home business in home meeting
So…you want to start In Home Meeting?
What are they? They are the get togethers of people who are looking at a business or learning about a product for a home business. They are a lot of fun and you can write a LOT of business doing these.
YES, I KNOW —they are “Old School,” but they are getting to be VERY POPULAR again in the Direct sales and Network Marketing profession. The rise of the number of In Home Meetings in 2011 have been staggering, I would suggest even if you are an internetwork marketer, you consider these. You can write a LOT of volume as well as recruit a LOT of folks at these get togethers.
In Home meetings (aka Private Business Receptions) and Party Plans are a great way to introduce your new MLM business to your warm market, and of course, there is a right way and a wrong way to do them.
What is a Private Business Reception (PBR)?
It is when you invite people over to your home and have a “social-business” home business– network marketing meeting for about an hour or so, and dispense information to your friends about your mlm business and products and services.
It is a powerful way to create some “instant success” in your business right off the bat, and you can sell a lot of product at a home meeting, or as some companies call it, a “party plan” or a “home party”.
Network Marketing has used this strategy for years, and has proven to be a successful venue for your business. Mary Kay has used it for years, as well as Beauticontrol, Amway, Jafra, NSA, Rodan and Fields, and many others as well.
At a Private Business reception, or In Home Meeting, you can talk to many people at once, which is more EFFECTIVE than doing all one on one network marketing appointments. If you are going to be talking to people, why not talk to them in groups?
One of the biggest secrets to wealth in MLM -talk to the majority of people you talk to in groups, whether it is a PBR, or Business Opp meetings, or Conference Calls.
It multiples your time.
Why do a PBR?
1)It is Comfortable. Most people who you know wouldn’t mind coming over to your home and seeing a short business presentation to help you.
2)It is Convenient. Many hotels are out of the way to many of your friends, and normally, driving to a friend’s home is not an ‘out of the way” thing…
3)It creates a very “familiar” environment for business. Your friends who have been over at your home before, will see this as something that is “familiar”, and warm.
4)It creates a great ‘Social” Focus as well. Everybody likes to socialize, and we as humans are social creatures for the most part. This can be fun and even exciting if done well, and it has food involved as well.
I have done numerous (hundreds) of PBRs and let me tell you, they not only were fun, but we wrote business out of them.
OK. What do you do?
A) Decide who you want to come. Make a list of the people you truly would like to have at your home business network marketing meeting, and create a list of about 30 names.
B)Send them Invitations. Send them an invitation in the mail about your meeting, at least 2 weeks before it happens.
For example, a rep for a nutrition company would send something like this: “You are cordially invited to a Private Business Reception at my home on Wed. the 22nd, to celebrate the opening of our new business in the Healthcare Industry. You will learn how important Healthcare is today for our personal lives, and also how to take advantage of a Trillion Dollar industry that is growing rapidly. It starts at ——–pm, and will end in about an hour. Food and drinks will be served and there will be prizes given away. RSVP.
This invite is short, to the point, and tells them what it is all about. There are many ways to write an invitation, check with your sponsor to see what he/she recommends.
C) Buy the food and drinks for the Reception. Don’t over do it. Sodas and finger foods are nice, and all that is really needed. This is NOT a banquet, but a nice reception to celebrate your mlm business. NO ALCOHOL. This is a business meeting.
D) Follow up with a phone call. “Hello Nancy? This is Doug, I need your help on something. I recently sent you an invitation to a reception at my home, and I am following up because I really need you there. Can I count on you being there for me?”
KEY Phrase: ”Can I count on you being there for me?” will often double your attendance at your meetings, as most people id they know they are being counted on will show up.
E) Make sure all Audio Video Equipment works. That is self explanatory.
F) Greet them when they arrive with either a gift or food. Make them feel welcome and many folks have given away book markers, or anything along those lines as a “Thank you” for coming. Food works as well.
G) Have a social time of about 30 minutes prior to the meeting. Introduce your friends to those they don’t know and make sure people are eating and drinking a drink.
NOTE: Have a “Host’ Mentality.” Be the host and make sure everyone is comfortable.
H) Do a short 20 minute presentation on the Company, Products, and Comp plan. Check to see what your company has available. Make your presentation fun and informational. Ask a lot of questions to your attendees, and don’t sell, but simply tell.
I) After the presentation, hand out the “PBR Profile. Say “I need your help. I would like for you to try our products, and also we are looking for a couple of people to partner up with to help introduce our program to this area. You may know someone that could use a secondary revenue source of an extra $1,000-2000 a month. Please fill out the form I just gave you.
There are 5 questions.
Name__________________________________ Telephone_____________________________ Email_________________________________
1. “Do you like the idea of (Whatever the benefits are of your products?
2. “Do you know someone who could use and extra $1,000 a month without changing anything they are doing?”
3. “What part of what you have seen tonight did you like the best?”
4. “What product do you believe will be the most popular?”
5. “Can you see yourself or someone you know becoming successful in something like this?”
This profile will help you ascertain who truly has an interest and doesn’t in network marketing.
J) Hand out the Information Packets. These simply contain brochures, audios and any other information piece you think they need…
K) Socialize again and answer questions, and set follow up appointments. Ask — ”Which part did you like the best?” And then set up times to follow up one on one…
NOTE: Have a few of your closest friends people bring a drink or chips. This will insure they are there and this works every time…
Also, understand the “ Law of No shows.” You will have about 60-75% of the people that swear they will be there, not show up. Expect it. It is human nature, and its par for the course for a PBR. I am speaking from experience.
Yes there are exceptions, and pray you have 40% show up.
So. If you want 10 people to show up, invite 35-40, and you should have about that many show, and be thankful they do. Follow up with the no shows and simply say,”I still need your help. When can we get together for 15 minutes?”
There are many ways to do a PBR and In Home Meeting. This is just one way, but a PROVEN way to write a lot of business in MLM and Network Marketing for your home business.
NOTE: There is no set way to ask for the order or “close” the prospect. Many recommend asking for the order in a group. Some say ask for the order individually. Some sat to already have someone who is wanting to sign up lined up to lead the way.
Make sure that your In Home Meeting or Party is FUN, ENTERTAINING, and BREIEF. Make them leave there wanting more from your Home based business and your In Home Meeting!
Great Resource for Party Plan training
Another GREAT Resource for party Planning
blessings…doug firebaugh’
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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