mlm network marketing call reluctance
MLM Telephone Call Reluctance.
Do you have any signs of call reluctance in your home based business?
IS there something that you FEEL when you think of making a telephone call to your mlm prospects?
Would you like to KNOW what is causing these emotions that are stopping or paralyzing you in your network marketing efforts?
WHAT is Call Reluctance?
Call Reluctance is en emotional fire in the gut that makes you delay and even NOT make phone calls to mlm prospects and prospects that you already have talked to.
Call Reluctance is a wall of inaction that can hit you before a call and stop you dead in your tracks.
Call Reluctance is a vivid picture in the mind that shows you the prospect REJECTING YOU and not approving of you. And you play that movie over and over in your mind building up fear in your heart.
This one thing- Call Reluctance has stopped many a talented person in network marketing. It is a powerful force that can destroy your business…
One stopped phone call at a time.
Here is a Million Dollar Question: WHAT IS THAT COSTING YOU?
What is that costing you in DOLLARS?
What is that costing you in EMOTION?
What is that costing you in RESULTS?
What is that costing you for the FUTURE?
Those are tough questions. But MUST be asked in order to develop the context of this mlm recruiting post. And YOU need to answer them honestly to yourself. I think you will be surprised at the answers.
I have studied Call Reluctance for over 20 years, trying to understand it, and help eliminate it for people, including myself. I had it bad. But fortunately GREW past it.
I discovered many things in my Call Reluctance research that helped me conquer it.
You can too. The research that I did, I have in a private folder and it contains some amazing material. I want to share some of it with you over the next few posts that will help open your eyes to it, and train you how to overcome it easily.
Yes, you read that right.
Overcome Call Reluctance in your home business and explode your mlm network marketing business with powerful consistent phone calls to prospects.
Ok….What causes Call Reluctance?
After 20 years of study, I have come to the conclusion that there ar 7 main reasons that engage Call Reluctance and empower it in people’s lives and home based business.
Here are the 7 Reasons for Call Reluctance in Network Marketing:
1. Fear.
Many people in home businesses have a FEAR of rejection and not being approved of. This has stoked the fire of Call Reluctance in many a case. The network marketer cannot pick up the phone and make a call.
2. Lack of Knowledge.
Many distributors never take the time to learn how to make an effective telephone call, even if they are working online or in social media. You MUST take it offline sometime if you are going to develop an enduring relationship.
You MUST learn the very basics of making phone calls that IMPACT, not just inform.
3. Lack of Experience.
Some folks simply lack the experience and make mistakes that can come only from lack of doing it.
Solution: ROLE PLAY before YOU SAY — anything live to a prospect.
4. Other People’s Opinions.
We all listen to the wrong people and what they say.
“You did WHAT?” “Are you CRAZY? What do YOU know about business?” “Can you get out of this NOW? Those things are illegal.”
And we all know people that are like that.
Ignore them, and get back to work. Those people cannot get you to where you want to go in life. If they could, they would already be there.
5. Self Image.
Many people struggle with an Identity Crisis.
Who they see themselves as being, is a lie. They are more powerful than they know but their slef image keeps them from making the phone calls.
“Why would they want to talk to a loser like me?”
“Why should I make this call? I am only going to mess it up.”
YIU are NOT a loser.
6. Skill Set Challenges.
Practice. Drill. Rehearse. Practice. Drill. Rehearse. Practice. Drill. Rehearse. Learn from the best in your company. Learn the phrases and questions. Learn the answers. Learn how to handle objections. Learn how to move people over the phone. Learn how to book the appointment.
Then….Practice. Drill.Rehearse.