social media mlm for home business
If you think about it, Home business social media is a fast growing arena in the home based business profession. And we have been training on it for 6 years. There are many GREAT teachers and other trainers out there and we are honored just to be a part of it. we discovered social media around 2004 with myspace (where in the world did THAT go?) and then moved onto facebook, twitter, and now the new google+. It is an amazing time to be in the network marketing profession.
Many folks train on marketing in social media and we do too, but we want for this training, to really focus in on the FOUNDATION of social networking. It is critical that you understand that there is a BASE PLATFORM that social media rests upon as far as actions. And this platform you must master in every area of social media, be it video, blogging, podcasting, texting, posting, etc.
What is the BASE PLATFORM of taking action for home business social media?
The base of Home Business Social Media Marketing is about Conversation.
No Doubt. Conversation RULES as far as being the DRIVING FORCE in the social media experience in MLM. NEW conversations as well are vital to the growth of your home business.
But the platform the base is HOSTED on I believe is:
Conversation does not occurwithout a Connection, and without a reaching out on someones part via a post, video, podcast, comment, tweet,, cinchcast, or whatever you choose for the delivery of your message.
Connection, though is the START of where it all begins to happen in Social Media. It is at the NUCLEAR CORE of social networking.
First comes the Catalyst, then the Connection, then the Conversation.
Whether it is tweets on twitter, friends on facebook, and users on LinkedIn – it still starts with Connection in the Social zone.
Are you Connecting on a regular basis? And if you are, how are you doing it?
Connection, according to the dictionary, is “when 2 things come together and meet.”
That works as far as social media. Connecting with folks that you have something in common with is all part of the home business social media marketing process. But if you think about it, there are different types or levels of Connection, and social media really demands a higher level of connection in mlm marketing.
All Marketing is, (no matter if you are a traditional marketer or a home based marketer,) is the process of exposing your message or product to a prospect in some way. Yes, that is a simple definition, but within it, you must CONNECT your message with someone. There must be a CATALYST to make it happen, like an advertisement, phone call, squeeze page, or an article online. But something MUST start the process of marketing and recruiting.
Here is the process : < Catalyst >- Attention- Connection- Conversation- Collaboration.
Hence, the 4 levels of Connection in social media.
1) Attention.
This is the weakest form of Connection in home business social media. No matter whether it is on LinkedIn, or Facebook, it is the weakest. This form of Connection many people make the mistake of thinking they have Connected here and immediately start bombarding folks with recruiting and marketing messages. That is a HUGE no no. Attention means that you have Connected their eyes, mind, or curiosity with something, but it is NOT enough to start the home business marketing process effectively. Yes, you can start here, but rarely does it prove to be effective. This Connection is only where someone NOTICES you message.
2 Connection.
This is where a person in the home business marketing process, is “hooked” by something in your message or offer. It could be a phrase, video, free giveaway, download, image, or color. But SOMETHING has not only gotten their attention, but has Connected their mind to a further look. the psychology of this is to switch in their curiosity, and desire for more information. They have “plugged in” enough to Connect to your message and consider it.
3) Conversation.
This is the third level of Connection, This is where the Conversation has moved beyond curiosity, and now has elevated to communication. They may want to know more about the message or product. They may want to know more about you. They may want to know more about the benefits and value of the product. But Conversation does take place and can take place many times over the course of time before you move to the 4th level of Connection.
4) Collaboration.
This is where you both agree that you will Collaborate in some way and is some fashion to work together. This may come in the form of a recruit, sale or purchase, an appointment, a referral, a new person in your home business, a new mlm customer, or even a referral, partnership or Joint venture. Collaboration is something that has many possibilities.
The ultimate goal in home business marketing is to make something happen that creates a win/win situation for both the marketer and customer. And these 4 levels of Connection can create a LOT of new recruits and profit if you are consistent and relentless.
Many network marketers never get past the Attention stage as they are more interested in RESULTS then a Relationship. They have it backwards. Relationship is a much better catalyzer of Results. Since you have taken the time to Connect on a higher level, they have learned to TRUST you, and trust more of what you suggest or say.
Do not make that mistake in home business social media marketing. Take it to the highest level every time, and see your results increase dramatically in your home business social media zone.
Discover how to fuse social media and network marketung as a success force!
blessings.. doug firebaugh
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