What is MLM and Network Marketing by Doug Firebaugh

How Do I Prepare for MLM Success-The Inoculation of the New Distibutor

New MLM Network Marketing Distributors Must be Inoculated!

New MLM Network Marketing Distributors Must be Inoculated!

Network Marketing and MLM Success – What do I need to do to Prepare to Succeed in Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing?

The Inoculation… What the You Are Going to Face in MLM.

When you want to prevent something from infecting you body…what do you do? You get a shot…or an Inoculation.

There are many viruses and germs out there that can take away our health, and create a sickness in our body which can become a real problem if not cured…..We need to keep up our Physical health….. and sickness away from us…


The same goes to our “Success Health”.

What is that?

When you eventually join a Network Marketing Company, you are moving into a very focused Success Environment that demands your Success Health remain strong…as there are a lot of Negative Infections that can invade you success health and create a Virus or “Flu” of doubt, disbelief…and eventually a cancer of failure…..

Most people in this world never experience Success of any significance in their lives…and they have a very weak immune system to negative thinking and negative lives…

And when they get that”Flu of mediocrity or failure…”…

It rarely leaves their world..and they become Infected Terminally for Success….they were not Innoculated, nor aware of the Success health problems….as they are more focused on Survival health…as most only do that through life…….

You MUST Become inoculated from all of the negatives and failure focused thinking out in the world…you must keep your Success Health at FULL Force when you join an MLM Network Marketing Company!
By understanding the INFERNO Secret of why a lot of people are negative about your business and future success…..and if you understand this next Secret…you will be Innoculated from ALL Negative Thinking no matter who it is….and no matter what compnay you enroll in.
Most People do not want you to become successful and pass them by….

Your Success will Mirror their Mediocrity and failures…….

And it will totally render their Excuses they have been clinging to and hanging on to as a Farce..

You have proven their excuses wrong……and it will force them to look at their life as it really is…

Going nowhere as far as the Ladder of Success in Life….

There is something we at PassionFire call the “Unspoken Understanding…”

What’s that? simple….

It is understood and never really spoken…….

“If you don’t mention my rut filled, talent wasting mediocre life……I won’t mention yours….”

And Success reveals that as it really is……just an excuse for ACCEPTING Mediocrity in their life…and doing nothing about it……

What Do I DO to Become Successful In MLM?

If you are going to be successful in this business….you MUST Innoculate you and your distributors from people who will try to convince you this won’t work…it never has, and it never will….how does an Unsuccessful person merit attention when they won’t even look at the facts of the matter?

INFERNO Question….

What Success in their Life do they have……to try to determine yours?


They have been Successful at keeping their own Success at bay……and they want to try to keep yours there too…..

There are folks out there who will want you to become Successful and be your biggest cheerleader….

But this Business will be simply not for them…..

They will encourage you and tell you to “Go for It’……

These folks will be great Consumers and Referral Sources for your MLM Products……
But for the Most part…..Folks will decry your joining a Network Marketing Company as a

“Silly Dream”……


What Life do you want to end up with? Depends on who you listen to……If you listen to someone who dared to escape the Rut Jungle, and Rat race, and make 100,000 dollars..

…you have a good chance of doing that….
If you listen to your negative friends…take a look at their life…that is where you are headed…
The MLM Leadership Secret.

Leaders never listen to any negatives…they know why they are there…to stop them.

You need to take a SHOT for the NegativeFlu out there….
See How Others Triumphed………(SHOT)……and then copy and model their Focus… their Attitudes…Their Habits…and Actions……
Innoculate yourself…and your group with a FLU SHOT!

“Forget Loser Urgings……See How Others Triumphed!.”


Take others with you!!!!!! When Folks start being Negative……ask them…

“How would you like to radically change your situation?…I can help!”…

As you go up the Ladder…….take them with you…….
Your Success will go through the “Fire of Ridicule……”..and it’s normal…..

If you were going to open up a restaraunt…there are people who would

try to talk you out of it……DON”T LET THEM!!!!!

YOU, and YOU ALONE….will live your life…donot let someone else try to live it for you because what you are trying Intimidates them…..

Get a FluShot!!!!!!…..and Keep your Success Health Healthy… and your Business long after you join your MLM Network Marketing Company!


doug firebaugh / PassionFire Intl.

