mlm network marketing
MLM Team Building.
What are the secrets of developing Million Dollar Relationships in your mlm network marketing business?
What would you do to be able to build ONE million dollar relationship in your home business?
Would those types of secrets ACCELERATE your mlm business?
These are questions that you should be considering with everyone that you talk to- offline and online. Most people are not recruited because these questions have not been considered nor thought of.
The secret to building what are called Million Dollar Relationships can be found in the word RELATE:
“Most people do not understand how to build relationships- especially online. It is not a difficult task but it does require a certain understanding. Let me use the word and acrostic RELATE as the key.
I have developed relationships all over the world, and this formula worked for me every time.
1. R stands for REACH out.
You must REACH out to others and let them know that you are there to help. YOU take the initiative and be proactive. Even if they are an mlm prospect, you need to REACH out and connect with them.
2. E stands for ENGAGE.
Take the new contact and engage it. Take the initiative and find out their interests and how you can add value to those interests in some way.
3. L stands for LISTEN.
Listen to the prospect and what is important to them. Ask questions about them and SHOW INTEREST in them. Understand they will be more interested in you, if you show more interest in THEM. Find some CONNETION points of things that you have in common. In social media, ask questions about their comments, and about their videos. Then LISTEN to what they say.
4. A stands for ANCHOR.
You must find out what you have in common with the home business prospect and anchor that as a solidifier in the relationship. This is where the new friendship starts to “feel right.” This can be as simple as having a hobby in common.
5. T stands for TOUCH.
You must TOUCH the prospect’s heart. It does no good to speak to the mind- if you are not speaking to the heart. Touching the heart is critical-with your words, with your commonalities, with your emotions, and with your Hope and Belief in the prospect’s furture and destiny.
6. E stands for ELEVATE.
Continue to lift up, edify, encourage, and elevate the new budding relationship and person in all that you do. Encourage them in their business or profession that they work in. Send the new online friend notes and new information about their interests. And elevate the relationship until it is solid enough to talk offline if it is online.
Here is a Billion Dollar secret that works:
7. “It is easier to recruit a friend than a stranger. Befriend them, do not just try and recruit them.”
Putting relationships FIRST will never allow you to be last in anything that you do. That is how life is.
When you put someone FIRST before business and what you get out of it, you will always have friends that will put you first as well. Yes, there are exceptions, but those are not the majority.
Do not give up if you have not done this in the past.
What you need to do is simply develop NEW RELATIONSHIPS and then allow them to blossom. With the advent of the social media and mobile marketing explosion which is still in it’s developmental phase, you have a virtual gold mine in new prospects that will never run dry.
It is endless and infinite.
Use these secrets to RELATING to people and watch your recruiting soar in your network marketing home business.
FREE Social Recruiting Media ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 recruiting secrets!
FREE mp3 Download- “The 7 Biggest Mistakes made in Network Marketing NO ONE will TELL YOU!”
blessings…doug firebaugh
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