mlm home business recruiting
The 4 Positions in Life People Occupy.
Are you familiar with the 4 Positions (NOT personality types) that people occupy in the network marketing profession?
Are you aware that EVERYONE fits within one of these positions?
If you could discover you are in the WRONG position, how would that help you in your home business?
You MUST understand the 4 Positions that People occupy.
There is a secret to success in any home business effort, as well as life, and it is the secret that is rarely taught, if ever.
It is the Secret of the Positioning Factor.
People throughout life have a tendency to accept a position that either is a place to create Success or a place to create mediocrity.
You must get in a position that can move you forward, and move you to a place that can create the circumstances and contain the ideas and processes that can catalyze Success. That position is determined much from what a person has learned from his or her family and associates.
Most people today are in a position that imprisons them where they are, because they have decided that is where they feel most comfortable. It is familiar.
Wealth creation is catalyzed by being in the right position – often with the UNFAMILIAR. That position is both internal and external. That means being in the right mind set — as well as action set that produces the results desired in life.
Positioning is a major part of marketing – as well as moving things forward. That is why that you must understand the 4 Positions that people Occupy. I want to cover these and I have never heard anyone else teach theses and i hope they help you in your network marketing mlm business.
The 4 Positions of a Home Business owner.
A) The Fall Behind Position.
This is where many people are today. They do not keep up with the changing progress, and stay locked in a lifestyle that continues to keep them falling behind even further. These folks do not do well at all in the home business arena as they are too focused on what worked yesterday and clinging to traditions that may be working against them. Nothing wrong with that, but there are better ways to live life in my opinion.
The Fall Behind person resists change for the most part, and does not like to see anything that would upset their understanding and living of life.
Their philosophy is “If it is not broke- why improve it?”
These folks also are the negative people that tend to try and slow progress every step of the way, not realizing that progress has it’s own momentum.
These folks can make good customers, but even that can be questionable sometimes.
They make up about 50% of the population.
B) The Stagnation Position.
This position is where the person will adapt to change- eventually. And stay there until forced to move to another position because of change that demands it. They like the idea of improving things- and will readily accept it- but on their time and their terms. That is why cell phones took a while to catch on. These folks were eventually forced to embrace the cell phone, but only when they were ready.
The motto of the Stagnation Nation is: “On my terms, my time, and my track.”
But they DO eventually get to the progressive ideas- but the bad thing about it is that by the time they do- the ideas are news of yesterday, and newer ideas and products are on the way.
These folks can make good retailers of products and good distributors if worked with. But they still have a tendency to stick with the old ideas of doing business and creating results. If you are going to earn a huge revenue stream today, you must have a fine tuned “Dual Track” process of working Network Marketing that includes the old traditions as well as the new ones including social media, mobile marketing, and online marketing. This includes NOT being stagnant and in a rut- but being open to new ideas that can move your business further ahead quickly, like embracing the New Social Media sites and technology.
Recruiting these folks is easy. Simply use what they are comfortable with, with the old methods and language that feels comfortable. You can recruit them, but they will stay where they are for the most part income wise.
They make up about 30% of the population.
C) The Growth Position.
These folks are the ones that you really want to look for and draw into your sphere of influence. These folks like new ideas, and progress. They are always open to learning about new ideas, and then embracing them to better their life, and their lifestyle.
These folks LOVE the idea of new ideas that can grow their life and their income. They read a lot, and listen to CDs and listen to mp3s on the internet. Many have Iphones, Droids, as well as Blackberries. They love the web and all the new sites on it. They do gravitate towards the social media communities and most are on twitter, youtube, LinkedIn, and facebook. And they do not mind having to learn new things and instructions on how to operate and use new methods of communication and doing business.
People that are in the growth position are very open to home businesses and more income. They want MORE out of life, and MORE for their lifestyle. They are open to new ideas when they appear and often embrace them readily.
It is a myth that you can succeed at life if still in the wrong position. It simply will not work. The growth position is like a magnet for Success. They seem to draw towards them the people and ideas that are current and new, and then take action on them once they have the operations and processes down to move into that Success zone.
Recruiting them is easy and fun. They are open to new products and new ways of doing business. And they are open to moving into a business arena that is non-traditional as they understand that is where most of the future is headed.
These are about 17% of the population.
D) The Accelerator Position.
This position is where YOU need to be if you own a home business. The Accelerator Position is exactly what it is- it is a position that thrives on accelerating life and income, and lifestyle. These folks live life in overdrive, and refuse anything except what their dreams call for. And these folks are always on the pursuit of how to live life on a higher level and a more powerful pace.
Unlike the Growth Position, the Accelerator Position DEMANDS change– and not just accepts change. They were involved in the new Web 2.0 and the Social Media from the very start. They were the first on myspace way back in 2003, and the first to have Iphones and ipads. They were the first to have laptops, and the first to have email. And they are the first now to be on all the social sites and constantly reading about the new owns that are on the way.
These folks demand much out of life, as well as themselves. They for the most part are Leaders, and they tend to have a lot of followers. They are unbelievable recruiters- not just from who they are- but also the processes they use to do that. They recruit using all the new social tactics, and when all the rest of the industry is catching up, they are light years ahead in business, volume, and income.
They make up about 3% of the population.
They are the future millionaires of this powerful industry.
They are the NEW wealth acceleration creators in Network Marketing. And YOU can be one of these powerful people- refusing NOTHING but what your heart cries out for concerning your life and lifestyle.
You can put yourself on a Wealth Acceleration Track that cannot be stopped if you decide that is the position that YOU want for your mlm home business!
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power – over 50 recruiting secrets!
blessings…doug firrebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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This post taught me things I had NEVER learned before. wow. Great post on home business recruiting!…