MLM Network Marketing Training- Secrets to MLM Success during the Holidays-Part 1

MLM Network Marketing Training- Secrets to MLM Success during the Holidays-Part 1

by Doug Firebaugh

The Holidays.

Sometimes, in MLM and network marketing, it sees when you say those words, network marketers shut down. They simply think that they will start again January 1, and kick it into gear. Network Marketing during the holidays does not exist, and they slow down to a crawl.

Who in the world sold you on that?

That is simply a dumb thing to do.

Yes, during the holidays, people are busy, and people are going places, shopping, and do not want to think about a home based business many times.

But it’s because of the focus of ther networker. Many mlm distributors do not know how to work this business and hold conversations during the holiays. Your focus must be different than any other time of the year.

It takes a little finesse.

And you still have many things going for you that will work totally in your favor,and help kick your mlm business into gear the first of the year.

What 2 things are working in your favor during the holidays that makes it easy to create success in your Network marketing business?

1) People are in the Holiday Emotion.

Many folks are in the emotion of sentimental memories. They are remembering past Holdays and their favorite Christmas. They are thinking about the smell of pie and turkey. They are remembering their childhood. They are thinking of parents long past. And many are thinking about the Birth of Christ.

How can you move people to a real powerful emotion that draws them to you?

Ask this:

“What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell me about it.”

People really will think about this, and then will give you their answer. And many times they get excited just thinking about it.

Why would you ask them this?

To open them up, and let the emotion of the Holidays flow, and draw them towards you. This simply will create an opening to talk to them after the first of the year.

“I would love to chat with you the first of the year. I could really use some help on something.”

This simply will open the door to ask for their help in locating some talent for your business or customers that can benefit form your products.

2) People are in the Holiday Focus.

People are focused on many things during this time of the year. One focus is CHANGE.

People are looking to change things more than any other time of the year.

People are focused on EXPECTATION.

They are expecting and anticipating a great holiday season, and also a better new year. Talk to them about the change you can offer in their life. But set a time that is convenient for them.

People are focused on SHOPPING.

There is no better place to meet people than Holiday shopping.

Talk to them about their children.
Compliment their children.
Ask them about their plans for the holidays.
Ask if you can help someone who is struggling with bags of gifts.
Talk to people about the crowds in the malls.
Talk to people about the prices of goods today.
Ask people for their opinion on something you are thinking about buying

Shopping is a great way for men and women to meet folks who are out and about. Especially in toy stores and books stores. These are great places to meet folks who have kids, and are readers. Readers and parents are great MLM prospects.

And retail clerks who are tired and harried are great prospects to talk to about changing things in 2006.

“Is next year going to be like this year for you working in this retail zoo? Do the crowds get to you sometimes? Here is my card. You deserve better than this. You have an incredible personality. Would love to chat sometime about getting you out of here.”

MLM Success during the holidays is easy and quite fun, if you let it be. But you must keep your “radar” on to talk to folks and to help anyone who looks like they could need a hand.

“May I give you a hand with that? Here let me help. My name is doug, what’s yours?”

The holiday season is a great time for CONNECTION.

Connect with new people to make new friends and to hold new conversations about the future and 2006.

What a way to start the new year- with 12 new friends that want to help you in your MLM and Network Marketing business!


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doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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MLM Network Marketing Training-MLM Training for the Holidays-Twas the Night before Network Nick!

MLM Network Marketing Training-MLM Training for the Holidays-Twas the Night before Network Nick!

by Doug Firebaugh

Network Marketing during the holidays has always been a little tough, unless you are Network Nick and have a Network Nick mind set! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all in the MLM Network Marketing Industry!

Twas the night before Christmas, all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, except me clicking my mouse,
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
With all my mlm applications to be sent laying there..

The children were all nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of mlm millions danced in my head,
and mamma and her kercheif and I in my “never quit” cap
had just settled down for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there rose such a clatter,
I sprang from my magnet mattress to see what’s the matter
Away to the window i flew like a flash,
Stumbled over my mlm new dealer kit and threw up the sash

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,
gave a diamond bright quality to the objects below
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
but a miniature sleigh and and a downline of reindeer

With a little ol driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment in must be Network Nick…
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
and he motivated them like crazy calling them by name

Now Dasher, Now Dancer, Now prancer, now Vixen,
On Comet, and Cupid, Start 30 day blitzing!
To the top of the pay plan! To the top of it all!
now dash away dash away! dash away all!

