mlm home business network marketing
The ONE MLM Success Secret.
What is a Home Business REALLY all about?
What is the ONE SECRET that most talk about but never “get it?”
What if you could unleash a new power in your network marketing business-online and offline–would that help?
You must, as a home business professional, understand this Platinum Rule of a Home Business team. Many network marketing professionals struggle with their business because of this one powerful secret. And there MUST be a focus on this secret-no matter where you are working.
This includes social media, mobile marketing, internet marketing, or any other kind of marketing that you use to get your message out to your mlm prospects.
If this secret is NOT working for you in your home business, you are not going to HAVE a business soon.
The MLM Rule of ONE THING.
Network Marketing is based on ONE THING –Relationships that LAST- so keep them FIRST- both in Old and New Relationships.
What is a relationship?
It is where 2 people have connected and formed a like mind and emotion towards each other and communicate on a regular basis.
Network Marketing and a Home Business Team is based on relationships and that is the foundation of your efforts- building relationships with customers and distributors, as well as your Leaders and upline.
Many people make a HUGE mistake.
They put results before relationships.
It will not work.
Relationships that are put second place, will never put you first in this business. Even with your warm market, we many times take it for granted and assume they will be interested. But they since you are not honoring the relationship first, they become not interested.
Have you made that mistake ever in any relationship?
It can be a killer and people do that offline as well as online in social media and mobile media.
But today, you must also be able to develop relationships quicker with unfettered access in order to succeed in this industry. That is why the internet and the social media /mobile media storm are so powerful. Many people that you talk with in your warm market will not be interested.
Period. That is just the way it is.
Then many people who have worked an MLM Network Marketing business before become a part of the NFL Club.
WHAT is the “NFL Club?”
No Friends Left.
But that should not stop anyone with the power of the world at your fingertips through socail media and mobile recruiting to develop new relationships. The internet and social media has opened up doors for building new relationships more than any other invention within the last 100 years.
And the internet is constantly evolving and maturing into a medium of communication that is moving perfectly towards becoming the greatest mlm prospecting tool that a distributor or consultant could have. And there are other “trainers” out there that have moved into this arena with their information, but have missed the mark in a couple of ways.
1) Relationships must eventually be taken off line and voices connected over the telephone. Internet relationships-even social networking relationships– can only be developed up to a certain depth via the internet.
2) Relationships developed via social sites must be focused on ADDING VALUE and GIVING – NOT taking – as many seem to be focused on doing or teaching.
If you are putting relationships first, then you must understand that it is what you can POUR INTO the relationship– not just get from. And that is a secret that has helped produce billions in this industry. Relationships are precious and should be treated as such.
What would be a reason that YOU would develop a relationship? That is probably the same reason that most would as well.
Home Business Professionals should focus on not just building the relationship but also HONORING it by adding value into it constantly.
When you are building a new relationship- especially online, you should focus on 3 questions:
1) What is the person looking to gain in life – and can you help them in some way obtain part of that via your friendship?
2) What does the person truly VALUE in life and how can you ADD to that VALUE?
3) Where do they want to take their life and why?
These are questions that you should be considering with everyone that you talk to- offline and online. Most people are not recruited because these questions have not been considered nor thought of.
If you embrace this Powerful Secret of Putting Relationships FIRST, YOU will always be coming in FIRST in your mlm network marketing business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook-Social Recruiting Power-over 50 recruiting secrets!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
MLM Training related posts:
Nobody teaches stuff like this except you, Doug. Blows my mind. Wow. Serious realignment needed in thinking.
First you gotta get the inside right- THEN the outside. Whew! Still wotking on it myself. doug
Everyone fears being a part of NFL and this is so true!
I certainly will put relationships first after reading this! Thanks Doug for making the NFL club make sense!