home business telephone success
MLM Telephone Training.
Do you know the 3 phases of a telephone call in network marketing?
When do you make your phone calls in your mlm business?
Are to moving through the 3 phases of a phone call with success?
There is a Process that most people use on the telephone, but are not aware of it. They are taught it, but do not recognize the step by step of a sucessful mlm prospecting telephone call. There are many secrets to Home Business mastery, but n on more important than mastering what words and emotions you articulate over the phone for your home based business.
The secret to mastering the telephone in a direct selling compnay, is NOT mastering results, but mastering the PROCESS which creates the results.
The Power is in the Process, nit the results. The results are a FRUIT of the process in making a successful telephone call.
As in all things we do, there is usually a process that we engage step by step. This is no different. We live in a sequenced world, and work in a sequenced world.
YOU think in sequence and LIVE in sequence.
This is no different.
In MLM Telephone Mastery, process is the focus, and results are the fruit. But first you must understand what we call the “3 Phases of a telephone call.”
There are 3 Phases to every highly successful telephone call that is made on this planet.
If you understand the 3 phases, the process of making a phone call becomes more powerful.
1) Phase One is the ‘Pre-Call Phase.”
This is where a Successful phone call is actually made or lost. This is where you program yourself for success.
This is the phase where all the emotions take over, you fret, become anxious, think about what you want to happen and what you are going to say. This phase can be 5 seconds long or 5 weeks long-depends on how much you dread the call or look forward to it, as well as when it is to be made.
The Pre-Call Phase can either carry with it great expectations of Success, or great dread of wrong results.
It contains emotions, anticipation, thoughts, message prep, and decision.
2) The Second Phase is “The Live Call.”
This phase is the actual call itself. This is where the actual step by step process is.
Most people make a call, and do it by habit, not focus.
Successful people focus on creating a telephone call that will bring Impact, Value, Hope, Connection, and Emotion to a call.
The Live call should NOT be a long call- the longest a call should ever be would be 5-7 minutes-any longer and they will be thinking, “I do not have time for anything like this.” 3-5 minutes is the actual best time frame.
If they want to pursue more info, then say, “I told you this would be a short call, If you want to take a couple more minutes, I would love to.”
3) The Third Phase of the call is the “Post Call.”
This is AFTER the call. Most people think about the call — and get emotional.
They ask questions—”What did I do wrong? Why did they respond like that? Why isn’t this working?”
Masters of the telephone ask, “What went right? What did I do and say that was masterful? How can I improve and get better?”
Then find ONE THING that went very well- and DO IT AGAIN on the next call.
If you book an appointment or something positive happens (which IT WILL) – call someone and celebrate with them. You deserve it and the support will mean a lot to your mlm home based business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reseved
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