As dry leaves that before a wild hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle it increases the drive,
So up to the house top the coursers they flew,
with the sleigh full of product, and Network Nick too!

And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof,
Recruit Recruit Recruit! and the sound of each hoof
As I drew in my hand, was turning around,
down the chimney Nework Nick came with a bound

He was dressed all in fur, like all the mlm diamonds do,
and his suit was Versace,with boots brand new,
A bundle of products and apps on his back,
and he looked at me as he opened his sack…

His eyes how they twinkled as if he took out his apps,
His cheeks were like rubies his lips how they flapped
His droll little mouth was speaking of MLM,
and the beard he had looked distinguished on him..

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
as he took out a board and started talking to me,
Circles,and more Circles he drew as he was telling,
and when he laughed he shook like a bowl full of jelly.

He wanted me to join,
and be one of his frontline, to be number one.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
soon I was signing my name in red.

He spoke not a word, for he knew how it worked,
and when I signed the application away it was jerked
and laying his finger aside of his nose,
he gave me my dealer kit, and up the chimney he rose

He sprang to his sleigh to his downline gave a shout
and away they all flew for another prospects house,
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of site…
Duplicate Duplicate! Morning-noon- and night!!!

Merry Christmas from Net-Work Nick for all MLM and Network Marketing professionals!




doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Network Marketing Training-The Right Stuff in Network Marketing and MLM Recruiting.”

MLM Network Marketing Training-

“The Right Stuff in Network Marketing and MLM Recruiting.”

by Doug Firebaugh

MLM and Network Marketing Recruiting.

Many times that word send such a chill down our backs. The reason is, is that Recruiting truly is misused in our industry, and many times lacking the “right stuff” when we engage it.


We all have a tendency to look at things how we see it, and not as they are.

And doing so, this creates a challenge with many mlm distributors, as the “right stuff” needs to be focused on, instead of how we feel about and view recruiting. And if a person has the “right stuff”, they will find that their recruiting will be 10 times more powerful and lucrative, and successful in MLM and Network Marketing.

We enroll in MLM companies, and expect us to go to the top many times with the WRONG stuff when talking to people about our business. We often focus on the wrong things, talk about the wrong things, present the wrong things, and thus create the wrong results for our efforts.

Has this ever happened to you:

Have you ever felt like an appointment was a total waste of time?

The “right stuff” is needed to make sure that you are on target and on track with what you are presenting and talking about. Nothing worse than a train headed fast down the wrong track. It is going and in motion, but yet, it is still headed in the wrong direction.

Many folks are like this in Network Marketing. They are blazing down the wrong track. A track of limited and contained possibilites. A track of doubt and worry. And a track of negative expectations that can derail any Success Train in MLM.

The RIGHT STUFF in MLM Recruiting.

Ok…what is the “RIGHT STUFF?”

The word RIGHT stands for “Recruiting Is Giving (and) Helping (and) Touching.

First, MLM Recruiting is about GIVING to the prospect what they need to transform their life and future. Give HOPE. Give FAITH. Give a REASON. Give POSSIBILITIES. GIVE to the prospect so they can feel that they have not been taken from, as so many do.

“You have so much potential inside of you, and I would love to be able to help explode that in your life!” Give and pour into the prospect a power of Success and Achievement.

Network Marketing Recruiting is about HELPING. Help the prospect find the solution to their challenge and HELP them ENLARGE their life, future and destiny. HELP the prospect see what is TRULY possible, not what they think is possible. And HELP them with the HOPE of an incredible life, not a mediocre one. paint a vivid picture with your words, and HELP them see a new future.

“I wish you could see you through my eyes. It would stun you. You have so much potential to Succeed, it is almost scary.” Help them see the REAL peron that lies within.

MLM Recruiting is also TOUCHING. Touching their heart with Caring and kindness. Touching their minds with pictures that can become real life, with a real ending, and a real Success. Touching their emotions with the Joy of knowing that their life will never be the same after this conversation. They will TOUCH a realm of living that they never thought possible with you and Network marketing.

“How would it feel to know that you would never have to worry about money again?” Now THAT would be Joy to many! and it is POSSIBLE!

