In Home Business Social Media Marketing -Words carry a Power that usually is ignored. A Power that we can use.
Even more than we realize.
A home business today must be on social media. That is a given. if you are not with your home based business then you are working in the stone age.
Work at home professionals need to embrace and utilize the social networking arena for it;s powerful prospecting methods and potential for your home business.
If you can connect to this post, you will be way ahead of Most in the network marketing profession.
There are 7 words that are CRUCIAL to making your home business mlm social media marketing efforts successful, whether you own’a traditional business, a home business, or work for a business.
And many do not even know them let alone use them.
They can change your social media marketing to a powerful force in your branding efforts and beyond.
What are they?
1) FREE.
Many folks in social media like free gifts. They like free content. They like free podcasts. They like free videos. They like free content.
So you need to start using the word FREE in your tweets, vids, posts, podcasts and blogs. WHAT is free? That is for you to decide, but it can be an ebook, a report, an mp3, a CD, a DVD, or anything that the people will find of value to their life.
“Here is a FREE mp3 that i recorded last night and thought you might enjoy. Hope you like it and let me know what your thoughts are as i am looking to improve it. Thanks!”
2) GIVE.
This is a biggie. It is CRUCIAL that you GIVR and use the word GIVE in your communications. It is called a “trigger word.” This is a word that triggers psychologically in the brain to create some kind of emotion or feeling. GIVE is a powerful concept in social media marketing.
Especially what you are giving away is FREE.
“I am giving away today a FREE ebook that will help you in your Success efforts. I want you to have it as I know you will like it. Here is the link for it and let me know how you enjoy it as always looking for ways to improve. Thanks!”
This is another huge one as we build bridges of trust with people and their friends. Use the word trust in what you do. Use the word trust in posts, mp3s, videos, and any other communication. Put it FRONT and CENTER and let people know that is your focus. You are looking to be trusted and you sare looking to trust back.
“My goal is to build trust with people before they ever do any business with me as that is critical. Integrity is the foundation of trust and that is how i operate and always will.”
People will do more for Value than you think. And people are smarter than you think. They KNOW value and what is NOT Value. Your focus in social media marketing is to provide VALUE in your communication and use the word in all you do. Your FOCUS should be VALUE and a lot of it.
What people talk about is Value. What people are seeking is Value. What people are DEMANDING is Value and you must be the Value Freak in what you do in social media.
“And my goal is to create such an amazing Value in this video that you will watch it over and over and learn something new each time you watch it. All I ask is you let people know what you have discovered in this video and share it with others.”
5) LOVE.
Love is a strong word that people do not use enough. i know i know. I can hear it now-“Doug is getting hairy fairy.” LOL Nope. Just telling you the truth. if you believe in something string enough- you need to let people know that you love it. if you are convinced that your product is the best that exists on the planet-let them knwo you love it. if you are sure that the relationships you are building in social media are powerful and life changing, let people know that you love that part about social media. if you are a home business professional and LOVE what you do- shout it out and rock the world with it.
Love is a powerful life changing word and when you use it- EYES ARE DRAWN TOWARDS IT- instinctively.
“I LOVE this mp3/video/ebook/report/post even if I did do it. It has a LOT of great content on it that can change lives. I want you to have it as a gift and i look forward to talking to you about it as I know you will love it too. I love giving things away for free-hope you like it!”
Everyone likes a good secret that cannot be kept. And if you are any marketing effort, you need to let peo;ple know that you know a secret that they do not. Why? Fear of loss. Curiosity builder. Wanting to be a part of the in the know crowd. Hope of gain. and ther are other reasons as well. But when you use the word SECRET- BAM! Every one’s heads turn-and they are thinking- “Tell me pleasssee!” And we have used it for years as that truly does set you apart form the masses…
IF and ONLY IF you have a secret that no one else has about your endeavor, Success, leadership, social media marketing, home business success, or internet marketing, or anything else that you are working. Be unique and one of a kind. OWN the Secret-don’t just repeat it. Old news is still old news. Get creative and let the secrets flow.
“I have discovered a secret about skin care that ia amazing and wanted to give it to you. Here is a link to a video that will tell you the secret of looking 10 years younger in little or no time. And all I ask is that you share it with other you know as it will help them too as well. Here is the secret link….”
Enough said.
Their name is music to their ears. It is honey to their soul. It is sugar in their tea. I ALWAYS use the persons name or nickname in communication in the very first couple of words.
It is an EYE MAGNET.
It attracts their eyes to move towards their name and then you are guaranteed that your communication will be at least scanned. Use their name at the end too. I call it “bookending.” It works and lets them know that you appreciate who they are.
These are the 7 most powerful words that you can use in social media. of course there are more.
What other words can you suggest in your social media marketing for your Home based business?
There are so man y ways to say things- make sure YOU GET HEARD.
I would suggest that you sit down and think long and hard about what you are saying and doing in the social media zone. If you do the right things, and say thr right things, you will have built right your mlm home business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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