mlm social media
MLM Social Media Tips.
What is the initial MAIN focus for people who initially get into Social Media Marketing for their home business?
What do people WANT to happen in network marketing social media?
What is their main FOCUS for their home based business?
If we were REALLY honest, we would say….
It’s to get people’s ATTENTION.
That is human nature and part of who we are. If you cannot get the prospect’s attention, then you are wasting your time. Attention is CRITICAL for social media success in recruiting in network marketing.
But there are certain things you can do to insure a smooth you get the RIGHT attention of the people.
Here is what we call “The MLM Social Media Attention Process:”
Awareness ? Connection ? Conversation? Attention.
This 4 step Attention Process can create a lot of exposure for you. It can get you out there quickly, and keep you out there is you do it right. It can help make a difference between a known brand….a POWERFUL brand.
Make sure your conversation is VALUABLE– and leaves people saying “Wow!”
1) Be Consistent.
In your Message and Method.
In your Profile and Process.
In your Value and Visibility.
In your Presence and Purpose.
In your Tweets and updates.
In your Efforts and Energy.
In your Posts and Performance.
2) Ask open questions and seek answers and solutions.
This can be a great attention getter on social sites. Ask, and then LISTEN. Then listen some more.
Put the other person in the role as an expert- and seek their advice initially. Do this DAILY.
Direct message people with a question to personalize the communication. Ask about their expertise and give them a time to shine!
3) Share information with people that most do not know about.
There is so much out on the web. So many people, so much content, so many videos, and so many blogs.
Find the little known information people do not know about on obscure blogs and posts, and videos. Be the Authority as well as a RESOURCE.
Do not send out the same information that has been out there. Be fresh-and new. Be unique. Say it in a different way. Say in a more powerful way. Say it in a way that forces the person to LISTEN. That alone will get their attention.
Take the time to do this-it pays off.
4) Recognize the contribution and conversation.
Attention is a hook. It is what hooks people to take a further look. Hook them with YOU.
What is YOUR hook? What is your PULLING power? What will people remember? You must pay attention to THEM- your prospect!
Here is a secret: Make sure that you appreciate and recognize the efforts of all in the conversation and all in the social circle.
And…Don’t placate, but admire. Don’t kiss up, but step up and say what is of Value. People do not like insincere flattery. They like compliments from the heart.
5) Come up with a phrase, hook, logo, icon, or avatar that is magnetic that WILL get Attention.
Many people have a phrase that they repeat over and over. Or some folks have a hook that works- like copyblogger. Brian has a great hook. Or a logo that is unforgettable. Or an avatar of you that makes people take a second look. Something that will PULL THEIR EYEBALLS towards YOU.
That will not only get their attention- but also keep you REMEMBERED!
These are 5 Powerful Ways to get a Prospects Attention in Social media for your mlm home business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets
FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing No One will tell You
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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Ana Oliveira
Social media success takes a commitment and plan in order to create a Powerful Brand – YOU.
Daily you want to be adding content that is Valuable and interesting to others. Further, while doing posting, you want to be asking questions and seeking solutions form others, and begin to draw them toward you. This leads to trust being built and a friendship being created, so The PULL brings people to you, and you can begin the recruiting education process with new friends!