Ok…now let’s take a look at STUFF:

STUFF stands for “Success That Unveils (a) Focused Force!”

If you get it “RIGHT,” in your recruiting presentation, then your mlm recruiting will contain a Success connection that will Unveil and reveal to every mlm prospect a Focused Force of Power within them. This Foucused Force of power will ignite and empower and help take the prospect to a whole new realm of possibility of Success and Lifestyle that they once only dreamed of for their life and future.

Now it becomes REAL and POSSIBLE with the RIGHT STUFF.

Do you have the RIGHT STUFF for MLM Recruiting?

Focus in on the RIGHT tactics and perspective, and you will find your recruiting will explode with the “Success STUFF” in MLM and Network Marketing.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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MLM Network Marketing Training- Don’t Talk to Strangers! Good or Bad Advice?”

MLM Network Marketing Training- Don’t Talk to Strangers! Good or Bad Advice?”

by Doug Firebaugh

MLM Advice from NON MLM People.

In our life growing up, we were taught a lesson that was very good advice for children. “Don’t talk to strangers!” That is great advice and wise counsel for kids in today’s world. I even taught my daughter that when she was a toddler. And I will admit, it was a concern of mine with all the meaness and trouble in the world today.

“Don’t talk to strangers!” is still good advice for network marketers as well, if you want to remain a baby in the mlm industry. People will tell you that you are not to talk to strangers as they will reject you.

God forbid.

There are many different philosophies in the MLM industry today, and many are good and some are not so good. You need to fin what works for you. But the one thing that will not change is the Truth, and all that comes with it. The Truth is, talking to strangers can be one of the best things you could do for your business. Anyone who tells you different does not understand what it takes to Succeed in this mlm business.

I have always taught one thing about people that you do not know, better known as the Cold market:

Strangers are simply friends that you have not met yet. Period.

The benefits to talking to people you do not know are enormous, unless someone is trying to sell you the latest and greatest tape of the month CD, website, or DVD telling you not to. Nothing wrong with that. There are some great trainers out there. But you have to ask, what are their intentions… to guide you to Success or something else?

What are those benefits?

1) Talking to Strangers Forces You to Grow.

Personal development is everything in life, and network marketing. It is what keeps your check growing, and your Success growing. And it is what guarantees you not being the same person you are this year, next year. Your income will always grow as you do. Yes, talking to people you do not know to sell them something or recruit them may be a little uncomfortable, but don’t talk to them for that reason.

Talk to them to see simply get to know them as a friend, as you do not know evn if MLM will be for them or not. It may not be! But what have you lost by talking to them? Nothing. And you could gain a new friend that could help you find someone who MLM is for.

Talking to strangers grows you on the inside, and helps build within you better people skills and communication skills in network marketing. It grows your leadership, and also your recruiting skills. And most importantly, it grows you to a new level of confidence and knowing you can Succeed in this business.

2) Talking to Strangers Extends Your Reach.

The single most valuable prospecting reason to talk to people you have never met is that it EXTENDS YOUR REACH in the marketplace.

There are about 270 million people in the US alone, and most people today, if you are 25 years or older, know about 1000 folks.

So what that says to the network marketer, is that there are about 249,999,000 people to go for you to talk to. You reach in the marketplace needs to be extended daily. THAT IS PART OF ANY BUSINESS PLAN. It is part of network marketing. And here is the great news…

Everybody that you do not know, knows a person that could EXPLODE your mlm business! What is wrong with finding them?

3) Talking to Strangers develops new Relationships.

The secret to Successful leadership in network marketing is RELATIONSHIPS. And some of the multi million dollar producers in our group were people we did not know, but did meet, and they went on to become some of my greatest friends and still are today. One “stranger” I met by accident ended up producing 10 million in volume. And it became and still is a great relationship as well as friendship. If I had not been blessed to meet him and talk to him, because I did not know him, my life would have not been enriched like it has been from knowing him.

If you are looking to develop new relationships that will last a lifetime, many folks that you will meet over the course of your career will be those people.

4) Talking to Strangers is a myth. There are no strangers. It depends on your perspective.

I do not look at people I do not know as “strange.” They simply are friends that I have not connected with. Are they interested in the things that I am? Who knows? Many will not be.

