Home Business
is growing and growing rapidly.
With the economy the way that it is, many people are looking to other streams of income in order to pay their bills and to keep their lifestyle intact. Their jobs are being cut or their income is being reduced, leaving the family in a predicament that they had no control over.
Sound familiar?
That is why many new people are looking to get into their own home business and have more control over their destiny.
But the question is- what are some of the facts that you need to know about the Home Based Business industry and the MLM Network marketing arena?
Let’s take a quick look at some Home business facts:
- In 2000 there were about 9 million home businesses in the USA.
- IN 2005 there were a little over 11 million home businesses- impressive growth for the industry.
- In 2010 it EXPLODED with over 18 million home businesses being run out of the home. THAT is a result of the economy and people wanting more say and control over their future.
- Number of homes with a Home business with ongoing ACTIVE offices: About 35 Million
- 10% of the homes in the US now run a home business out of their domicile.
- 51% of all small businesses run out of the home as a home business.
- There is 40% LESS failure with a home business then a regular franchise or brick and mortar business.
- Every 11 seconds, there is a new home based business that is launched out of a home.
- The products sold by a home business today can compete in all aspects with any other available products on the market.
- The number of home businesses that operate and market daily in social media are 82%.
- 2012 expects to have over 20 million home businesses in the USA.
- Almost 7 out of 10 home businesses are still in business after 3 years.
- Of the 18 million home businesses, nearly 7 million produce 50% of the owners income yearly.
- 10 % produce over 400,000.00 a year in revenues- 1 out of 10!
- 40% produce over 100,000.oo a year in revenues.
- Home Business employees average: 1.8 per home business.
- Number of home businesses in marketing: 67%
- Annual revenues worldwide for home businesses: 427 BILLION Dollars
- Number of home businesses worldwide: estimated 109 million.
- Projected Home business US revenues this year: 108 Billion
If you are looking to start a home business then these facts may open your eyes to the amazing possibilties of an MLM Network Marketing team and Home business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
Home business
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