Success Strategies- The Secret of the Success Power of Small, Simple Adjustments

Success Strategies- The Secret of the Success Power of Small, Simple Adjustments


By Doug Firebaugh

Success sometimes takes a little thing, not a big one. And one of the most powerful Success strategies is the Power of the Small, Simple Adjustments that can make HUGE quantum leaps in your life.

Many times, we tend to look at the big things that need adjusting, and changing. That could include personality, goals, communication, and leadership. There is nothing wrong with that as that is needed many times to reconstruct a Success Structure within. And there are good reasons to do so as well.

But why take the time to do what many times is not needed? We waste time in our Success pursuit trying to reinvent ourselves, when Small, Simple Adjustment would work wonders. Small adjustments in what you think, say, and do in your Success Journey on a daily basis.

A Small, Simple, Adjustment for your thinking, would be to understand that you control your thinking, or someone else does. You need simply to make a small adjustment in your perception of your thinking.

Imagine that your mind is a DVD, and you can put on it any movie that you want. Instead of viewing on your DVD a weak, failure prone life and day, you put on your DVD a powerful, Successful day and life, and failure is not a possibility.

DVD stands either for “Doubling Victory Daily!”

Or DVD stands for “Dramatic Victim Daily.”

It all depends on what you want to put on your mental DVD, and want to watch during the course of the day. A Small, Simple, Adjustment of watching a movie of Success could mean the difference of $100,000 a year in income.

A Small, Simple, Adjustment for your words would be to get rid of the negative words, and any foul language. Easy to do, if you set your minds to it. Start speaking with a positive focus and get rid of any language that does not serve your Success.

Start speaking possibilities, not problems. Start speaking what you are going to do, not what you don’t know what to do. Start making a small adjustment in the action of your words, and make sure they are forward focused, not challenge focused. Start speaking Success into your future, not mediocrity as most people do.

Use words like “will,” and “Must”, instead of might and may. These are the types of small, simple, adjustments that can create a powerful communication style in everything you do.

A Small, Simple, Adjustment for your actions, would be to engage what you are struggling to start, but baby step it. Simply break down even the simplest task into baby steps, and engage them one at a time with ease. We have a tendency to try and take massive actions that many times can be overwhelming, intimidating, and discouraging.

We believe that the Success Strategy of “Baby Stepping Success’ makes it easier to create Success in your life, and are small, simple, and effective. It is NOT what you think of doing, or say you are doing, but WHAT you are doing that matters, and many times it is the small, simple adjustments in your actions that can make a HUGE difference in your Success.

Don’t plan on working long hours, and getting bogged down in the details of things. Take small, effective steps that will create the outcomes you WANT, not the ones you usually take.

All Success is, and ever will be, are “action baby steps” that have been taken, and when combined together along with their outcomes, produces the Success you are seeking.

Success Strategies are vital, and the Success strategy of Small, Simple, Adjustments in what you think, do, or say over a period of time, can make a HUGE difference in your Success and Personal Success Strategies.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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Success Training Secrets- Moving from Success Motivation to MotiveInvasion! ™

Success Training Secrets- Moving from Success Motivation to MotiveInvasion! ™

By Doug Firebaugh


What a great word that most people rarely use. It is a powerful word that runs our lives daily, and it definitely one of the greatest secrets of Success in the world. But yet, people have a tendency to ignore it, and focus on other things in their life, and miss the power of the Motive in their heart which could bring to them their life dreams for Success.

Motive is the CORE reason someone does something. It is the Essence of Action, and the Foundation of Force. It contains many things that can inspire and motivate us, if we let it. But it seems that we often miss the TRUE Motive for any Success in life.

The word “Motivation” is actually two words, as we say in WildFire Success

“Motive Action”.

That is what TRUE Success Motivation is. It is your True “Motive In Action” and engaged in the Success process.

But many folks, like myself, had an invasion of the heart and mind. It was an invasion of the mediocre mentality that turned our Motivation, to “Excuse-ation”, and our excuses became our motive to do nothing with our life. Many folks run their lives by excuses, not excellence, and ends up in the pit of average with everyone else that has the same problem. Truly it was an invasion of the worst kind.