But if you truly understand the driving force behind MLM, you will never meet a stranger. Only people who are after something from someone with their own selfish agenda meets strangers. People who are in the life changing business and are what we call “Transformation Specialists,”(TM) are interested in people that they can help, not be concerned that they do know them.

My advice is simply this:

If you want to remain a baby in this MLM business, then don’t talk to strangers. SIMPLE AND PLAIN.

But if you desire to grow beyond the average, succeed beyond the average, get paid beyond the average, lead beyond the average, communicate beyond the average, make a difference beyond the average, and have a lifestyle beyond the average, then TALK TO STRANGERS.

It’s your call. But speaking from experience, if you don’t talk to strangers, you will end up limiting and restricting your Success massively in MLM and Network Marketing.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Network Marketing Training-The 5 Secrets of Power MLM Prospecting

MLM Network Marketing Training-

The 5 Secrets of Power MLM Prospecting

by Doug Firebaugh


Power MLM Prospecting.

Sounds almost scary huh? But it really is not. It is something that you decide to do and succeed at. Power Prospecting can bring in the results you desire for your network marketing business, and the number of prospects you are looking for.

Power Prospecting is a paradigm shift in what you do to prospect. It is a different focus than most. Most people in network marketing do not Power Prospect because there is no real power that they can connect to to energize what they are doing. Their Power comes from what thy want, and not what the prospect is looking for. And that produces NO power for the prospect to plug into. Many people get fooled into thinking that this new idea is “THE ANSWER” to MLM prospecting. I read about one recently that you are supposed to make it all about you and your Success and make them want what you got. Get them envious…sad.

Lot of prospecting ideas out there, but if they are not focused on the prospect…

Sorry, won’t work.

Sure, there are the “one site wonders” that promise you the moon,and guarantee all you do is send them money and they will show you the secrets to mlm prospecting. And to be honest, some do work, and should be considered. But POWER Prospecting comes from another source, not another secret, tool, book, cd, seminar, or even an mlm training article like this one.

MLM Power Prospecting comes from within you and you MUST CONNECT to that Power that attracts people to you.

And when you connect to these following 5 “Connectors” you will experience a new Power and Surge in your Prospecting that will blow your mind.

What are the 5 “Connectors” to the Power within?

Let’s take a look at the word POWER.

1) P stands for PASSION.

What are you passionate about in your life? That is the Success Driver behind your MLM Prospecting. Not only to find people that can become a part of your “Passion Walk” but also become a part of their own. Passion attracts people to you like nothing else can, and then weld them to your dream like a blowtorch. Passion is the FIRE that burns in the belly, that drives you to go way beyond what you thought was even possible. People are atracted to that like a magnet on steroids.

What are you truly Passionate about even if you are not currently pursuing it in your life? Start pursuing it, with your mlm business helping to drive it and fund it, and let other people be the doorways that will not only help create that in your life, but also their own passion in theirs.

2) O stands for OPENER.

Power prospecting is about being an “Opener”, not a closer. It is about opening people’s minds, hearts, eyes, and futures to what they can be, not what they are. Power prospecting is focusing the prospect on the power of their own dream, and then show them how to create the Opening in their life with your business. This focus relies on conversation, not just a network marketing presentation.

Opening someone’s mind up to what is truly possible is beyond just power, but now you have tapped into PURPOSE which carries with it a whole different realm of power. Talk to them about what they want in life. Show them the doorway with your network marketing company,and then open the door as you describe what their life will be like working with you. And then let them discover their purpose through the Power of opening their “CANS” in life, not cant’s. Be a “Can Opener” and watch people connect to your Power and your energy for Success.

3) W stands for WHERE They Are.

Start prospecting the person WHERE the prospect is, not where you are. Most people in MLM try to grab the prospects’ hand, and drag them into Network marketing. Not a good choice.

There is something we have taught for a while:

Start in their world, and then lead them to yours.

Where you start is as important as where you finish. Do not put pressure on the prospect. That is not Power Prospecting, but Poor prospecting. And you will lose the prospect just about everytime.

Ask questions and get to understand where they are in life, and what challenges they are facing. Understand them before you ever try to recruit the, Understanding turns the average prospect in to a willing prospect.

4) E stands for ENGAGE RADAR.

You have what we call “Prospecting Radar” and you need to keep it engaged at all times. You need to ask three questions:

“Who is around me right now and do I know them?”

“If I do not, do I want to?”

