PassionFire® Inferno Tour 2006

What Can You Expect To Learn?
What is a MILLION DOLLAR Idea worth to you? What about hundreds of them? That is what you will get when the Inferno Tour with Doug and Jodi Firebaugh comes to a City near you! These events will feature the most powerful and comprehensive single day training in the history of Network marketing and MLM! You can expect the day to be PACKED with the how to's, principles and concepts you have been looking for, and the TRUE secrets of Massive Success of this business of MLM and Network Marketing.
Tom Kiselak of New York, one of the many seminar attendees, when interviewed, said, "Profound and brilliant. Those are the only 2 words that describe this Inferno Tour when I attended, and I am going to other cities to get another Transforming dose! This type of information simply is not taught in the industry. And my check the following week went up $4000.00 by simply doing only a couple of the hundreds of things I learned at the Inferno tour seminar. One of my distributor’s volume EXPLODED the following week after attending this transforming weekend. The results from a lot of the other attendees have been as dramatic as well. The results speak for themselves. It's amazing."
For more testimonials CLICK HERE.
Reserve your seats NOW!
You will learn in this SCORCHING one day Transformation Intensive Seminar:
Learn the Secrets of working this business on a much higher level and higher realm by moving from being a Network Marketer, to a “Transformation Specialist.™”
Revealed are the Psychological secrets that hold people back and create “Wealth Barriers” that dominate our lives and business. Do you know how to remove them? You will that Saturday!
Discover the SCORCHING Success secret of “Working in your Strength.” Most people in MLM work in their weakness and therefore constantly struggle. Do you know the “7 Natural Strengths” and which one is the most dominant in you and you should be using daily in your Network Marketing efforts? You will by attending this event!
Discover the Secret of “Where you are” (most do not know) and how you got there in your MLM business. Learn how to move from where you are, to where you DREAM, in a simple process that works daily for thousands of people worldwide.
Unleash the skill set that you have already mastered, COMMUNICATION in all you do. Do you know the one secret of communication that always doubles your Network Marketing recruiting ratio whether on the telephone or face to face? You will that Saturday!
Learn how to un-complicate this business and make it the easiest thing you have ever done. We often make it the hardest thing we have ever done because of our upbringing. People sense that when we talk to them, and back off. Learn the “Easy Secrets” that make this business amazingly easy and effective.
You will be taught the 5 “Change Factors” that determine all change in MLM. Do you know them? If you don’t you will never change what you are doing, or who you are.
Discover two secrets of how to turn the “Cold Market” into a GOLD MARKET!
Discover the 4 “Taking action” personalities and the secrets of how to recruit them, and how to lead them. This one secret can make your recruiting explode.
Remove the resistance that is inside of you for creating Success in all you do. Most of us are geared towards resisting what we did not grow up with, which many times destroys our business. Learn how one simple tactic took one distributor from $800.00 a month to $8000.00 a month in 6 months.
Discover the prospecting secrets that will guarantee you 200 leads a month- by accident. It is a simple formula that helped produce 155 million in volume.
Learn over 20 ways to approach people and rarely get a negative response. Every time you engage conversation, you can make it a business building tool. Do you know how to do that so it comes across naturally and part of the conversation? You will learn how in this seminar.
What do you do with a brand new distributor the first week? Most make a HUGE mistake that slows 90% of all distributors down. Are you making that mistake?
Discover the secret of “Value Phrases” that can take a normal presentation and turn it into a riveting, magnetic, million dollar presentation, either by telephone or live.
What are the two things that you say to all prospects at the end of every conversation that makes them want to talk to you again? Do you know it? You will in this seminar.
Do you know the biggest mistake made in following up? It costs distributors millions a year in income. Are you making it?
What is the one “Magnetic Question” that you can ask that will honestly triple your recruiting and retailing? Discover over a dozen ways to get the order and sign folks up.
Discover the Success Power found in Objections. Are they working for you or against you? You will never fear them again. You will learn how to neutralize ever objection that exists, easily, and powerfully.
Discover the trademarked Daily Method of Operation-“The 4 PointFire System”(tm)- that has produced over a thousand 6 figure income earners. It is simple and has always worked for those who worked it. Many people who have attended the Inferno tour seminar who are now working it are stunned at the results.
What is the one thing you can do for a classified ad that will bury you in calls? It has never failed to work. Do you know this “Avalanche of Leads” secret?
Revealed will be the “The 4 Point Path” that will walk, step by step, every Network Marketing prospect you have into a powerful recruiting system. And also how to track effectively everyone that you are talking to about your mlm products and Network Marketing business.
And you will learn much, much more in this powerful and stunning one day seminar that has been called “Brilliant,” “Profound,” and “The most CONTENT RICH seminar in the history of Network Marketing.”
All Registrants Receive:
- All day Power Jammed seminar with hundreds of Tips, Tactics, Strategies and Secrets!
- plus 2 FREE training CDs!
- plus a FREE copy of The Entrance Recruiting CD
- plus a FREE MLM Prospecting 101 Secrets Report
- plus 3 Drawings during the day for 3 FREE packages of 80 fresh HOT leads from Cutting Edge Media!
- plus 3 drawings during the day for 3 FREE Subscriptions to the industry leader NetworkingTimes Journal Online!
Doug and Jodi Firebaugh are aware that many folks would easily charge 299.00 for a seminar of this nature! But they have decided not to charge 299.00, or 199.00, or even 99.00. They have decided to SEED into your life and business. Join Doug and Jodi as they share decades of wisdom, hands on experience and success that will empower you to empower thousands of others and build networking organizations that thrive! You can attend this one of a kind business and life changing seminar with Doug and Jodi for ONLY $79.95 . Get your team registered today!
Our goal is for you to leave the event totally transformed in your network marketing business and life.