Chris Jordan: Picturing excess Artist Chris Jordan shows us an arresting view of what Western culture looks like. His supersized images picture some [Read more…]

Joshua Klein: The amazing intelligence of crows Hacker and writer Joshua Klein is fascinated by crows. (Notice the gleam of intelligence in their little black eyes?) [Read more…]

Michael Moschen: Juggling rhythm and motion Michael Moschen puts on a quietly mesmerizing show of juggling. Don’t think juggling is an art? You might just [Read more…]

Paul Ewald: Can we domesticate germs? Evolutionary biologist Paul Ewald drags us into the sewer to discuss germs. Why are some more harmful than others? [Read more…]

Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world Mycologist Paul Stamets studies the mycelium — and lists 6 ways that this astonishing fungus can help save the [Read more…]

Hector Ruiz: The power to connect the world AMD CEO Hector Ruiz talks about his dream of giving the whole world access to the Internet. AMD’s 50×15 [Read more…]

Brian Greene: The universe on a string n clear, nontechnical language, string theorist Brian Greene explains how our understanding of the universe has evolved from Einstein’s [Read more…]

Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide? Novelist Amy Tan digs deep into the creative process, journeying through her childhood and family history and into the [Read more…]

Tod Machover & Dan Ellsey: Releasing the music in your head Tod Machover of MIT’s Media Lab is devoted to extending musical expression for everyone — from virtuosi to amateurs, [Read more…]

Rick Warren: Living a life of purpose Pastor, philanthropist and author Rick Warren reflects on how the success of his book The Purpose-Driven Life triggered his [Read more…]