Every Home Business needs something.
Every home business needs something that others do not have.
Every home business needs:
The Secret Weapon.
So….you are looking to be trained….ok.
But training is NOT the only answer….
EFFECTIVE and Consistent Action is. That is the TRUE secret to getting your business started..and taking action NOW….
Not soon…not when you have time….but NOW.
You need to know that there are many things you can do to stay “BUSY” at MLM...it is called “Being Busy at Being Busy”…
This is a cancer for new folks as that will produce nothing but busy work, and no results…
We have studied the MLM industry nonstop for 12 years, and have found that there are basically 6 things that you do that will produce volume…
The Million Dollar question:
“Is what I am doing right now going to produce Volume?”
Another Million Dollar question…
“If it’s not….why in the world are you doing it????”
Here are the 6 things that will produce volume and you need to focus on form the VERY BEGINNING!
P…..Phone Calls
A…..Appointments-Phone and face to face
F…..Follow up
S…..Sales/Sign ups
H…..Hours worked
These are the things you need to focus on to get your MLM business going…
Phone Calls are a MUST in this business as it is a time eompowering tool…
Leads are a MUST as you need folks to talk to…
Appointments are a MUST as that is where you educate and build relationships…
Follow up are a MUST as that is where you continue the process…
Sales and Signups….need I say more?
Hours worked is a MUST…No hours..no work!
The Success Tool.
I urge you immediately to start a PLAFSH tool and use it to track your numbers and to track your results as this will help:
FOCUS YOU!!!!!!!!
FOCUS……stands for Follow One Course Until Success.
THAT is what PLAFSH will do….and I encourage you now to get on the PLAFSH section and start your calls!!!!!
This is a secret weapon to success in your MLM and Home Business!
doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com
© 2005 -2011 PFI / all rights reserved
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