home business influence
You may not know it, but MLM and Network Marketing have a certain power to direct YOUR life as well as others. Influence can come from many directions for a home business.
BUT….It can be a GOOD influence or a BAD influence.
It depends on who you are listening to, as well as what you are saying to YOURSELF.
People in general I believe want you to succeed, but some will not. You must understand that you have what I call “The Decision of the Influencer” to make. You must decide WHO is going to have more influence over the Success of your business. It will determine EVERYTHING.
But we will get to that in a minute.
Influence from the wrong place can be a killer for your MLM business. You work at home business could suffer dramatically in it’s results and it’s momentum. But that is something that you have to step back and take a look at.
But here is something else for you to consider as well. Here is a quote I put out a while back that talks about the “Decision of the Influencer.”
“The Power you have INSIDE OF YOU influencing your Success, is far beyond any and all power OUTSIDE OF YOU – influencing your failure.”
It is called “The Influencer.” We all have them. But the biggest one is INSIDE of you. The Power you have inside is THE influencer in many respects to your success in your home based business.
What “powers?”
The Power of your Thinking.
The Power of your Decisions.
The Power of your Actions.
The Power of your Vision.
The Power of your Determination.
The Power of your Emotions.
The Power of your Faith.
It ALL works together to form an UNDENIABLE Power of Success that you can live in, walk in, breathe in, stay in and Succeed in on a daily basis. YOU were BUILT for Success, and are HEADED TO Success. You must accept that fact.
And every Prospect will be drawn towards it LIKE A MAGNET! when you make that Decision of the Influencer, people will RESPOND TO YOU more positively. They will FEEL something different from you and like it. It is the Power that is radiating from you.
But that will happen ONLY:
IF the right Influencer is influencing you along the way. There is SO MUCH MORE inside of you that you can give to your destiny and Success. It is someone that you may have forgotten about, or never knew was there. But it is a power for undeniable Success in network marketing.
It is called the Power of the BIG YOU.
There is a small little you on the inside, and a BIG YOU. You must decide which one will run your life and build your home Business. The Big You is waiting for you to step back and say:
“I am bigger than any negatives, nay sayers, any NO I get, any doubter, any assumer, any slacker, any discourager, and any loser that will come against me and try to stop me.”
So the question is, WHO are YOU going to listen to and focus on their advice and influence?
There is ONLY one answer if you are to Succeed- the BIG YOU and all the Power that it brings to this world and to your MLM home business Success.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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