mlm network marketing
MLM Opening Lines for Prospecting.
Do you have a standard opening line for your network marketing home business?
What do you say to your mlm prospect to start a conversation?
Are you open to some powerful opening lines for your home based business?
Here are 7 of the Most Powerful Quick Magnetic Opening Lines for MLM Recruiting that exist:
1. “I NEED YOUR HELP”—the Four most powerful words in Approaching people.
“Maybe you can help me. I have run across the most amazing thing. Have you heard of Network Marketing?”
“I need your help, as a friend. I have run across something amazing that has
really helped me. I would like to find some folks to share it with see how it can help them. Can you help me?”
“I need your help. Do you know anyone who < uses the benefit of your product> ? How would you like to possibly make some money by helping people you know?”
“I need your help. Do you know anyone who is into <benefit of your product>?”
2. “If the right thing came along…?”
“Let me ask you a question. If the right opportunity came along, and you knew it was right for you, and you could make some good money, would you want to know about it.”
3. “Do you know anyone…?”
“I need some help. Do you know anyone who would like to (have more freedom, more time with their kids, earn more money)? I have run across something amazing that has made such a difference in my life and how I feel about myself… and I want others to be helped by it too.”
4. “I thought of you…”
“I have run across a program that I am so excited about… because it helped me to (name benefit), and I thought of you. I want to share it with you,
because I believe it could help you the way it has helped me!
Could you listen/watch this tape/DVD for me and give me your honest input? (Or “Do you have a few minutes this week when we can get together?” Or “Can you join me on a call tonight at 9:15 to learn a little about it?”)
5. “Have you heard about this yet?”
“Just curious… I have heard about some amazing advancements in the < industry> and a business model called Network Marketing . Have you heard about them? Take a look at this… it’s amazing!”
6. “Do you have 5 minutes…?”
“I need your help. I need you to listen to this CD, then let me know who you know would benefit from this opportunity.”
7. “Just curious… Are you keeping your income options open?”
“I have run across a secondary revenue source that truly is amazing. Do you know anyone who would like to earn an extra $1000.00 a month? Do you have a second?”
Warning–Don’t Talk Too Much!
One of the most common mistakes new Resellers make is to say “too much too soon.”
When you approach with the tools, your goal is to arouse curiosity, not satisfy it. The less you say the more effective you willbe. The voice on the tool/conference /DVD call/website is the expert; so let him or her do the talking. Just let them know you have just heard/seen the most incredible tape/DVD, and you are excited for them.
These are 7 of the Most powerful ways to Open Up a Recruiting Conversation for your mlm network marketing home business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets
blessings…doug firebaugh
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