(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Is MLM a REAL Business? The Business Perspective of What MLM is in Marketing

Is MLM Network Marketing a REAL Business?

Is MLM Network Marketing a REAL Business?

The Business Perspective-Network Marketing
We went over what MLM REALLY is as far as the Success Perspective…now let’s cover ….

The Business Perspective……..
Simply…Network Marketing is a business that is about Marketing and Distribution.

You market Products through pseudo”Mini-Franchises” that when joined, contain the ability to distribute products to people…either Person to Person Marketing, or via shipments through the mail, UPS, or other channels of distribution to a persons home for delivery of products they have ordered from you… or from the company with your distributor number. …

This is especially popular now with online ordering and Stores being created with a multitude of products!

Take a look at some of the most Popular companies…IBM, Microsoft, Amazon.com, Nike, Reebok, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Barnes and Noble, RCA, Lands End, and the list is endless…..

Let me ask you a question…
What do they all have in common concerning MLM?

Think about it……and it’s the same thing ALL successful companies have in common…and what is that?
Multiple Channels of Product Distribution, and not keeping their product a Secret!

They ALL have set up numerous distribution outlets to market their products, and have constantly kept their name out in front of folks….(that is called “Name Branding….”)
..Can we learn something from this?



In Network Marketing, you have the ability to Market product through
Multiple Distribution Channels(called a Downline), and not have to put up
the millions of Dollars it takes to introduce a Product into the Marketplace…and the other part of that we can learn from…Don’t keep it a Secret!

You must utilize the Power of EXPOSURE to create the Interest in your products and Business that you want. People have to Know about it!!!!!!!

Let’s take a Grocery Store chain…say…Safeway or Kroger….why do they have stores in so many cities and states?…To INCREASE EXPOSURE…which INCREASES SALES!!!!!!!..

They have found the Power of what we call “Multiple Unit Marketing”….The more number of exposure “Units”(outlets) you have out there, to move and sell product, the more your name will get out there to more people…..

Which will increase familiarity and sales….. and move more product through those retail outlets……

Thats why Amazon.com is on over 700,000 websites! Multiple Channels of Distribution…and “Exposure units”.
The Power of Networked Distribution in MLM.

With MLM, you can do the same Marketing Strategy through the power of “Networked Distribution”…through Multiple Units as well…called Distributors! In effect…

What you have done is create a Network of “Distribution Channels” for your Product( a downline) which you can receive “Brokerage Royalties’ or Overrides on that can be quite substantial…

And all that is… is taking the Best of Corporate Marketing, and Refining it into what we call “Personal Marketing”…..each distributor is a Personal Marketer for the company with a chance to take Traditional Marketing ideas, and engage them in less than traditional ways.
The MLM Distribution Network.

And then can go out and build a Multiple Channel “Distribution Network,” with hundreds for thousands of “Outlets” that can move and market products seamlessly……. That is “Networked” Marketing at it’s best…..and can create an Incredible Revenue Source for many people…..through the movement and sale of products of all kinds.

To approach this Marketing Force as a Business is a MUST! Too many folks Do not…they approach it as a hobby, or just “Trying it”…..which guarantees failure…..Every millionaire in MLM approached this Business as a Business and took nothing for granted…will you? Good question!

Network Marketing IS a business..a Powerful Business …with Personal growth Fueling it…and Driving it Forward.

The Secret of this Business is to build a Framework and Structure of the “3 Cs”…..

1) Build a Structure of CONSUMERS.

Create a Structure and Foundation of a Consumer base….and create a network of satisfied Customers…A Consumer Base is a MUST!

2) CONSTRUCT a Distribution Group or Framework of Distributors from your Base of Consumers with people who want to be a part of your business….and Construct it Solid!

3) CONTINUE building a CONSUMER Base, and CONSTRUCTING a Solid Group of “outlets”, or Distributors, and then…….

LEAD them to the Captured Vision of their Hearts…….LEADERSHIP is the KEY to a SOLID and Long Lasting business in Network Marketing!

What Do I Consider with an MLM Company?


doug Firebaugh

PassionFire Intl © 2005 all rights reserved

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