home business mlm greatness
In your MLM home business, there is a place that you need to move to and it is waiting for you and your home based business. This place is where the players in network marketing live and stay. it is a place that millionaires are birthed and nutured. It is a place that can only come from experience and wisdom.
And it is a place that is the Place of ELEVATION for life and your home business. It is a TRIPLE THREAT.
It is called the Place of Success, Leadership and GREATNESS.
And it is time to TAKE YOUR PLACE and let the world know that you are ON THE MOVE and on the way with your home business. Success waits on NO ONE. It continues to MOVE seeking the ones that are READY and able to engage it in their life.
Are YOU READY for that place?
I hope so as your business will explode if you are. People are PULLED towards leaders that are in that place. It is a Magnetism unlike any other. It has a suction power that pulls people towards you because they sense something GREAT is about to happen. They want to be a part of it and possibly join it.
People are looking for someone on THAT PLACE to follow and help them get there. THAT is what WE DO. That is WHO WE ARE. We help people UP and beyond what is stopping them so they can enter into THAT PLACE of Greatness.
Take your place on your team and let your upline know that there is a NEW place holder on the team and it is getting ready to IGNITE and ROCK their world.
Take your place in the corporate webinars and conference calls and BE VISIBLE. This is a critical piece to your Success and all Leaders are visible to their team as well as their upline and corporate.
Take your place in the top producer category in your company. It is waiting for you.
There is NO ONE and NO THING that can stop you from this. This place is waiting on you, and waiting on your Power to connect to it.
TAKE YOUR PLACE….in your mind and heart.
Get rid of all the negative thoughts of others you have bought into, and the naysayers poisonous rants. In your mind, TAKE YOUR PLACE of Brilliance as you are a Superstar…as that is what is WAITING ON YOU.
NO ONE else on earth has that place of Success that belongs to YOU.
Step UP and Step OUT and take your business more seriously and more powerfully. This is a life changing business and profession.
Step INTO who you REALLY ARE and leave the weak, the tired, the complainers, the victims, the excuse makers behind. TAKE YOUR PLACE of Power and Position with the Leaders in this amazing profession.
And notice it says “TAKE” not ask for.
It BELONGS TO YOU and is WAITING on your Action and Decision.
It’s time you were in that Place of Success, Power, Leadership, and Passion.
Your Place….is waiting on your Greatness to be UNLEASHED in your life, network marketing and work at home home based business.
ELEVATE your GREATNESS with this ONE Teaching!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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