Home Business Social Media.
There are many great trainings out in the marketplace, and many great trainers. But this article could rock your world.
The plethera of great social media home business trainings out in the marketplace are amazing. I love reading and learning and new ideas. Especially in social media. We have developed more business internationally via social media then we ever thought we would and it has been quite an effort we have put in.
Home business social media training is getting to be one of the most powerful educational field in MLM and Network Marketing. That is why at Passionfire that we have been training for 6 years in this powerful media. There are great people as well that I truly admire that are great in social media as trainers. Diane Hochman, Jackie Ulmer, among others.
Many people like them in social media market products, messages, ideas, books, CDs, trainings, ebooks, audio books, member sites, health products, travel products, legal products, and many other things.
We all are marketing something.
And in every business strategy, there is some form of a process.
A process is a step by step PATH that you can follow and it produces the RESULTS or destination that you are looking for. Many folks in social media follow a process whether on twitter, facebook, youtube, flicker, and any other social site. Just check their online tutorial. It shows you for the most part, a step by step process on how to use the social site.
But what about Marketing?
Most people that are marketing in social media have a message that they are marketing.
Yes, I have a message as well, and it is about Home Business and Social Media Marketing Success as part of it.
Ok. Let’s get REAL.
A message without an audience is nothing more than a great conversation with yourself.
You MUST get it out and in front of people. THAT is how you create a business. Exposure-Exposure- Exposure.
How can you create Exposure for your Home business Message or Products that will MOVE PEOPLE to want to know more and to possibly purchase your program, product, or message?
A billionaire told me this once: “The average marketer moves products. The highly successful wealthy marketer MOVES PEOPLE.”
HOW can you start a “People Moving Process” that will help insure your network marketing efforts are not in vain?
We developed a while back the “4 Is of Social Media Marketing.” The last 3 years we have been blessed to increase our online revenues by an incredible amount — by using this process in social media, and in other online marketing efforts. We cannot go into detail the minute details of the process due to lack of time, but we can overview this powerful process.
What are the 4 I’s?
The marketing process starts with informing folks of your message or home business products. This is a result of creating an exposure of YOU and your message. You first must connect with people, and build that bridge of trust, and then you can start informing them of your message of VALUE.
You can do this with many vehicles, including free ebooks, white papers, articles, videos, and podcasts.
You can inform people how your message will help transform their life and future. You can see people doing this with some amazing health tips or success tips sent out and info as well. And you can see GREAT information on many social sites and blogs as well.
Giving out HOT information for all to use freely is one of the great secrets of home buiness social media marketing. Lose control of your information and watch it virally market like crazy. Inform people of who you are, why they should listen to you, and what you or your product can do for their life to take it to a radical new level.
Once again, do this with videos, blog posts, mp3s, notes, tweets, pictures, direct messages, social email, free ebooks, and other social tools for exposure.
Your MLM message must IMPACT people.
It must MOVE THEM on the inside so they will take action on the outside. (READ THAT AGAIN!)
This is how you get people to move towards you to learn more about your product or message.
Stir them Emotionally with NEW information that they can apply, or move them with:
a) HOPE of solving a problem.
b) A HOW TO they have been looking for and seeking.
c) NEW POSSIBILITIES for their life.
e) LITTLE KNOWN INFORMATION but applicable and highly useful information.
d) A DISCOVERY of a new website, new podcast, blog, or video that will MOVE THEM emotionally and give them something that they find valuable.
Become KNOWN that YOU are a deliverer of Practical, Powerful, and Unique information, that points to your message or product. Example: if you market a nutritional product- give out GREAT nutritional tips that will help people via blog posts, articles, videos, or any other media that works for your message.
I call it “Sample Results.” Give them some “samples” of results they can achieve by listening to you and purchasing your products. You do this with great, valuable information they can use.
STIR THEIR EMOTIONS with IMPACT. If you do this, your power to move people will explode.
There is a powerful tactic that is all part of social media marketing. We call it the “TIO Factor.”
To really market to people in social media, you must Take It Offline. You want to establish a more personal and trust soaked relationship. You rarely can do that by just being online.
You do this, by inviting people to special conference calls, training webinars, live online seminars, and local meetups. This is where you can EXPAND YOUR MESSAGE and EXPLODE your INFLUENCE on a more personal and face to face basis.
Whether facebook or LinkedIn, you can invite people to offline events that will create a more intimate and powerful CONNECTION with them, and you provide even MORE POWERFUL and USEFUL information to the prospect base on the call or webinar. This will POSITION YOU as someone that is worthy of being listened to, and will dramatically increase your perceived expertise in your industry. And You can do the offline event yourself, or do it with multiple guest speakers. You can find events with 4 or 5 people that are the speakers or trainers that bring amazing value to anyone online.
Take It offline to MOVE PEOPLE even closer to you and your message/product.
Show people how YOU, YOUR HOME BUSINESS MESSAGE, or YOUR PRODUCTS can IMPROVE, INCREASE, MULTIPLY, or ENLARGE people’s lives and interests, and they will beat a path to your door, and multiply your message all over the internet.
To IMPROVE someone’s business, life, health, knowledge, faith, Success, or income – will dramatically MOVE PEOPLE towards you which will MOVE PRODUCTS for you. (Did you GET THAT?)
Quit just trying to move products in social media. That is how people that mostly fail do it.
MOVE PEOPLE and LOTS OF THEM on the inside and outside through the 4 I’s. This is a powerful social media marketing secret that can help you create results that most only dream of.
No one will see much of anything in their business if they do not have a path or track they can use. This track I have given you will help you in your social media efforts if you use it. You can duplicate this track easily, and it is a step by step process. we have been doing this process for 5 years and has proven to work great. Use this path and see what kind of Success you can obtain in your home business social media efforts.
Discover how social media can explode your home business recruiting success with Social Network Marketing!
blessings…doug firebaugh
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