Video Recruiting -Perfect for MLM Recruiting a Must Have VIRAL TRAFFIC Video Tool

I promise you this is the best video marketing software you have ever seen…

I rarely endorse anything but this tool is special and affordable and PERFECT for the Home Business Professional!

SVP Simple Video Player

Now You Can Make Sales and Signups and GET VIRAL TRAFFIC with videos….

I promise you this is the best and most effective video marketing software you have ever seen…

I have been looking for something like this for years and this is a game changer!

What if you could take your company’s videos from YouTube, and then embed your own buy now link into the video?

What if YOUR Video with Your purchase button had your own viral links to pin it on Pinterest, post to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn? What if your prospects could opt into your newsletter from within your video? I told you this was a game changer!

It’s called Simple Video Player this is a very exciting and well thought out product. You can:

  • Pin videos….
  • FB Like videos…..
  • LOCK CONTENT on video until they comment or share
  • Tweet Videos….
  • Add optin on videos…
  • Embed Your Order links or Enrollment Links on videos…..
  • Add your own logo to videos

This works with any YouTube videos or even your self-hosted Amazon S3 videos and more! You can even eliminate the YouTube logo and replace it with Your Branded logo!

Check it out!


blessings…doug firebaugh

MLM Training- The Most Powerful Success Catalyst that EXISTS

mlm network marketing

mlm home business


MLM Success Secrets.

What is the MOST important “Success Catalyst” that exists for your mlm network marketing business?

How do you operate your home based business without it?

What is the Power of this Success Catalyst and where does it come from for your home business?

It starts with one of the most powerful words in mlm recruiting and mlm prospecting:


 That word carries the secret to a Decision.

If you are going to operate your business in today’s world, especially online, you need to carry impact in everything you do.

 And Decision is the catalyst for Impact in all that you do. People on social networking sites can SENSE that you are SEROUS about relationships, and also business. They will sense a more powerful individual behind the message because of now what you say- but HOW you say it. “People of the Incision” carry a message that comes from the heart – not just the mind.

 Let’s take 2 distributors or consultants or brand ambassadors.

Both are on either Google+ or Facebook. Both communicate and make friends, but one has radically better success than the other.

What was the difference?

 It was what the people were EXPERIENCING in the very beginning of the relationship. One sent out a weak, less than powerful message.

NOTE: The other sent out a message that IMPACTED the prospect because it was focused ON them, ABOUT them, FOR them, and ADDED to them.

 THAT is what Decisive communication is about. Experience and adding to the experience.

 IF you are serious about your business, and getting aboard The Coming Mobile Marketing Storm, as well as the Social Storm that we are in right  now, you need to make a DECISION that creates an INCISION in your heart- and releases the best that you have to offer the world.

 Are you tired of not getting results that you want and desire?

 Are you tired of not getting the numbers that you want for your business?


 That is it. Do it NOW- not tomorrow.

Not next week.


And when you make that Decision, you will feel a SHIFT inside of you that you KNOW that you something has changed and shifted. You cannot put your finger on it- but it has.

 Quit listening to those of the Excuse.

Quit listening to those who cannot get you to where you want to go.

You do not become a millionaire listening to people that are making $40,000.00 a year. Nothing wrong with that- but that is NOT where you are headed.  

Only listen to those that can GET YOU THERE because they ARE THERE.

 Your new motto should be- ‘It’s Done – Period. End of Discussion.” That has been out motto for years, and should be yours.

 And make a Decision that you are not going to one of the people that are left behind because of the lack of knowledge on the internet and social sites.

DECIDE that you are going to become a part of the New media Storm and a HUGE producer for your mlm company.




 If you make a Decision, then you start seeing a more accelerated Success in your network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- :The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell YOU”

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 recruiting secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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