Their once focused world of dreams, aspirations, and hope, was silently invaded by an army of “Can’t do it commandos, Won’t work wingmen, Never last Navy, It’s Impossible Privates, and Give it up grenade throwers.” And from that lack and fear based force, they tore apart, word by word, piece by piece, day by day, thought by thought, the dreams that you once held deep in your heart, and was once your motive for a better life and future.

Here is the Million Dollar Question:

Are you going to let them still remain as an invasion force of mediocrity in your world, or are you going to take back what is rightfully yours, your Success dreams, and aspirations?

You need what I call a “MotiveInvasion!” ™

It is Motivation that has invaded your heart, life, and dreams again, and taken back what is yours and what you long for in your life! THE Motive that you have always wanted for your life! And it is time in 2006 that you decided that the insurgents in your life that have been keeping your dreams hostage, were overrun with an Army of Actions that created the Victory in your life you deserve!

Here is how you plan a Special Ops Team “MotiveInvasion:” You need to go to the “WAR Room” in your mind and ask some serious Success questions. (WAR stands for Winning Again Repeatedly.)

1) What is the single most important thing you want to happen in 2006 more than anything else in your life? Write it down.
2) If you obtain that, what would the three biggest rewards, benefits, or changes that would occur in your life?
3) If those changes did occur, what would happen to your 2006?
4) Do you honestly believe it is possible to obtain it in 2006?
5) What is the VERY FIRST THING you need to do to take the first step towards that happening?
6) What is the second step? The third step? The fourth step? Etc.
7) When do you begin the Invasion with the Special Ops Success Force?

That is how you move from “used to have” motivation, to an OnFIRE MotiveInvasion! You let the Motive that is deep in your heart become your Success driver and invade your negative thoughts and expectations with a radical Success “it’s a done deal” Strike force of thoughts.

Success Nugget:

That motive deep inside is whatever you want to see enlarged, expanded, increased, enhanced, or empowered in your life in 2006.

It is time to call up the Troops of Thought that will start overtaking any area in your mind that has gone negative and doubtful You have incredible potential inside of you, and most of our potential was overrun with other people’s army of excuses and negative beliefs. It is time for that to stop dominating your life and let the invasion of your Success motive become your focus and dream once more.

Start right now with a MotiveInvasion of Success and a dream that you will no longer let lie dormant. It’s time to se ti onFire with The Flame of Possibility and the Heat of Hope.

That will start an Invasion of Thinking and Actions that will eventually lead to a Life of Victory, High Achievement, and Radical, undeniable Success!


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doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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Success Training Secrets- You Have ALREADY Experienced Success- Repeat IT!

Success Training Secrets- You Have ALREADY Experienced Success- Repeat IT!

by Doug Firebaugh



You can’t lead a Cavalry charge — if you think you look funny on a horse….”
John Peers

Self esteem. Many times wounded by invisible failure bullets.

Loaded words that like a well aimed bullet, hits the heart of most people and destroys most success potential they have.


Is your gun Loaded?

Do you have a “bullet proof” mind set on?

So many people out in the world think as far as Motivation and Success, they are only 2 things:

1) Not worthy
2) Not good enough

And they have the most incredible potential to do the extraordinary in Success, to lead a calvary charge to a HUGE Success victory, but the think they look funny on a horse of opportunity.

Do you think you look funny on the Horse of Success?

The Stallion of Victory?

The Mustang of Achievement?

Let’s be honest.

Is your preference The Mule of Mediocrity?

I want you to do something:

Get a piece of paper.

And write down the top 5 Success achievements of last year. Doesn’t matter how large or small, just when you succeeded at something.

Underneath the 5 Successes, write:

“I deserve Success again.”

And make copies of it and read it and relive those successes daily by reading them and speaking them out.


To show you that you look GREAT and ride great on a Success Horse. And to program your mind with a positive picture, with you leading a charge straight to the Gates of Mediocrity and failure to destroy them in your life.

And your goal is burning down the walls of Self doubt and unworthiness with the Fire of Success burning in your eyes and heart lit by the Fire of Hope!.

Do you remember when you learned to drive a car?

Once you did it, you knew you could do it again.

Once you learned to ride a bike, you knew you could do it again.

