Are you looking for some little known and little taught recruiting tips?

mlm recruiting
MLM Recruiting.
Are you wanting to increase dramatically your recruiting success?
Here are 5 quick mlm recruiting tips that will help accelerate your mlm online recruiting as well as offline:
1) “Manu people make this mistake when they reach out to someone they have talked to…When you do your follow up work, don’t SAY I am following up.”
That is a turn off and says ” I HAVE AN AGENDA.” What you need to say is, “I wan to RECONNECT with you to see if you have any questions , and to see where we need to go from here…” And always LEAD THEM by asking what they liked best about what they have seen or heard: “Tell me what you have liked best about what you have heard so far…”
2) ” When you are holding a second conversation with them, use Connection Questions to keep them solidly and powerfully Connected to you.”
Here are some Connection Questions you can use: “Does this make sense so far?” “Are you with me so far?” “Am I being clear enough for you?” “Have any questions so far?” “This is pretty awesome, isn’t it Mary?” These are powerful MLM Recruiting Questions to keep them focused and connected to what you are saying. These are GOLD when you are following up with the prospect.
3) “One of the biggest challenges is the FOCUS of the MLM Distributor and what they want. When you are recruiting, make sure your focus is NOT- I want something FROM you. Make sure your focus IS- I have something FOR you.”
You need to develop a powerful focus that MAGNETIZES the prospect and draws them towards you. When you are holding a conversation with a prospect, make sure they are feeling from you and sense in your words, a “Gift” focus, not a “Get” focus. This is one of the most powerful secrets in MLM Network Marketing recruiting. This one mlm recruiting tip will revolutionize your network marketing home business.
4) “Prospects want to KNOW you can help them and sense it. It is not about Hype and a ton of useless energy, but about HOPE and Powerful SYNERGY!”
If you have been in home business very long, you will see that many MLM distributors try to HYPE and Pressure people into joining. This business of network marketing is NOT about hype. It is all about HOPE and what that brings to the prospect’s future. Hope for a better future and destiny, hope for more money and income, hope for an ENLARGED lifestyle. People will be PULLED towards and MAGNETIZED to hope, but turned off totally by hype. Hype comes from nothng the head and a “ME FOCUS”, and hope comes from the HEART in MLM and Network Marketing with a YOU focus. Start Marketing HOPE, and see your recruiting explode beyond what you can imagine.
5) “Many people online as well as offline make this mistake when presenting. When you do any kind of a presentation including webinars, BE IN the presentation, not just AT the presentation.”
When you make a presentation, make sure that you are not just AT the presentation and not FULLY ENGAGED in your actions and words. So many people present their products qnd business and they come across like they are on “automatic pilot.” BE IN the presentation, with power, belief, excitement, Leadership, emotion, conviction, and energy. There is nothing worse in my opinon, than sitting in a home business mlm presentation and not FEELING the presentation from the distributor.
These are 5 MLM recruiting tips that have proven to not only work, but work well for your netwotk marketing home business.
Recruit 5 People a Day from your MOBILE? How?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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