“Are they alone or with a group of people?”

Then simply go over and if they are with people, then listen, and comment from time to time on what is said. If they are alone, then simply go up and introduce yourself with this Power Prospecting Phrase:

“I don’t know you, and I really would like to introduce myself. My name is Tom, and if you don’t mind me asking, what would your name be?”

5) R stands for REASSURE.

Power prospectors are masters at reassuring people. They reassure prospects that they DO have the talent to succeed in life, they DO have the skills that are neccessary for Success, they DO have the personality that Success demands, and they WILL succeed at life if they work with you, work hard, and learn the Success trainings of your mlm company.

Reassurance is NOT hype. Hype is all over this industry, and it really is a turn off to most. Reassurance is simply introducing the prospect to a new world that they could be living, and explaining to them that you will be helping them and walking with them as they get their Success Journey started.

Let the prospect know you will be there for them, and will not disappear like others have. Assure them sincerely and with integrity.

That is what Network marketing Power Prospectors do. Everyday, and with everyone. The Power is in the focus. And their focus is simply to open new doors and options for people that will pour the Power of Success in the prospect’s life and future.

THAT is Power Prospecting in MLM and Network Marketing.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Network Marketing Training-The Amazing Power of The Dream in MLM

MLM Network Marketing Training-

The Amazing Power of The Dream in MLM

by Doug Firebaugh


“What do you mean I have to Start Dreaming?”

After 20 years in this industry, I have come to know that the foundation of your MLM Success is going to be the dreams that you want to bring to life in your future. Most people, even many of your friends, and family, do not dream like they used to, because we all have been programmed that “dreamers are not realists.”

Oh yeah? Who sold you on THAT?

We encourage you to dream again.


Do you know what happens when you DREAM?

You Dare (to) Reach Extraordinary Altitudes (&) Milestones.”

That is what your company is about… helping people to:

1) DARE. Dare to become someone. Dare to go beyond where your friends are. Dare to prove everybody else wrong, who says that you cannot succeed in Network Marketing!

2) REACH. Stretch every part of your mind, heart, and soul, and reach for what you want in life, not what someone else wants to give you after they take their part.

3) EXTRAORDINARY. Dare to reach for the Extraordinary Life! Walk in the Extraordinary! Think Extraordinary! Become Extraordinary! Live Extraordinary! Grow Extraordinary!

4) ALTITUDES. You MUST soar higher in life than you ever have with your dream! The higher the Altitude, the more Magnetic the Pull of your Dream to you and the world!

5) MILESTONES. Reach for Extraordinary, Life Changing Milestones! Most people do not ever plan on hitting Extraordinary Milestones in their life let alone MLM. And because of that, they end up getting Millstones of Mediocrity hung around the neck of their future, dragging frustration and doubt all through their life.

Dreaming also is the basis for the WHY!

WHY are you doing MLM anyway?

“WHY” stands for “What Has You?”

Inferno Secret:

Whatever has your heart, focus, passion, dreams, and desires, is your WHY.

It could be your children, your family, yourself, your church or faith, or even making a difference in other’s lives, or all of the above. Your “WHY” is the driving force behind your business, and your dreams.

What Dream has your heart for your family and future?

Dreaming is simply the Art of Painting a VIVID Picture on the canvas in your mind, and letting that become the MASTERPIECE of Change in your life and Network Marketing business.

Here are some thought provoking questions:

“If money were not an object…what would your life be like? Describe it!”

Think about this, and complete it.

What would your PERFECT DAY be like?


Next, complete the list below:

The 10 Things I would like my company to bring into my life that currently doesn’t exist:

(This could include a New House, New Cars, Vacations, College Money, New Wardrobe, Charity and Church Giving, Private Schools, Boats, Lake Place, etc).

1) ____________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________
4) ____________________________________________
5) ____________________________________________
6) ____________________________________________
7) ____________________________________________
8) ____________________________________________
9) ____________________________________________
10) ____________________________________________
11) ____________________________________________
12) _____________________________________________

WHY I want these things is simple: (HOW would your life change for the better.)

Turn your “DreamLight” on… dust off your dream machine in your Network Marketing business, and crank it up, and let that DreamLight shine on your future once more.

Your Dreams CAN and WILL come true… but first the Light of Hope and Possibility must shine in your heart! And then you shine that light on your friends and family and get them dreaming with you! THAT is Power in MLM and Network Marketing!