How did that happen?

You repeated what you did before, first in your mind, then in reality.

You already have mounted up and ridden the Success Horse with your past Successes. You listed them, and you know you can do it again.

Repeat what you did before concerning:

1) Belief.
2) Focus.
3) Determination.
4) Mental Saddle riding skills.

And don’t worry about whether you are worthy enough, or good enough, or smart enough.


You deserve the best Life has to offer regarding Success in life.

The main reason you think you look funny on a Success horse is someone else, at sometime in your life, thought they looked funny as well. So they told you that you did too, so you wouldn’t ride off to Massive Success and leave them behind in the Desert of mediocrity.

Saddle Up! You look GREAT on a the Stallion of Success!

It’s Time to Ride and STORM THE GATES of Failure!

Hi Yo Siliver- and Away to Massive, Marvelous, and Monumental Success!



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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MLM Network Marketing Training- The 5 Secrets to MLM Success in Setting MLM Goals for 2006

MLM Network Marketing Training- The 5 Secrets to MLM Success in Setting MLM Goals for 2006

by Doug Firebaugh

HAPPY NEW YEAR in MLM and Network Marketing!

It’s 2006!

And now, the question has to be asked, as it is always asked at this time of the year:

What goals are you planning for 2006?

Or let’s be honest:

Do you even have any goals for 2006 for your MLM business?

So many folks in Network Marketing will have the same year they had last year, and the year before, because they have not set any goals (I call them targets) that will focus and inspire them to greater success in their Network Marketing business.

How about you?

Would you like a little help in setting some targets to shoot for, and help you become excellent at “Target practice” in MLM? These are so simple to do, but yet many do not do it in Network marketing.

Many networkers “wing it” every year, and plan no goals or targets, and end up with a business 10% of what it could have been if they had taken the time to plan for Success in MLM. They “shoot from the hip,” versus “shoot from their greatness” that they should be shooting for. Success is a target that is looked at, aimed for, and shot towards daily. Are you planning on doing that?

Your “Success Targets” or goals, should be 5 things in MLM. And these 5 things should be the driving focus of your goals. If your Success Targets fall into line with these 5 parameters, you will have a tremendous increase in odds of MLM Success in 2006.

You MLM Success Targets should force you to REACH for Success in 2006! We will take the acrostic REACH and see how your goals should be:

1) R…stands for REALITY BASED.

You Success targets hould be based in reality, not fantasy. They should force you to Reach, nor Wreck. They should force you to pull out your best, not pull a muscle. No matter what the goal, it should be reality focused.

You can make all the goals you want that are nothing more than fantasies, but Success Targets are goals that stretch you, not stress you in MLM.

What do you REALLY want to do with your MLM business this year? Make it reality based, and break the steps down to baby steps, and you will find that your Success Targets are being “bulls-eyed” every time!

2) E…stands for ENERGIZING.

Your MLM Success Targets need to excite you, and energize you. If they do not energize you, how are they going to energize others?

They will not.

Your goals should FIRE YOU UP when you think about them, and take action on them. They should energize you every time you teel others about them, and plan on achieving them in network marketing.

Are you and do they?

Get some Success Targets that will create some energy with you and your prospects. You will be glad you did!

3) A…stands for ACCOUNTABLE.

Simply, your network marketing success goals should be accountable and countable. Can you measure your goals and keep track of where you are with them? If you cannot, you will weaken the chance of achieving them.

Be accountable to at least an upline, or support team member. Create some responsibility to the goals, and their Success. It will accelerate your MLM Success!


You need to have a time line that has a beginning and an end. You need to know when the goal is supposed to be started, and completed. And it should be a step by step MLM Success construction process that has a focus of when it needs to be completed.

A time line is the “winner’s line” that we shoot for, and move on past. It is a step along the way to greatness in network marketing.

Do you have a Constructive Time line or a Destructive Dead line?

HUGE difference!

5) H…stands for HAVE IT IN WRITING.

In MLM, you need to put your Success Targets in writing! It crystallizes what is in your mind to what is down on paper.


And when you put something in writing, you will find that it becomes more of a focus for you, and more of a focus for your mlm actions. Writing it down can take a goal from a thought to an action quickly. And it can help create structure and organize your plans and actions so they all work together in your MLM Success pursuit.

