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Success Strategies- The Secret of the Success Power of Small, Simple Adjustments

Success Strategies- The Secret of the Success Power of Small, Simple Adjustments


By Doug Firebaugh

Success sometimes takes a little thing, not a big one. And one of the most powerful Success strategies is the Power of the Small, Simple Adjustments that can make HUGE quantum leaps in your life.

Many times, we tend to look at the big things that need adjusting, and changing. That could include personality, goals, communication, and leadership. There is nothing wrong with that as that is needed many times to reconstruct a Success Structure within. And there are good reasons to do so as well.

But why take the time to do what many times is not needed? We waste time in our Success pursuit trying to reinvent ourselves, when Small, Simple Adjustment would work wonders. Small adjustments in what you think, say, and do in your Success Journey on a daily basis.

A Small, Simple, Adjustment for your thinking, would be to understand that you control your thinking, or someone else does. You need simply to make a small adjustment in your perception of your thinking.

Imagine that your mind is a DVD, and you can put on it any movie that you want. Instead of viewing on your DVD a weak, failure prone life and day, you put on your DVD a powerful, Successful day and life, and failure is not a possibility.

DVD stands either for “Doubling Victory Daily!”

Or DVD stands for “Dramatic Victim Daily.”

It all depends on what you want to put on your mental DVD, and want to watch during the course of the day. A Small, Simple, Adjustment of watching a movie of Success could mean the difference of $100,000 a year in income.

A Small, Simple, Adjustment for your words would be to get rid of the negative words, and any foul language. Easy to do, if you set your minds to it. Start speaking with a positive focus and get rid of any language that does not serve your Success.

Start speaking possibilities, not problems. Start speaking what you are going to do, not what you don’t know what to do. Start making a small adjustment in the action of your words, and make sure they are forward focused, not challenge focused. Start speaking Success into your future, not mediocrity as most people do.

Use words like “will,” and “Must”, instead of might and may. These are the types of small, simple, adjustments that can create a powerful communication style in everything you do.

A Small, Simple, Adjustment for your actions, would be to engage what you are struggling to start, but baby step it. Simply break down even the simplest task into baby steps, and engage them one at a time with ease. We have a tendency to try and take massive actions that many times can be overwhelming, intimidating, and discouraging.

We believe that the Success Strategy of “Baby Stepping Success’ makes it easier to create Success in your life, and are small, simple, and effective. It is NOT what you think of doing, or say you are doing, but WHAT you are doing that matters, and many times it is the small, simple adjustments in your actions that can make a HUGE difference in your Success.

Don’t plan on working long hours, and getting bogged down in the details of things. Take small, effective steps that will create the outcomes you WANT, not the ones you usually take.

All Success is, and ever will be, are “action baby steps” that have been taken, and when combined together along with their outcomes, produces the Success you are seeking.

Success Strategies are vital, and the Success strategy of Small, Simple, Adjustments in what you think, do, or say over a period of time, can make a HUGE difference in your Success and Personal Success Strategies.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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Success Training Secrets- Moving from Success Motivation to MotiveInvasion! ™

Success Training Secrets- Moving from Success Motivation to MotiveInvasion! ™

By Doug Firebaugh


What a great word that most people rarely use. It is a powerful word that runs our lives daily, and it definitely one of the greatest secrets of Success in the world. But yet, people have a tendency to ignore it, and focus on other things in their life, and miss the power of the Motive in their heart which could bring to them their life dreams for Success.

Motive is the CORE reason someone does something. It is the Essence of Action, and the Foundation of Force. It contains many things that can inspire and motivate us, if we let it. But it seems that we often miss the TRUE Motive for any Success in life.

The word “Motivation” is actually two words, as we say in WildFire Success

“Motive Action”.

That is what TRUE Success Motivation is. It is your True “Motive In Action” and engaged in the Success process.

But many folks, like myself, had an invasion of the heart and mind. It was an invasion of the mediocre mentality that turned our Motivation, to “Excuse-ation”, and our excuses became our motive to do nothing with our life. Many folks run their lives by excuses, not excellence, and ends up in the pit of average with everyone else that has the same problem. Truly it was an invasion of the worst kind.

Their once focused world of dreams, aspirations, and hope, was silently invaded by an army of “Can’t do it commandos, Won’t work wingmen, Never last Navy, It’s Impossible Privates, and Give it up grenade throwers.” And from that lack and fear based force, they tore apart, word by word, piece by piece, day by day, thought by thought, the dreams that you once held deep in your heart, and was once your motive for a better life and future.

Here is the Million Dollar Question:

Are you going to let them still remain as an invasion force of mediocrity in your world, or are you going to take back what is rightfully yours, your Success dreams, and aspirations?

You need what I call a “MotiveInvasion!” ™

It is Motivation that has invaded your heart, life, and dreams again, and taken back what is yours and what you long for in your life! THE Motive that you have always wanted for your life! And it is time in 2006 that you decided that the insurgents in your life that have been keeping your dreams hostage, were overrun with an Army of Actions that created the Victory in your life you deserve!

Here is how you plan a Special Ops Team “MotiveInvasion:” You need to go to the “WAR Room” in your mind and ask some serious Success questions. (WAR stands for Winning Again Repeatedly.)

1) What is the single most important thing you want to happen in 2006 more than anything else in your life? Write it down.
2) If you obtain that, what would the three biggest rewards, benefits, or changes that would occur in your life?
3) If those changes did occur, what would happen to your 2006?
4) Do you honestly believe it is possible to obtain it in 2006?
5) What is the VERY FIRST THING you need to do to take the first step towards that happening?
6) What is the second step? The third step? The fourth step? Etc.
7) When do you begin the Invasion with the Special Ops Success Force?

That is how you move from “used to have” motivation, to an OnFIRE MotiveInvasion! You let the Motive that is deep in your heart become your Success driver and invade your negative thoughts and expectations with a radical Success “it’s a done deal” Strike force of thoughts.

Success Nugget:

That motive deep inside is whatever you want to see enlarged, expanded, increased, enhanced, or empowered in your life in 2006.

It is time to call up the Troops of Thought that will start overtaking any area in your mind that has gone negative and doubtful You have incredible potential inside of you, and most of our potential was overrun with other people’s army of excuses and negative beliefs. It is time for that to stop dominating your life and let the invasion of your Success motive become your focus and dream once more.

Start right now with a MotiveInvasion of Success and a dream that you will no longer let lie dormant. It’s time to se ti onFire with The Flame of Possibility and the Heat of Hope.

That will start an Invasion of Thinking and Actions that will eventually lead to a Life of Victory, High Achievement, and Radical, undeniable Success!


Success Training Center

The SuccessChurch Training Center


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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