to launch a network marketing business like many franchise opportunities seem to make you want. The startup finances that come with starting up a typical brick and mortar business range from tens of thousands of dollars, to millions of dollars, depending on the business.

 This can present an enormous obstacle for most future entrepreneurs. Even starting part time and having an online store marketing things can be expensive and often frustrating. You can launch a home business that that can start generating instant income for often just a couple hundred dollars, even if you have absolutely no experience in business.

4. No Employees.

Unless you count yourself. One of the biggest challenges facing home based business owners today is finding and managing effective employees, let alone loyal employees. Employees can cost a business a ton of money quickly with one mistake. When you add up  cost of an employee’s salary, benefits, and other requirements, it can add up fast!

There are unfortunately also hidden costs associated with brining aboard employees. Consider the costs of unemployment if you have to lay off an employee. OUCH! Consider your liability if an employee gets hurt on the job working at a place of business. What if an employee sues you for wrongful termination?

AAGGHHHH!  What if an employee goes to work for one of your competitors?

Obviously, it can be quite burdensome to have employees working for your business. With a work at home mlm business you can run the business without having hired help. Not only does this save you a TON of money, but it also eliminates risks associated with having employees on your payroll.

5. No Inventory.

In reality, all you need is a computer and an Internet connection to run a home business.  No need for all that  inventory tyat is required for regular businesses, when you have a network marketing business. The only “goods” you’re selling are SOLUTIONS.

These Solutions are benefits that your products and services offer.

6. No Customer Service.

Let someone else worry about it- like your network marketing company. They provide that for FREE.  Nearly every business on earth has customers so therefore there must be a customer service focus.

Your home business company provides all of that.

These are 6 Powerful reasons that people MUST consider a home business today. If you talk about these in social media, mobile recruiting, and online marketing, you will see an explosion in your recruiting and success in your mlm home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 recruiting secrets!

blessings..doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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