These are the 5 parameters that your goals should be fro your Network Marketing Success. If you do this, and if you follow the system of breaking it down into baby steps of Success, you will have a mind blowing 2006 in your MLM and Network Marketing business!



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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Christian Success Training Christian Motivation- Are You Tapped into The Ultimate Success Voltage?

Christian Success Training Christian Motivation- Are You Tapped into The Ultimate Success Voltage?

By Doug Firebaugh

“But the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered”…

Romans 8:26

Christian Success and Motivation.

Many times, we try to succeed ourselves, as the Holy Spirit shakes His Head.

Did you know that you had a “Holy Success Spirit?”

That’s right…the Holy Spirit is a Master of Success and High Achievement and has never failed.

Not one time.


In the Bible, His Holy Success Record is perfect, unblemished, untouched, and undefeated.

His Success Ratio is beyond perfect, along with His Holy Achievement track record that has only Success as it’s Holy Numbers.

He has never known anything but Success, as The Fathers’ Word does not return to Him void. Christian Success is guaranteed through Him.

The thought of failure has never entered the Holy Spirit’s Holy, Perfect, Pristeen, Majestic Mind. Failure does not exist with Him, as that is a process of the world, not the Word. Success is what the Holy Spirit brings in all He does, and all He accomplishes. Christian Success is no exception.

The Holy Success Spirit helps us in our Success journey and most of the time we are not even aware of it. We many times are too busy living life and getting lost in all the details, to understand what the Holy Spirit is doing in our life.

He intercedes for us, in ways we cannot know, and will help you in your success path with the Father. His prayers for your Success go on daily, and with groans we could never understand.

The Holy Spirit is One, Incredible, Powerful, Motivational, Success Focused God. And that includes Christian Success in the marketplace!

The Holy Spirit is also a loving, gentle, caring Spirit of the Lord. He loves us so much, and wants only the best for us, and we many times get in His way when He is working in our lives.

But He is also powerful, strong, and willing to “go to bat” for us in heaven, with Him interceding on our behalf, and also helping us pray with His Holy Success Motivation Power. It is a Power and Success Voltage that we could never comprehend, and ever imagine.

Are you CONNECTED to that Holy Success Voltage of His? His Unlimited and Infinite Motivation Wattage is the same Wattage that created the universe!

How would you like THAT as part of your Supernatural Success Arsenal for Christian Marketplace Success and Motivation ?

Have you tapped into that Power that Christ spoke of before He ascended to heaven?

Do you realize the mind boggling Holy Help you have in your prayers for Success in your life?

The Power you COULD be using that Jesus Himself spoke of?

Or are you letting your own spirit do all the work on your own low voltage almost burned out power?

That would be like praying with 9 battery volts of prayer power…verses 100 trillion volts times infinity with the Holy Spirit.

Are you plugged in? Is your Success Connected to that Power and Success Wattage?

ALL you have to do is ASK God for It — and His Touch will EXPLODE your Success!

Do you believe that Power is waiting on you to plug in and start Succeeding so massivley that it would leave you speechless?

Go ahead! Connect to that Power of the Lord and be left totally speechless…

As He silently goes to work and speaking life into you dreams of Christian Success Motivation!



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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Christian MLM Training- Christian Motivation- Are You Tapped into The Ultimate Success Voltage?

Christian MLM Training- Christian Motivation- Are You Tapped into The Ultimate Success Voltage?

By Doug Firebaugh

“But the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered”…

Romans 8:26

Christian MLM Success and Motivation.

Many times, we try to succeed ourselves, as the Holy Spirit shakes His Head.

Did you know that you had a “Holy Success Spirit?”

That’s right…the Holy Spirit is a Master of Success and High Achievement and has never failed.

Not one time.


In the Bible, His Holy Success Record is perfect, unblemished, untouched, and undefeated.

His Success Ratio is beyond perfect, along with His Holy Achievement track record that has only Success as it’s Holy Numbers.

He has never known anything but Success, as The Fathers’ Word does not return to Him void. Christian MLM Success is guaranteed through Him.

