mlm copy writing social media
How is your content pulling on your home business blog and article marketing?
I mean is it pulling people IN like it should and your posts and articles are being READ or is it just laying there?
What IF I could give you a secret that I learned 15 years ago from an ad copy guy that every piece of copy he wrote, pulled in MILLIONS of dollars in sales? What if we could pick his brain and find out that elusive secret to KILLER copy that will become a VIRAL MONSTER?
That is what I am talking about. MILLION DOLLAR COPY– every time you write by following his Rule of Content.
How would you business honestly change if you could make a tweak in your copy and suddenly it started creating TRAFFIC as well as sales?
This is the reason I wanted to share an experience with you that really made a difference and I know it will with you and your home business mlm.
I discovered this Million Dollar secret from a man about 15 years ago in Dallas Texas, where I used to live. It was one of those conversations that literally is life changing as well as business transforming.
If I remember correctly, his name was Rudy and he was about 74 years old when we met.
He was a serious, poker faced man, until you got to know him. Then he was a teddy bear. But his words that came out of his mouth about writing content and copy were PURE GOLD.
He had many successes in his life and in his career, but one thing in particular stood out.
He was Pure Genius when it came to writing copy and understanding the art of communication. Unlike anyone else I had ever met, I was simply in awe of what he would say concerning copy. His words were like pure golden nuggets that you wanted to catch them all.
And genius was only the start – the VERY BEGINNING–to his profound gift of writing.
I had taken numerous courses about copywriting, as well as been doing it for quite sometime. I had spent thousands of dollars to learn how the art of copywriting worked. I had attended a lot of seminars as well to learn these secrets that would help us achieve our goals as a business.
I ran across this quiet genius who had made many millions as an ad executive, and over time, we became good friends. He became a great mentor in the art of copy writing. This was 1996. He lived in Dallas Texas in a town called Plano.
We started a weekly get together, and became weekly lunch friends and I learned so much from him about writing copy. He was a master. He took my understanding of writing copy to a place that I never thought possible.
His name was Rudy Meisner.
One day we were at lunch and I asked him what THE Secret to writing scorching copy was. He just smiled and kept eating. and then stopped and looked at me.
I was surprised at his answer.
He looked at me and smiled and said, “Young man, most people think that it is the words you write. Some people say it the cadence and pace. Some people think it is the eloquence you speak. They are all right- and all wrong.”
“I discovered a secret a long time ago about writing copy and it has served me well all these years. made me millions as well as others. The most powerful secret to writing copy will surprise you, as it is so simple.”
“That is all you need. You must IMPACT people with your words and paint a picture and move them with your message. You have 5-10 seconds to move people. That means that you must hook them to read further. You do that will Impact statements, questions, words, thought provoking ideas, and comments. That is the most powerful secret to writing good copy. Stir their curiosity, emotions, dreams, or fear. But Impact them in some way.”
“I have a saying-Pull their eyeballs and hearts into your message. You will never go wrong.”
He went back to eating his lunch.
WOW! That is something we all could use in our copy. MOVE PEOPLE with your words that you write. Use words and phrases that FORCE people to KEEP READING. And use Phrases that STIR THE EMOTIONS and then some.
Like the words FREE – YOU- LOVE- NEW- STOP – WEALTH – and more…
THAT is a million dollar secret to blogging, writing articles, and ad copy that will create quick, radical succes in your mlm home based business.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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