mlm recruiting interview network marketing
MLM Recruiting Interview.
Do you interview people when you are recruiting and sponsoring for your mlm home business?
You can do it online or offline, does not matter.
Do you do phone conversations or skype interviews when you are looking for a newmlm team member?
There are many ways to recruit and sponsor, online and offline, but one of the greatest ways to start the process is to QUALIFY the prospect to see if YOU can work with them and THEY are who you are looking for.
Psychologically speaking, many prospects want to “ADD UP” or “Measure Up” for the task, and when they are looking for employment, an interview is a staple in the search process.
Should it not be for recruiting someone in your network marketing business?
Below are 5 questions you should be asking prospects and seeing what their answers are. They are powerful and they work!
1. Lets start here…Tell me about yourself.
Since this question or statement is often the opening question in any interview, be extra careful that you don’t do all the talking as it really is easy to do when recruiting in mlm. You want the prospect to know who you are and what you are doing. There is time for that, but not at the beginning.
Keep CONTROL by asking questions and listening. If they ask a question…
Keep your answer to a minute at most. Ask the prospect if they do not tell you, about their parents, their education, where they have worked the last 10 years, , recent career experience., and if they ever have or thought about owning their own business. Emphasize this last subject. Remember that this is likely to be a warm-up question. Don’t waste your best points on it.
And TAKE NOTES. “You don’t mind if I write down a few notes do you?” Whether face to face, skype, a Google Hangout, online chat, or cell phone, TAKE NOTES and always let them know you are. It displays a professional image and a powerful Leadership brand.
2. What do you look for in a great organization? What other companies have you looked at?
Listen to what they say. Take notes. Let their answers show that you are listening, have some research, but don’t overwhelm the prospect with too many follow up questions. Make it clear that you wish to learn more.
You might start by saying, “This is interesting. Thank you for sharing that. What one thing do you feel a good organization should have for their folks?”
“Your answers are some of the few I have gotten that truly interest me- as you have a lot of potential with your communications skills.”
Give any statement a positive tone. Don’t say, “Well, you don’t have very good communication skills…” if they are not who you are looking for, use this interview for practice and switch the conversation to the product, or who they might know that they could work with.
3. Why would a home business interest you? Just curious…
Here, and throughout the course of the mlm interview, a good answer comes from your prospect having done their homework and knows something about our profession.
You might give your own testimonial, and say that your impressed with your prospects research (if they have done any) and that your company is doing things you personally wanted to be involved with, and that your company is doing them in ways that greatly interest you.
For example, if your upline organization is known for strong results, your answer should mention that fact and show that you wanted to be a part of that kind of a team. Ask the prospect would that be important to them.
If the company places a great deal of emphasis on leadership and business development, emphasize the fact that you want to create new things and that you know this is an environment in which such activity is encouraged. Ask the prospect if they feel that would be important to them.
If your prospect feels that they are not really connected to this question, or looks bored, avoids eye contact, body language closes up, or online they go quiet… – you probably should not be seriously considering that interview for a leader, because they probably shouldn’t be considering a home business.
Their “success language” is lacking for your business and you working with them.
4. What is your strongest asset that you can bring to any team?
Here the prospect may blow their own horn and even get a bit egotistical. Happens a lot in a recruiting interview. Talk about you are looking for someone who gets things done and can lead a team, and ask specifics why they think their answer to your question is their strongest asset.
Motivate and encourage the prospect. Say that the prospect’s skills and interests, combined with their apparent history of getting results, makes them a valuable commodity for any team. Ask about what their priorities are in any kind of marketing posiiton, and would they say they are good at solving challenges.
5. What do you find most attractive about being your own? What seems least attractive about it?
Find out their REASON why they are looking and why they feel they wold be a good fit.
After you have asked these questions, you need to transition to this…
“I love your energy and you have great people skills. What I think we need to do now is take a minute to watch/listen/attend – (whatever your next move is) how does that sound for you?”
The MLM Recruiting interview for a home business is something that can be done a multitude of ways. These are 5 powerful questions you can ask and start directing them to a more intensive look at your mlm home business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power–over 50 recruiting secrets!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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Sounds like proper posture and attitude is a must for this. Thanks for sharing your fire!
This is a truly powerful post! Thank you!
Thank you Ruthida! Hope to see you again here! doug