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Network Marketing Training- “The Right Stuff in Network Marketing and MLM Recruiting.”

MLM Network Marketing Training- “The Right Stuff in Network Marketing and MLM Recruiting.”

by Doug Firebaugh


MLM and Network Marketing Recruiting.

Many times that word send such a chill down our backs. The reason is, is that Recruiting truly is misused in our industry, and many times lacking the “right stuff” when we engage it.


We all have a tendency to look at things how we see it, and not as they are.

And doing so, this creates a challenge with many mlm distributors, as the “right stuff” needs to be focused on, instead of how we feel about and view recruiting. And if a person has the “right stuff”, they will find that their recruiting will be 10 times more powerful and lucrative, and successful in MLM and Network Marketing.

We enroll in MLM companies, and expect us to go to the top many times with the WRONG stuff when talking to people about our business. We often focus on the wrong things, talk about the wrong things, present the wrong things, and thus create the wrong results for our efforts.

Has this ever happened to you:

Have you ever felt like an appointment was a total waste of time?

The “right stuff” is needed to make sure that you are on target and on track with what you are presenting and talking about. Nothing worse than a train headed fast down the wrong track. It is going and in motion, but yet, it is still headed in the wrong direction.

Many folks are like this in Network Marketing. They are blazing down the wrong track. A track of limited and contained possibilites. A track of doubt and worry. And a track of negative expectations that can derail any Success Train in MLM.

Ok…what is the “RIGHT STUFF?”

The word RIGHT stands for “Recruiting Is Giving (and) Helping (and) Touching.

First, MLM Recruiting is about GIVING to the prospect what they need to transform their life and future. Give HOPE. Give FAITH. Give a REASON. Give POSSIBILITIES. GIVE to the prospect so they can feel that they have not been taken from, as so many do.

“You have so much potential inside of you, and I would love to be able to help explode that in your life!” Give and pour into the prospect a power of Success and Achievement.

Network Marketing Recruiting is about HELPING. Help the prospect find the solution to their challenge and HELP them ENLARGE their life, future and destiny. HELP the prospect see what is TRULY possible, not what they think is possible. And HELP them with the HOPE of an incredible life, not a mediocre one. paint a vivid picture with your words, and HELP them see a new future.

“I wish you could see you through my eyes. It would stun you. You have so much potential to Succeed, it is almost scary.” Help them see the REAL peron that lies within.

MLM Recruiting is also TOUCHING. Touching their heart with Caring and kindness. Touching their minds with pictures that can become real life, with a real ending, and a real Success. Touching their emotions with the Joy of knowing that their life will never be the same after this conversation. They will TOUCH a realm of living that they never thought possible with you and Network marketing.

“How would it feel to know that you would never have to worry about money again?” Now THAT would be Joy to many! and it is POSSIBLE!

Ok…now let’s take a look at STUFF:

STUFF stands for “Success That Unveils (a) Focused Force!”

If you get it “RIGHT,” in your recruiting presentation, then your mlm recruiting will contain a Success connection that will Unveil and reveal to every mlm prospect a Focused Force of Power within them. This Foucused Force of power will ignite and empower and help take the prospect to a whole new realm of possibility of Success and Lifestyle that they once only dreamed of for their life and future.

Now it becomes REAL and POSSIBLE with the RIGHT STUFF.

Do you have the RIGHT STUFF for MLM Recruiting?

Focus in on the RIGHT tactics and perspective, and you will find your recruiting will explode with the “Success STUFF” in MLM and Network Marketing.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Network Marketing Training- The Question that Every MLM Prospect is Thinking

MLM Network Marketing Training- The Question that Every MLM Prospect is Thinking

by Doug Firebaugh

There you are.

You are right in the middle of this great mlm presentation and then suddenly the network marketing prospect seems to drift off, and you are losing them. They eventually come back to you, but there for a minute you were a little worried about what you were doing wrong.

You were doing nothing wrong. They were just walking into THE QUESTION.

There you are.

You are in front of 50 people, and rocking the house with a great mlm presentation. And then suddenly, one by one, the mlm prospects seem to be somewhere else, and not with you. You look, and one by one, they are returning. You question what just happened.


They were just walking through THE QUESTION.