The thought of failure has never entered the Holy Spirit’s Holy, Perfect, Pristeen, Majestic Mind. Failure does not exist with Him, as that is a process of the world, not the Word. Success is what the Holy Spirit brings in all He does, and all He accomplishes. Christian MLM is no exception.

The Holy Success Spirit helps us in our Success journey and most of the time we are not even aware of it. We many times are too busy living life and getting lost in all the details, to understand what the Holy Spirit is doing in our life.

He intercedes for us, in ways we cannot know, and will help you in your success path with the Father. His prayers for your Success go on daily, and with groans we could never understand.

The Holy Spirit is One, Incredible, Powerful, Motivational, Success Focused God. And that includes Christian MLM!

The Holy Spirit is also a loving, gentle, caring Spirit of the Lord. He loves us so much, and wants only the best for us, and we many times get in His way when He is working in our lives.

But He is also powerful, strong, and willing to “go to bat” for us in heaven, with Him interceding on our behalf, and also helping us pray with His Holy Success Motivation Power. It is a Power and Success Voltage that we could never comprehend, and ever imagine.

Are you CONNECTED to that Holy Success Voltage of His? His Unlimited and Infinite Motivation Wattage is the same Wattage that created the universe!

How would you like THAT as part of your Supernatural Success Arsenal for Christian MLM?

Have you tapped into that Power that Christ spoke of before He ascended to heaven?

Do you realize the mind boggling Holy Help you have in your prayers for Success in your life?

The Power you COULD be using that Jesus Himself spoke of?

Or are you letting your own spirit do all the work on your own low voltage almost burned out power?

That would be like praying with 9 battery volts of prayer power…verses 100 trillion volts times infinity with the Holy Spirit.

Are you plugged in? Is your Success Connected to that Power and Success Wattage?

ALL you have to do is ASK God for It — and His Touch will EXPLODE your Success!

Do you believe that Power is waiting on you to plug in and start Succeeding so massivley that it would leave you speechless?

Go ahead! Connect to that Power of the Lord and be left totally speechless…

As He silently goes to work and speaking life into you dreams of Christian Success Motivation and Christian MLM!



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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Christian MLM Network Marketing Training- Which Success Zone are you in – His or Yours?

Christian MLM Network Marketing Training- Which Success Zone are you in – His or Yours?

by Doug Firebaugh


“He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.”

Psalm 107:20

Do you realize that you are either Constructing or destructing your future and MLM Godly Success?

There is no inbetween here.

It is either or. It is black and white. It is yes or no. It is stop or go.

That is how we need to look at what is happening to our future and Godly Success in many respects– either Construction or Destruction, and nothing in between.

But there is hope, and His Name is Jesus, who was the Master Carpenter, and still is today. He crafts Godly Success in people’s lives one Breath at a time, one Holy Touch at a time. He builds and designs MLM Success destinies as He designed the spnase of the universe- carefully and perfectly.

If you are not having much Godly Success in your life, because of destructive behaviors, words, actions, expecations, and thought patterns, hang tight! Success does show up when God shows up.

You are just in the wrong Zone of Life.

What Zone you are in will depend on what shows up as far as Network Marketing Success in your life.

Godly Success Secret:

Godly Success will always show up — in the Construction Zone.

This is where you think positive, focused, powerful thoughts of Success through the Power of the Holy Spirit, and those thoughts and words help construct the true winner that you can be.

Mediocrity will always show up — in the Destruction Zone. This is where you think and say very negative, damaging, destructive words and thoughts in your life, and continue to be influenced by the world, not the Godly Success Power found in The Word.

Everyday, we go off to work, and work hard at either constructing a future God would bless…

Or a future that would make the devil proud. This is one thing that we really should not want to do, is honor him with our negative thoughts and words of doubt and worry. We need to get serious about our Godly Success in life.

God deserves the Glory and Honor all of the time. Even with your MLM Success that you are blessed with, it was God Who did the constructing — through you.

What are you doing as far as construction of your Christian MLM success?

Do you have God’s hard hat on? Do you have on the Armor of God? Or do you even have Him on your mind?

Today, look at where you are going, and what you are doing regarding your Success and life.

Are you Building, or blasting?

Are you Roofing or Rutting?

