mlm home business social media
Social Media MLM PLAN.
Do you have a PLAN for your Home business?
What is your PLAN for your network marketing business?
Are you looking for a Social Media PLAN for your mlm?
You MUST have a “road,” “path,” or “blueprint” to engage in any successful venture in
your home business.
As it is often said, “If you fail to plan, then all you are doing is planning to fail.”
That is so true.
So understand that a PLAN is very important in Social Recruiting for 3 reasons:
1. It FOCUSES you and keeps you on track.
2. It increases your AWARENESS to DO SOMETHING that works.
3. It STRUCTURES YOU and your actions for Success.
A PLAN is worthless if it is not WORKED. That is why that Scott and I decided to offer his plan, but make it very adaptable to what you feel you can do. Many will not do all what he does on a daily basis.
That is OK.
But the one thing that it will do is GET YOU GOING and keeps you in movement.
Motion is IMPORTANT in a PLAN, but Movement is IMPERATIVE.
This PLAN will move you towards more leads, more candidates, more recruiting,
and more business.
The word P.L.A.N actually is a MAP, (Massive Action Plan) or contains a LIST of Actions that will MOVE YOU FORWARD, step by step, in Social Recruiting.
What Does P.L.A.N. Stand For?
P.L.A.N stands for:
P = Prospects a Day.
This is how many prospects you want to find a day in social media. This allows you to pick
the numbers that WORK FOR YOU. Scott’s numbers may be a bit aggressive for you,
but then maybe not. You may want to UP YOUR SOCIAL GAME and get in with
the big boys and girls of recruiting. Prospects are the LIFE BLOOD of this business. Make a Decision that you will make a goal to obtain a certain number of prospects daily and DO IT.
L = Listening.
This is Social Listening and Looking for potential prospects utilizing social media online software. There are more Listening strategies, but you can start by using:
Google Alerts, www.socialmention.com, www.backtype.com, (just acquired by twitter) www.search.twitter.com, and www.scour.com. This will help you determine who is talking about your brand, your topic, and product niche you are marketing.
The people talking about those things are the people that you need to connect with. CONNECT with the people who are talking about your niche. Keep an ongoing list
of the prospects that you want to follow, friend, and connect with from Listening. THAT alone can lead you to unlimited and incredible contacts.
A = Actions Taken.
These are the daily actions that you take in social media to create the High Quality Exposure you seek to potential candidates. These include posts, comments, videos, tweets, connection requests, friend requests, instant messaging, texting, joining new groups,
creating new groups, creating social blitz ads, writing facebook notes, and any
other action you take in social media that will create NEW Connections, Conversations,
Presentations, and Conversions.
N = New Connections.
These are the new connections and conversations that you start, with new social
candidates that you are looking for. These come from many places in social
media as well as new groups and communities you may join. New Connections are the spark that light the flame of social recruiting success and builds it into a raging inferno.
You make your daily action list and simply do the actions.
Then you reconnect and continue the conversation until they attend a presentation and
then move to conversion.
It ALL STARTS with the prospect AGREEING TO WATCH a webinar presentation or view a video. If you are going to recruit anyone, they MUST be educated to a certain point so they can SEE the vision of what you are doing with your mlm network marketing home business.
FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane hochman
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2013 all rithts reserved
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