Every network marketing prospect that you have talked to, or ever will talk to, asks this question sometime during the path to the Decision in Network Marketing. We all make it, and we all think it with every thing we look at doing or buying. It is done everyday.

Many times, we ask it quietly, and other times we will drift off and think about it, and feeling what answer we can come up with. Especially in MLM and Network Marketing.


“What kind of VALUE do I feel this has for my life, and is it enough Value for me to bring into my life?”

You may not think those exact words, but you will think them in some form.

VALUE RULES in making decisions to change, add, or delete anything in our life. It is the same in Network Marketing and MLM.

The Next time that you are presenting to a prospect, make sure you POUR ON THE VALUE.

These are questions that your mlm prospect will be thinking:

How will this create Value to the prospect’s future and family?


How will this create more Value in their lifestyle?

How will this bring more Value than what they currently have or doing?

How will this bring Vlaue to their family?

How will this bring Value to their life and future that they cannot get anyhere or from anyone else?

VALUE is the KEY to unlocking the MLM Success Doors.

Are you turning it in your MLM and Network Marketing business??



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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MLM Network Marketing Training- Are You Taking Action or are Actions Taking You in MLM?

MLM Network Marketing TrainingAre You Taking Action or are Actions Taking You in MLM?

by Doug Firebaugh

In Network Marketing, I think you would agree, that most people will take some form of action in Network Marketing. Most always do, even if they are weak actions that produce little. They will “give it a shot” in MLM and see what happens.

They will take an action for prospecting, contacting, presenting, following up and getting the decision. These of course are the actions that drive new business. And because of the lack of results, many will end up being frustrated, discouraged, and eventually walking away mad at the industry and start a smear campaign to justify their failure.

They will blame MLM for their failure, and go about making Network Marketing the demon of their life. All you have to do is do a search on any search engine and you will see what I mean. There are many of the “survivor” sites that are excuse laden, and promote all the usual “failure” research that justify why Network Marketing is a scam.

And I will say this in their defense…some people out there in network marketing should not be in the business, as they do not do this business correctly. But you will find that those types of people in all businesses and industries, especially the entrepreneur oriented businesses like real estate, stocks and bonds, insurance, franchises, and even direct sales.

Even Corporate America is not immune to bad business tactics.

Remember ENRON?

Many folks who do leave network marketing wonder what they did wrong. What they did incorrectly. What they did that did not work. What they did that failed.

The answer is not really in what you did, but more in what you did not do. And it has really little to do with your ACTIONS that YOU TAKE in MLM and Network Marketing.

Let me explain.

There are 2 types of actions in MLM.

1) The actions YOU TAKE.

2) The actions THAT TAKE YOU.

What do I mean? Actions YOU TAKE are the ones that catalyze the response and results, and create the paycheck. They are what you do to build this business as listed above.

Actions that TAKE YOU are actions on the inside of your heart and mind with the emotions and the psychology contained within them. Actions THAT TAKE YOU are:





Refusing to fail.

Seeing the Vision.

Expecting Success.

Anticipating Wealth.

Understanding Reality.

Reaching for what you want.

Knowing you will Succeed.

These actions “take you” to a new level of Power in you, and whole new level of IMPACT in the marketplace. They take you to a new perception of what you can do, and what you can accomplish. They take you to a whole new realm of expectation of results, and MLM Success.

And most importantly, they take the prospect to a whole new perception of what is possible working with you, as they “feel” that you are going somewhere and taking people with you. They are drawn towards you to know more about what you are doing, and where you are going.

All these “take you” actions are catalyzed by one thing:


Once a decision is made in the heart to succeed in network marketing, these “take you” psychological actions kick in, and then, the actions YOU TAKE in the marketplace are:





These actions now have TWICE THE IMPACT. Decision gives any action you take twice the impact on the prospect.

How do you know when you have made a decision?


No other option is possible. Period. No exceptions.

So, if you are taking action in network marketing, and want to massively Succeed, then make a Decision to create massive Success and that will alter your life and destiny, and everything you do in network marketing and mlm.

Then the “ACTIONS THAT TAKE YOU” will start to be empowered and catalyzed, and the next thing you know, you will be starting a journey of Massive Achievement in MLM and Network Marketing.




doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Network Marketing Training -The MLM Success Secrets of Explaining your Compensation Plan.