Are Nailing or failing?

God is your Construction Superintendent in life and Success.

He is coming for inspections today. What does your Christian Network Marketing Success Building look like?

Or not look like?



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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Christian MLM Network Marketing Training- Christian Success- Success that Rises from the Ashes of Failure

Christian MLM Network Marketing Training- Christian Success- Success that Rises from the Ashes of Failure

by Doug Firebaugh

“…Destroy this temple and I will raise it up again in three days…” John 2:19

Jesus understood about rising again successfully after something being destroyed.

Do you?

Many times when we make the decision to create a Holy Success in our MLM Success life through the Spirit, many well meaning people will come against you. They will destroy your excitment, focus, belief, and actions to succeed in Network Marketing.

They will try to put you down, and leave you in the dirt of deception. They will try to firehose your Christian success with the water of won’t happen, and it’s a waste of time. They will try to bury you in grave of groans and excuses, and leave you staggering on your feet.

They did Christ, but He understood His Success Power to Rise.

Do you understand your Success Power to rise again- through the Holy Spirit in Network Marketing?

Jesus has an incomprehensible way to touch you, help you up, dust you off, then tell you that you will rise again in your life, no matter what has happened. It is Supernatural, and can overcome anything the world will throw your way.

God can overcome anything, including:



Business Failure.

Children Failure.

Financial Pressures.

Life Pressures.

And all of these can take you out, and shove you down, and leave you lying in the dirt of doubt, and the mud of misery.

A far cry from massive MLM Success in life!

Then You hear His Voice: “Be not afraid…for I will help you rise again.”

He has a history of rising, and He has His Hand out, waiting for you to take It.

No matter what has happened in your life, and your MLM Success Journey, you can rise to a level of massive Success again!

Rising Again is the Master’s Specialty.

If you are really suffering in Life’s Trenches of Torture in any point today, then understand:

You WILL rise again in the Success of Life and Network Marketing!

RISE stands for:

“Realizing It’s (the) Spirit’s Empowerment”

When you realize it’s HIS Power, not your’s that will help you back up, and keep you back up.

A new dawn has risen in your life.

Ask Him today to touch your circumstances, finances, relationship, or whatever else has been buried in a tomb of destruction. Then make a decision to start moving towards Success again, but NOT in your power, but in the Success Power of the Holy Spirit!

Make a goal of what you want restored in your life, and then give it over to the Lord, and then ask yourself this:

What is the first thing that I need to do to start moving towards this goal? Then take that step with God by your side. It will rock your world as a believer, and please God as well as your actions demonstate FAITH. And it will increase His Working in your life too!

And also enlarge your Success as a believer and Christian Network Marketer.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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MLM Network Marketing Training- Christian Success Training- The Ultimate Success Power and Success Manual

MLM Network Marketing Training- Christian Success Training- The Ultimate Success Power and Success Manual

by Doug Firebaugh



“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword”…

Hebrews 4:12

How sharp are you at what you do for a living? Are you someone who “gets it” and is looked up to, or are you still trying to figure Success out?

Are you quick on your feet and quick to act? Do you have strong instincts when it comes to High Achievement?

How powerful are you in front of people, and when you communicate? Does it impact people and excite them? Does it move them and create an emotiopnal stirring or do your words fall flat on the floor with not much response?

Do you communicate in a powerful fashion?


There is a Holy Success Secret that lies within every Christian’s hands. It is the Secret to Success that everyone seeks, but few find. It is a Power SOAKED with God’s Power and Touch, and is a Supernatural Success Magnet on Steroids. It is simply the most Success focused environment on earth.

It’s called The Word of God.

And that alone will sharpen your skill set for Success like a razor. It will take your raw Success iron, and change it to steel, and then sharpen it to the point of where even the evil one knows not to distrub your efforts and Success pursuit.

It will make you a powerful force in anything you do. it will accelerate anything you do. It will enlarge anything you touch. It will multiply everything you task. And it will increase all aspects of your Success walk.

And It will make you a quick thinker, quick on your feet, and a quick study.


By the incredible Power of Change that lies within It. The Power to change every aspect of you, and to create a new you that people will be amazed at. And it all happens from the Unseen Realm, where God lives.

