Home Based Business has it’s CORE and most do not know what it is.
Many people today dance aroud the edges of network marketing and home business.
They do not understand that you gotta go DEEP in your business and get to the center of it all.
Have you?
Have you gone to the depths of effort that really matter to a home based business?
Let’s ask a question…
What is a CORE?
Think about it.
It is the VERY Heart of something…
The VERY Center…
The VERY Essence of something…
It is the VERY Substance of something…
The VERY Life of something.
Your MLM Core.
You have a Core…
It is called the Heart… and a the Core of that lies Life itself, because if your heart stops beating…
You are dead… period. At least on this earth.
Most of the time, when the Core of something is inoperable, then the very thing itself ceases to function and thrive…
It is the same with this business… and MLM Success.
Because what is at the very CORE of our Network Marketing Success and business, makes it go… makes it thrive, and makes it IGNITE!!!!! And if you let the CORE of this business go unused and inactive, so your business will become.
The Nuclear Networking Factor.
That is how a Nuclear Core operates… if the Core is not tapped into and used, it’s Power is useless for the most part, as it is not operating on full capacity…
Many people in MLM never operate on full capacity…
Full capacity means:
” Full Throttle”… and at the Most it can be… Full Effort, Full Belief, Full Focus, Full Actions, and Full Expectancy.
Is that how you are working your business?
What does the word CORE stand for?
“Consistency Of RELENTLESS Effort.”
And that is at the core of MLM. You MUST be very consistent as that is what your business is driven by, and must be relentless as well.
You must be relentless in the prospecting, recruiting, retailing, building your team, presenting, following up, contacting, making appointments, asking for the order, training your people, personal development…
Relentless is the MLM Secret.
You know what relentless really is?
Consistency on heavy duty SUCCESS STEROIDS!
Be relentless at your efforts and your actions, as without action... nothing happens in MLM.
And without consistency, nothing short term happens. Without being relentless, nothing long term happens.
And you need to be Long Term Focused!!
Go the very CORE of whgat it akes to succeed with a home business.
Relentless effort is the key for your network marketing home based business.
doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com
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