mlm network marketing home business thinking
MLM Thinking Tips.
Do you think about your thinking regarding your home based business?
Do you KNOW how you think and is it working for you in your network marketing business?
What do you do to think the way that you should-or do you even try in your mlm?
Let’s ask another powerful question about who you know, love, and associate with…
What do your friends and family think and how do they think or DO they even really think like they should??
Odds are, believe it or not, you are thinking that way too. Most people think like their peers, friends, associates and families. There is nothing wrong with that, but is that serving you well in life and business? Or is it simply stifling your success progress for your home business and de-motivating you?
As a team member for your company, if you look at the word “THINKING,” and how it is spelled, you will see that the first word in Thinking is THIN! Yes THIN. WHOA do you say? Then the million dollar question is do you have skinny thinking? Worse yet….Do you have poverty thought patterns when you use your imagination and brain? That type of thinking and mindset will devastate your attitude, your actions, your results, and your Business! Fatten up your Thinking and you will absolutely fatten up your bank account with THINKING BIG.
There is a saying, “If you are going to think anyway, why not think absolutely HUGE? It takes the same effort but pays you so much better!”-
Donald Trump
So then if you take a look at the word “Thinking,” the last word in THINKING is KING! (Or Queen!) Do you have what we call Royalty Thinking? Are your thoughts larger than the average person’s thoughts and imagination? Royalty Thinking is focused on Abundance and Fullness, not Scarcity. It is focused on being Extraordinary and more in your life and not just what is called Ordinary.
Understand this ONE SUCCESS RULE:
80% of ALL SUCCESS you will ever accomplish is, and always will be– PSYCHOLOGICAL.
What is BETWEEN your EARS will always determine the majority of that is between your
hours and RESULTS and Success. It is what is BEHIND the ACTION that will be the DRIVER of the Action and determined it’s Results.
If your thinking and belief for whatever reason are not passionate and powerful, your actions that you take daily and weekly will be weaker and less effective then they should be if they were passionate. Many of the distributors in this great home business and direct sales profession suffer from that.
It is called “Mental Poison.” Your thoughts can poison your thoughts in a way that is so subtle, but yet in the emd, your results are sabotaged and destroyed for any kind of Success. Are you doing that?
It’s time to change all that NOW and create a radical Shift in your Thinking that keeps your mind, focus, and vision on track and staying focused so you produce incredible RESULTS!! And THAT will help people feel a more positive, passionate, unstoppable, and powerful you, and more magnetic you!
Let’s ask you this question again. Answer it if you DARE: What has your thinking, up until this point in your life, cost you in dollars?
That is a Million Dollar Question and you need to think about it.
This will make you think about how you think and how your imagination works for your mlm network marketing home based business.
FREE mp3 download “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane hochman!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2013 all rights reserved
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