Do you ever do Cold market Prospecting?
I inhaled it when I was in the business…it was GREAT!
Yeah yeah…I know…
“Doug…you don’t know how hard it is out there…people are mean…and ugly to me…”
Well…gee…I never had anyone be mean and ugly to me before….(smile)…
I always knew that there were a lot of people out there who were looking for me…and I was looking for them….
A few weeks ago, I wrote on the subject of Net-Working, and how to develop leads within the cold market and truly Net-Work….like a Professional…
I got a HUGE amount of emails asking all the same question…
“How do you open up a conversation with these people you are in front of…” “How do you get these folk’s attention? And my favorite…”How do you not stick your foot in your mouth?”…(smile)…
When info is free…people do ask…(smile…) There are so many ways to develop an engaging conversation with someone…but in the 10 years I did Cold market MLM recruiting, I talked to thousands of folks, and recruited a lot of people… but one thing I discovered…
The Secret of what Business MLM is really about.
We are in a business of Communication…and verbiage plays a HUGE role in the success of your recruiting…
I cannot believe sometimes when I do Personal Coaching how lame some folks approach people…a total turn off…and they wonder why this business isn’t working for them…
And on the other end, someone has the words down…but whose focus is so off the mark that they blow a great prospect…
Iit’s the SIMPLE things in this business that create the Staggering results…and once I found these words I am talking about…I laughed…and said… “How blind can I be?…(smile)…
You see, if you have been on any TeleFire calls, and have listened to any of our PCRs….you would know that we are in the MLM business of touching and changing people’s lives….but that can also be reversed…
The Culture Secret.
People in our Culture are programmed to HELP people and assist whenever they can….it’s part of our culture… For example…if a friend of yours called you up, and said…
“Hey Joe…I need your help on something…” What would be your instinctive first reply?
“Sure! What’s Up?” And we all are programmed to lend a hand….
Even to strangers…
So….we figured out that if that was true…could we integrate it into our Recruiting Process?
And the 5 Magic Words of MLM Cold Market Recruiting” came about…
They can be used:
On the Phone… In a letter… In an email… Face to Face… On a cassette… On a Post card… On a thank You Note… On a Birthday card.. practically anywhere you communicate your business in the Cold market….
And understand…
The LESS you come across like you are recruiting, the MORE you will have their attention….
Simply…people like to feel appreciated and liked, and also worthy… When someone asks you for help, in a lot of instances, you can feel flattered simply by the way you ask…
And verbiage again is important…
The 5 Magic Words of Cold Market MLM Recruiting.
And what are those 5 magic Words….? Check these out millsriversdaschool .
***** “Maybe You Can Help Me…..” *******
Simple…but INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE in Network Marketing Cold Market recruiting…especially when you are Net-Working LIVE and in front of people at a social function….
You will hear so many times as a response… “Maybe you can help me…” “Sure…what can I do for you…”? or…”I give it a try!”
BAMMO!!!!! You are now engaged in an initial conversation of recruiting with a cold market prospect…
The question is….what do you say next???? or in a letter? or on a Post card?? To not BLOW IT???
What value would it be to you to be able to double your recruiting in cold market with knowing how?
I did….quadrupled it….
By knowing what to say..
Blessings… doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl htt/
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