home business mlm
MLM Training on Prospects.
Do you know the 3 types of people you will find in your home business?
Are you talking to a ot of people in your network marketing endeavors?
Are you comfortable with change in your mlm business?
“You will never realize change in your income or business until you realize that change is constant, and all around you. There is GOOD change- and BAD change. Successful people have learned to distinguish between the two and act accordingly.”
This post will help you start to understand what lies ahead for you, but it
is only the start. It is only the beginning, There is more to learn and embrace, and empower. And that is why that your actions will determine the seriousness of your intentions. Our intentions are simple- to help you create a business that will set you free financially-and that is based on what is current and working NOW- not what used to work but does not work anymore.
Are you ready for that kind of Mega learning and engage in a path that has no limits, and will change every part of you?
Then you are in the process of becoming a “Marketing Warrior” in this industry -a person that has GOT IT.
There are only three types of people in the world.
1) People that do NOT GET IT.
These fine folks will always be behind the curve and a victim of change- not a victor. They are always a step behind and always playing catch up. Nothing wrong with that- but NOT where you are headed.
These people generally resist change.
2) People that GET IT.
These fine folks are the ones that GET IT- mentally, intellectually and in their mind, and
then do something about it. Their mind set is solid about an idea of change, and they understand what is going on, and are willing to move in that direction and become a part of the wave of change.
3) People that GOT IT.
These are the “Marketing Warriors” of the home business industry. They not only understand and get what is going on in their minds, but also get what is going on in their HEARTS. They get emotionally connected to an idea of progress or change, and then become so a part of it that they become an “evangelist” for it.
Hence, a “warrior” if you will. They teach others about the idea and the potential transformation for their life, and then teach others to teach that powerful message as well.
That is what a Marketing Warrior is- an “Agent of Change” that wants to spread an idea of personal growth and an enlarging life change around the world because they are so emotionally connected to it and want to unleash a Storm of Success in people’s lives.
That is the secret to this industry. Take the message of your company and product, and
become a Massive Success with it. And you can also engage in being part of the Home Business Marketing Warrior Team that will help you create and build a business that sets you up for wealth and a lifestyle of your dreams in your home business and mlm network marketing.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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