mlm training for success director
MLM Success Movie.
Have you ever dreamed of directing a movie for your home based business?
Have you ever considered that network marketing is much like a movie but more of a “Success Movie”?
Would you consider yourself a director of your home business?
Let me explain…
As a network marketer, try to think like a movie director concerning your home business mlm business writing for your blog posts, videos, and article marketing.
A director or producer who inspires actors to perform and master certain actions that will produce the results that you want. Like that movie director and producer, you control things and guide them along to where you want the story to go.
You control your mlm marketing articles, posts, and videos so that readers and watchers of it give you the results you desire. In your home business articles, you MUST REVEAL and bring light to a problem, step by step, you focus the camera and lens on solutions, and then you watch your prospects who need solutions — take action.
But it MUST be the right actions.
That’s the heart of network marketing and home business article writing; pointing the way and revealing the path to TRUE solutions.
Every home business article you write for online distribution has to provide focused solutions and encourage click backs to you and your network marketing website or personal blog. MLM Marketing Articles that fail point to or direct your prospect back to your blod, are a waste of your time, energy and effort, and your readers’ as well.
Right Connection.
The director forms a connection with the movie goers, and you have to form a connection with your readers and watchers. You must do this to encourage them to visit your blog, fanpage, wiki, or website to learn further about your home business products. That’s where they will find the solution they are looking for and take action on what your blog offers or video suggests.
That connection results when you get readers feeling HOPE, POWER, INTEREST, CURIOSITY, or any other thing that will PULL them towards you. You have to get them EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED in what you are writing or saying so they read will want to read further.
When readers have a problem or issue, they seek solutions that will SOLVE that problem.
When they realize you have a home business article about THEIR PARTICULAR problem and want to help SOLVE IT, they take time to read or watch it. They want to see if you truly offer a viable solution to their problem.
As they read and see you are offering a solution to their problem, they start to connect with you emotionally. You both are in harmony concerning a topic or problem. With the connection being formed, you can expand the connection and drive it deeper.
How do you expand the Connection?
How do you get them to go beyond the blog post or video they are watching and click or go to your personal business site or fan page?
You do so by promising more informatiom and a detailed solution to their problem on your business website. Your content article, while useful and comes at a great time to help them with their problem, it is only the first exposure, or the pre-sell.
You have uncovered their problem.
You have connected YOU to that problem.
You have defined their problem.
You have them hopeful you can give them a solution somewhat so they’re anxious for more information. You have provided content and possibilities about solutions.
Now you have to MOVE THEM to the critical solution. You do that by promising them a complete solution on your business blog or web site.
Let them know your solution to their problem will save them money.
Let them know your solution will save them time from continually hunting down other solutions.
Let them know they do not have to expend effort anymore to find a solution to their problem. YOU ARE the solution.
Connect with them so they know you will fulfill their needs for a product or business that delivers what they require.
With your mlm marketing article, they will know there are more answers and products out there to help them towards a resolution and YOU then become the solution. With an engaging article that they read to the end and then viral market it through social sites, you encourage links, comments, and clicks back to your website and blog or fan page through them posting your links to people they know.
Think of it; someone has just read an article, thinking, “It’s all here, they understand my problem, and they are talking about and offering solutions for it.”
They then realize they need information that is more specific. They need information MORE FOCUSED.
They realize they need a look at that product or solution you have that can help them.
They see a link to your site on the article, post, or social site.
They know you know what you’re talking about because of the quality of the content of your article. They want to see what else you’re talking about concerning their problem. They click back to you and lo and behold, there’s more information and a compelling picture of your home business product on a blog post, fan page, or video.
It’s all about being in control of your home business article and using it to direct and guide readers to TAKE ACTION.
Be that Success Movie director who points people where they should be. This can happen when you shine a light on their problem. That’s what can result when you focus, like a camera, on a solution to their problem.
That’s what happens when your article inspires them to action. These actions save them time, money and effort in their pursuit of their challenge.
Shine the Light on your prospect’s problems!
Focus your prospect’s attention “camera” to YOUR SOLUTION.
Get your prospect to TAKE ACTION on your offer!
NOTE: You MUST become a blogger if you are going to market online or in social media. You may not be a great writer, but you can get cheap but great articles written at Fiverr and elance.com and Iwriter.
The secret to a powerful MLM Article or blog post or content, is providing a SOLUTION, and like a good movie producer, lead them to the end result that you desire to TAKE ACTION that solves their problem and RESOLVES the scene successfully for your mlm network marketing home business.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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Awesome word pictures in this article, Doug! I’m going to keep your powerful words in front of me as I’m writing and creating videos:
“That connection results when you get readers feeling HOPE, POWER, INTEREST, CURIOSITY, or any other thing that will PULL them towards you. You have to get them EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED in what you are writing or saying so they read will want to read further.”
Star quality article…glad you TIVO’ed it for us, Doug! 🙂 Thanks!
Dan- rcok the business today! doug
Like usual, you’re right on time with needed information to help us continue moving. I appreciate your analogy and word pictures to help us see this better! Blessings!