mlm network marketing social media
MLM Social Media Opening Lines.
Do you ever struggle with contacting people in social media for your home business?
Do you ever have to think of something rto say and not look foolish when contacting people for your network marketing business?
Is there a favorite line that you use in social media to open up conversation?
Many people make some mistakes in their quest for opening up conversations with people in the social sites. They often say and do things that turn people off. What are some of the reasons that people do say things that do NOT work?
They are 1 of 3 things:
a. Too anxious.
b. Too cocky.
c. Too timid.
There must be a balance between the three. You cannot come across as you are talking to them as if you WANT something from them. Thye will sense that. It is even that way on mobile devices as well. You CANNOT be focused on getting something from them. You must be focused on GIVING something to them.
People want to know you are not “after” something but are putting your own interests after them.
Many folks are way too aggressive in their approach and in their communication. RELAX. Take the pressure off.
Opening Lines in social media should be friendly, encouraging, and magnetic. And they should FEEL friendly, and be cordial.
Here are three rules for opening Lines that we have found that works and works well:
1) Focus 100% on something the prospect has done or said.
2) Seek friendship -NOT a distributorship.
3) Be brief and warm and take pains to RELAX the person you are reaching out to.
Oh- and don’t come across like you have “agenda” on your forehead. That is NOT a good thing as you probably have found out already.
Here are 7 ways to reach out to people and relax them as well as draw them to you:
1) “Glad to see you here-how long have you been on this social site?”
This is a generic opening line that will work with almost anyone. Keep it focused on finding out about them-not selling them. Ask questions and then ask more.
2) “I recently ran across a post of yours and loved it.”
You create in influence that way. You are seen as someone “who gets it.” You are seen as a learner.
You are seen as “the next generation.” Than others will be promoting you as a way of saying thanks. BE ENCOURAGING- no matter what.
3) “Here is a post that I thought you would appreciate on ——”
This is a great way to open up a conversation. Go to their profile. Research it. Find a post in their interest. Then share it with them.
4) “ I see you know about ——may I ask you a question-maybe you can help me.”
People love being asked about their authority niche. Make it a sincere question. Let it be a simple one to answer. Thank them for any and all comments..
5) “You and I are friends with —-and thought that we should connect…”
Find people that you both have in common. Tap into other people’s friends or followers. Share a commonality from the very start. Let the common connection birth another one
6) “WOW! You have a great looking blog! Love the look. Did you design it yourself?”
People with blogs- visit them. Comment on them. Promote their content. Share the link on other sites. Ask their input on their blog about a post they wrote. They will do the same for you.
7) “I see we have < > in common as an interest. Would love to learn from you.”
People love to be seen as a teacher. This elevates their image. It also elevates their interest in you.
It also elevates your communication IMPACT with them.
These are 7 ways to approach people for your social medis efforts in your mlm network marketing home based business.
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blessings….doug firebaugh
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