mlm mobile recruiting network marketing
MLM Mobile Recruiting Basic Tools.
Do you understand the tools that are available for recruiting via mobile for your home based business?
Are you using mobile recruiting strategies for your network marketing business?
How do you view mobile today- potential or useless for your mlm?
Many people view mobile recruiting as not quite ready yet and will be 2 years from now. To some degree they are correct, but Mobile Recruiting today is making HUGE strides in gaining acceptance in the home business profession for recruiting. ViSalus and Vemma both use mobile technology today for recruiting and marketing their products, and your company should as well if they are not.
Here are some Mobile Recruiting Tools that will help you form a home business recruiting perspective that also work for corporate recruiting. This was written partly by a good friend who is the # 1 corporate recruiter for a national firm and myself.
Another top tip is to use cloud based employee monitoring to keep an eye on what your staff are doing as you can imagine that some are not doing what they should be…..
Here is the article:
There are great tools available for mobile recruiting on the web and lets take a quick peek a them and see what they are about:
Mobile Web.
One of the first mobile internet options was that of the mobile web. Mobile started out as a simple text form of the internet using WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) technology and has evolved into a tool that challenges regular web browsing in effectiveness. With
more than half of all cell phone users hooked up to the mobile net, this option seems to be one to look at for recruiting.
There are many vendors who offer mobile web services for clients. These vendors take a client’s .com web page and translate the content into a .mobi or m.website.com format so that mobile web browsers are better able to navigate the pages.
Looking out on the web today, only a small number of organizations are using .mobi. A couple of job boards have taken a stab at .mobi. CollegeRecruiter.mobi and EngineeringJobs.mobi are the two easiest to find sites.
There does not seem to be any US or European recruiters using .mobi yet. However, South African recruitment consultancy, Trudy Q has a nice mobile site. TrudyQ.mobi allows job seekers to search and view the consultancies open vacancies. Stalwart of social media recruitment innovation, KPMG New Zealand also has a great .mobi option.
Many home business owners are starting to also get their own mobile website by “mobilizing” their current website and it truly make a difference as even Google gives you preference to SERPs if you have a mobile version of your site.
SMS / Text Messaging.
SMS offers recruiters a couple of great options to find talent. SMS is most often used to
drive direct response to recruitment advertising. HR consulting firm, Hewitt, made the biggest splash in 2009 for SMS recruitment. The firm partnered with Recruit2Mobile to host a direct response SMS campaign.
Job seekers who saw one of several recruitment advertisements were encouraged to text HEWITT2 to 88000 from their mobile devices. They were then sent a text message with a link to a mobile optimized page with a list of the current Hewitt job openings.
On the other side of SMS is the ability to apply to jobs using text. As a CEO Shravan Gupta said that Indian job board Naukri gives job seekers who search vacancies on their mobile devices the chance to instantly apply for openings via a text command.
Applicants first register a resume on the .com version of the site. Then when they see a job they like on the mobile portal, they select to apply to the job using the resume they have stored. For jobs that are highly competitive, being able to apply instantly from wherever you are gives mobile job seekers an advantage by being first in the application queue.
SMS is also great for using for home business as it can get a person engaged in the recruiting process within SECONDS versus days or weeks. An SMS text can take them with a link, to a video about your company and also about YOU. This is a QUICK way to get someone to view your information.
Click to Call.
This is a link or an image that when you click on it,you can make a call. Usually for mlm recruiting, you link the click to call number to a voice mail and on the message is a short message about a free sample or invite them to a webinar. You can leave a longer message about your business on the click to call message, but it will have a lot of hang ups as we have found in the usage of it.
Click to call or “tap to call” images and links are used in SMS as well as mobile website images and can get a LOT of folks listening to your message about your home business quickly.
Barcodes /QR codes
One technology a little slower to take off is that of barcodes or more accurately QR codes. QR stands for “quick response” and is akin to SMS when it comes to marketing or recruiting. A QR code is a square, black and white image that when photographed using a mobile
phone camera and reviewed by a QR program, sends a mobile user a predefined
response…usually a URL, phone number or opens the mobile browser to a webpage.
It has only been recently that QR has started gaining steam. The first iterations of the technology didn’t ever get backed by a big user base. QR though has been propped up by Google, so it looks like this type of barcode will become mobile standard.
To integrate QR into a recruitment strategy, companies can create campaigns similar to what Hewitt did with SMS. However instead of using SMS, the campaign would encourage mobile
users to scan the QR for more information.
Home Business owners can integrate QR codes on their business cards, brochures, flyers, invites, trainings, and other printed material as well as your website for obtaining more info about YOU and your opportunity.
These are some Mobile Recruiting Tools that are basic but yet a MUST to use in mobile recruiting for your home business mlm network marketing efforts.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!
blessings…..doug firebaugh
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