mlm leadership
MLM Leadership Training.
How would you like to know where your leaders and team lies within a certain Success Performance structure?
In MLM Leadership, it is EVERYTHING to understand how to assess your team as well as your leaders. You may have some under performing leaders and also some star leaders. But how do you determine that?
There is a Success Performance Quadrant that I ran across from one of the over 100 things I subscribe to. Yes, I read a LOT to learn and keep up with all, the current marketing and leadership trends in business. There is something called “SmartBriefs” which I subscribe to, and it ha taught me SO MUCH over time about many things concerning business. And it also has kept me abreast of all the changing trends in the marketplace and business in general.
The MLM Success Performance Quadrant is a great tool to see how your people are performing as well as who needs some help and who is CRUSHING IT.
Here is the Quadrant:

MLM Success Quadrant
As you can see, The Potential is on the left side, and the Performance is on the bottom. This provides you with a Quadrant that you can assess where your leaders are as well as your team. YOU need to assess where YOU are on the MLM Success Quadrant and figure out what you need to do as a leader and to increase your own Potential and Performance.
Here is a Success Formula:
Your Potential is ever increasing- if you let it. Your team’s potential must be tapped into and this chart helps you see where you need to do that.
Your Performance will always be a Factor in your Results. Your Performance will always be THE determining factor in your Results.
Take a look at this MLM Success Quadrant and see how you can improve YOU as well as elevate your team’s Performance through tapping into more of their Potential. Believe in the team. Encourage the leaders. Empower the Possibilities.
This could be a great tool for you to start understanding better how to lead your team as well as Leaders.
And see where YOU are on the Quadrant and be honest with yourself. If you fins that your Potential is much greater than what your performance is showing- you are well ON your way to building a HUGE MLM Home Business Organization.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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