MLM Network Marketing Training –The MLM Success Secrets of Explaining your Compensation Plan.

by Doug Firebaugh


That is what drives the MLM industry. The quest for a better life, a better future, and a better income.

Why did you join your network marketing company?

For something to do?

Yeah — right.

That is why 99% of all folks who enroll in MLM companies join — for a better lifestyle. And the hope of making more money is what drives the network marketing industry.

Every MLM company has a way they pay their distributors, known as a “Compensation Plan.” Or “Comp Plan”. Your company has one and that is how you are paid, by the volume you have created by the Comp Plan.

You go out, and create Volume of sales, and you get a certain percentage of the sales. Most plans focus on the sale, or movement of mlm products and services to the marketplace, and that is what drives the wealth vehicle of network marketing.

There are different types of Network Marketing Comp Plans, and there are many more Hybrid forms. But generally there are 5 different types, and you need to really understand the Plan that your company has.

The 5 Basic Kinds of MLM Compensation Plans are:

1)The Stairstep
2)The Unilevel
3)The Binary
4)The Breakaway
5)The Matrix

1)The Stairpstep

The Stairstep is a simple plan that has requirements that you must meet to get up the “Stairs of Success.” Each stairstep is a promotion based on Volume usually, and each promotion you make more money. Usually you must qualify each month for the rank you obtain to get paid at that rank. And the stairstep usually has a number of levels it pays down to.

2)The Unilevel

The Unilevel is a simple “Number of levels” that the MLM company will pay you, and usually there is no promotion or rank. You make money by getting a certain override off of the volume, and usually there is a requirement of volume to qualify for a check.

3)The Binary.

The Binary is an interesting design for a Comp Plan. It usually has 2 “legs” that you can have “Business centers” in, and you have a volume requirement to get paid on each leg. There is what is called “balance” in the Binary. You must balance the volume from each leg to make sure you don’t have a runaway leg. One leg explodes, while the other one sits idle. You must balance the two, and you usually can override the same volume a number of times with different business centers.

4)The Breakaway.

This plan has become somewhat unpopular in the industry, as you lose the business you build, once it gets to a certain level of success, and it “breaks away” to no longer be a part of what you get paid on. It usually is a stairstep type of Plan, but I have seen it in others as well.

5)The Matrix

The matrix is a computer driven plan that people are placed into your group by computer, and they go in the next available slot. Usually this plan is combined with some form of a Binary, and it does work well if there are a lot of people that are recruited. When you recruit someone, the computer searches down for the next open slot, and positions them there. There are some plans that allow you to override the computer’s selection if you want them to go a particular place in your downline.

Ok…so now you must see what kind of plan you have. See your upline if you have any questions at all, and get familiar with the plan you have and how it works.


DO NOT get too complicated on telling the mlm plan to someone. Keep it simple and make sure they understand that they CAN MAKE MONEY with it, as that is their greatest concern.

They are thinking, “Can I make money with this? And is anyone else doing it?”

Generally, when you talk about a Comp Plan, you will want to mention 4 general areas about it that many people will want to know about.

1)The First area is Retail Profit.

You must show the prospect that they can earn a retail profit with your products and services…usually it about 50%…

2)The Second Area is Team Overrides.

This is where, just like a Real Estate broker, or Insurance Broker, you can develop a team of Reps and help them become successful, and get paid a certain % of override off of them, just like the Real Estate and Insurance Brokers do. You are sort of a “Master Broker” for your company, and help others do the same thing. This is where most people have trouble with MLM. They don’t understand that what we do is just like a Real Estate or Insurance Broker, only better.

3)The Third Area is Leadership Bonuses.

This is where you help develop Successful Network Marketing leaders in your group, and you get an additional bonus or override form your group. You get rewarded by helping others develop their Leadership — the most fair compensation in the world.

4)The Fourth Area are Rewards…like trips and cars.

This area is a favorite among Network Marketers. Once you have reached a level of success, many companies will give you an additional car payment money, and also take you on trips that you can qualify for — a great incentive to work!!!

Be sure you understand the components of your MLM Comp Plan. This was just a VERY General Overview, and that is all.

Again…..KEEP THE Network Marketing Comp PLAN SIMPLE.

The More Simple you keep it, the more powerful it becomes, as does your MLM and Network Marketing Success!




doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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