It will change your thinking.

It will change your confidence.

It will change your communication.

It will change your belief.

It will change your possibilities.

It will change your perspective.

It will change your expectations.

The Bible will change radically your potential for Success. From an Unseen Power from an Unseen Realm, with an Unseen Touch that will Transform you overnight.

BUT- You MUST read it daily!

Start with the Book of Proverbs and then move to the Book of John. Take 1 chapter a day, and ask, “How can this apply to my Success efforts? What can I learn from this? What is the Success Message that can be found here?”

This time in the Word will empower you and your Success in ways that you cannot fathom, and enlarge your potential to Succeed in ways that are unimaginable.

Then get a Success journal, and make daily notes of your thoughts and what you can do with what you have read with your Success.

But it’s like an air conditioner when it’s 112 degrees outside.(typical summer here in Dallas.)

If it’s not plugged in, it won’t work. Are you plugged into God’s Word? Do you read a part of it daily?

Here is a tip:

Don’t just plug into IT….

Let It PLUG INTO YOU! And CONNECT you to the Supernatural SOURCE for all Christian Success!

It will change your Success and High Achievement forever!



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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MLM Network Marketing Training- Success Training Secrets- The Success Power of a New Year’s Resolution

MLM Network Marketing Training- Success Training Secrets- The Success Power of a New Year’s Resolution

By Doug Firebaugh



“The Real Secret of a Successful New Year’s Resolution lies within the word itself……”

Doug’s mentor

Have you ever made New Year’s resolutions and they did not make it past January? (Don’t Lie!) Ever tell someone that you were going to make this the year that you changed your life, and then come January 20th, you have fallen back into the same life pattern that you have been struggling with and it steal your Success?

Ever made a Success resolution to work out every week? You “decided” that you were going to get up and work out, and finally get that body you have always wanted? You were telling everyone that this was the year, and this was the time that they were going to see a new you and you were going to create Success doing it!

Uh huh. I have been there. And I ended up looking quite foolish, until I decided just to start it, and not worry about talking about it. Then you will start to see some changes in your physique!

How about to lose weight?

Ever talk to folks and tell them that you were going to lose the weight you want this year, and you were going to become a lean, mean, weight losing machine? And then after 30 days, you were back eating twinkies?

Yep. Got that one.

Here’s one — to quit smoking! I know so many folks that have promised themselves that they were going to quit smoking! This is the year! I will be smoke free!

Good idea!

Success Intentions.

Most of the New year’s resolutions are made with the best intentions, but most fail miserably. They really never get out of the starting blocks to obtain Success. All the words were nice, but there was no real sustained effort in the change process for Success.



Lack of proper focus in the word itself.

Actually, the word resolution has a very different meaning if you look at the word itself.

To me, it carries a little different meaning, if you use a little different perspective and view of the word. Many times, changing how you view something is the “shift” that you need to create Success with something.

I like the word “Re-Solution.”

In other words, if you make a resolution to change something, you are actually “re-solutioning” it with a different solution. Most people don’t do that. They are trying to use the same old solution to a problem that did not work before.

“Re” means to repeat. So you are repeating the attempt, to create a new success solution, to solve an old problem .


But doesn’t work. If it did, you would not have to be attempting the same new year’s resolution as last year, and the year before.

THE Success Solution.

Here’s an idea:

Don’t make a resolution, but a REAL Solution!

And if you make a REAL Solution, that will cause a DISSOLUTION to your problem.

(Dissolves that challenge!)

Ok. How? Simple.

1) What is it you want to change? Write it down.

2) How bad to you want to change it? (Deciding factor!)

3) How will that improve your life? (List them..)

4) What is the very first thing you need to do to start the change process? Do it.

5) What’s the second? Do it.

6) What’ s the third? Do it.

7) What’s after that? Continue to do it till done..

Now, you are making a REAL solution to your life, not some wimpy, whiny, weak, wasted, willowy, wishy- washy, won’t work, waste of time, woe is me, featherweight promise you know you won’t keep!

If you look at the word “resolution” for what it really is, and change your mindset to a “REAL solution”..

You can change your whole life in a day, as well as the Achievement and Success in your life.




doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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