MLM Recruitng Online recruiting
Are you doing Online MLM Recruiting?
Home businesses today are focused a lot on online recruiting.
Funnel marketing is what many call it.
We have called it “Funnel Recruiting” for years.
And it is highly popular in finding prospects online. Many people in MLM are engaged with this type of recruiting and I encourage anyone to look at it. It can be a gold mine if done right.
That is the reason for this post.
Many people do NOT do it right.
Our Private Clients all use some form of online recruiting and sponsoring. They are coached how to do it, and then to take it offline asap. And they do, and do it very well. All are highly talented professionals.
But we have found there are 4 really powerful mistakes that can KILL your online recruiting dead.
And that often happens with people in network marketing and home business.
What are the Killers?
1. Too Much Pressure.
I cannot tell you how many folks I have talked to that have told me horror stories of folks being pressured to join a company by relentless marketers on the internet.
Folks, it is either for the person, or it is NOT. Period.
Quit looking so desperate and let the person go after they have indicated they are not interested.
They are NOT who you are looking for.
2. No Autoresponder.
Automation is the ONLY way to go online. And if you are not IN FRONT of the people you are trying to recruit in their email, then odds are, they will forget about you.
Put an autoresponder together with Aweber, and then learn the system. it is a great system, And then STAY IN FRONT of your prospects while you sleep.
3. Unprofessional Image.
Being “Hip” is good to a point So is being cute.
But this is STILL a business. Come across like you are SERIOUS about your business and this is no game. Some folks trying to recruit people try to be “hip” and “cool.”
Cool doesn’t work for most.
It cools the prospect off.
Be professional and have a standard of EXCELLENCE.
That is what Leaders do.
4. Not Following a System.
Systems are CRITICAL online and recruiting in a home business. If you are not using one, then odds are you are “winging it” at best in your MLM recruiting online.
SYSTEM stands for: Save YouSelf Time Energy (&) Money.
There are many great recruiting systems out there, as well as your company may have one.
5. Not Taking It Offline.
There is the Golden Rule of TIO in Online MLM Recruiting:
Take It Offline.
This is how you become more HUMAN to the person and more REAL. If they connect with you IN PERSON or at least over the phone, odds are they will be 100% more loyal to you as a Leader in your MLM Home Business.
BONUS TIP: Talking about How Great You Are, and NOT Them.
This is one of the biggest mistakes made. Keep your comments and online conversation focused on WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THEM, and not what you can get from them. Shut your mouth about you. Make it ALL about them.
If you are struggling online with recruiting- GET SERIOUS. Odds are you are doing more than one of these problematic actions.
Start systemetizing your mlm recruiting online for your Home Business.
Endless Leads Secrets that Cost you Nothing to DO.
blessngs…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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I’d like to learn how to do effective video marketing and blogging. I’m a complete beginner at both. What resources do you have that will help me learn? I have a very small team of network marketers but would love to build an international organization. My father was from Mexico and my mother is from Ireland, so I speak Spanish and have dual citizenship with the USA and the Republic of Ireland.
Thank you.
Brian Galloway
Tacoma, WA