Home Business Training- Are You a RESULTS or METHOD Person?

home business results

home business mlm results


In a home business in network marketing, Results RULE. No doubt.

So do Methods with a lot of people.

Methods are taught, discussed, argued, ignored, and engaged every day.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of apparent understanding between the 2, may folks are having a challenge with their home business.

Are you struggling? Are you having a difficult time with your home based business?

Maybe this training can help clarify what the problem is, and maybe change your perspective of who you should be and what you should focus on.

Many people today in Home business and Network Marketing do not understand why they are struggling in their mlm business.

And many folks are either because they blame the recession, the government, the profession itself.. They do what they believe they need to do, but yet their home business results are not what they want in MLM.

Is that happening to you? Are you experiencing some results that maybe well…..stink?

There are many different types of people in MLM and Network Marketing, from CEOs of Corporations, to Stay at Home Moms, to those who are just getting their careers started and even folks who are just loving connecting with new people on social media sites. And within all of these great folks, there is a secret that we discovered years ago while working a home business very hard.

There are many different types of automobiles out on the road, and many different types of outfits and suits and jeans to wear. Many of them sell well, and others not so well.

There are many different kinds of places to eat out in the world, and some make big money, and others struggle everyday to keep the doors open and the bills paid.

There are many network marketers that are out really working everyday and working very hard, and some making great money, while the largest portion of home business owners do not.

Here is a Million Dollar Question:

What is the difference between all of these great folks, and what they seemingly are doing? What makes the ones that are doing great different than the ones who are not? Many folks have given a lot of potential answers to this question  in Network Marketing, and many answers truly are great!

But we at DFTI have been observing over the last 15 years how people function and live in life, and also in success. It is the same with MLM and a Home Based Business. All people want to Succeed in Network Marketing, but few actually do at the level they really want to.

It does not have to be that way.

If you will look at other similar but yet different entrepreneurial ventures, it is the same as in Real Estate and Insurance, and Stock Brokerage. All that enter into those wonderful enterprises want to make it work. And most want to make it work huge. But the truth is, most never make it work at all, as they have fallen prey to a Secret that I ran across 15 years ago, and it has made all the difference in the world as far as Success in my life I have been blessed with.

I call this amazing little secret that has guided my life for several years as well as Success:

 “The RMR- Results-Method Reality.”

This little secret that made such a difference in my life, can make a huge difference in your life. It can change everything about you, and your business, and how you view life. It can change all aspects of your Network Marketing business, and even how you approach it and engage it. It can even change people around you just by being around you.

Ok, what is the “Results- Method Reality?”

Understand this:

There are two types of people in this business and two types only — Method people and Results people.

The difference between the two is huge in everything they do.

1) Method people choose the method they are willing to use and accept the results.

2) Results people choose the results they want, and accept whatever method it takes to obtain them.

Method people’s favorite song is “I did it My Way and got what I could!”

Results people’s favorite song is “Whatever I Need to do to get the Results I want!”

Method folks have a tendency to work Network Marketing on THEIR TERMS, and expect Network Marketing to bow to their ways of doing business.

MLM demands a certain concept and model of working, and being a certain mindset, and if you do not work within that concept and model, and be who you need to be, then Network Marketing can be a very frustrating experience for you.

Results people are focused totally on what results they want, while method people are focused on how they want to do this business, and what is comfortable.

Results people refuse to focus on comfort, but focus on construction. They want to construct a business no matter what it takes or how long it takes.

And the biggest difference between Results people and Method folks, is HEART.

Results people seem to have the heart to make it happen, while method people seem to have the heart to make it easier.

That alone is a Million Dollar Difference in the approach to this business. Most millionaires in Network Marketing are RESULTS people. Rare are the mlm millionaires that are Method people.

If you are going to be a powerful and successful home business leader in Network Marketing, may I suggest you become a results person, and use whatever method it takes to achieve your dreams. That is what we call “total personal leadership” — the direct result of leading and moving yourself past all the limitations you harbor in your heart, and creating things in your life as never before.

Leaders relentlessly prospect, approach, present, follow up, and sign up new people. And then they teach their distributors to go out and do the same thing, and look for the same results.

You MUST train on the methods of how to do this business, but do not get lost in that. Become a Results person, and accept whatever it takes, however long it takes,and whatever path it takes, to Succeed in Network Marketing.

If you give MLM and Network Marketing all you got, then it will in return, give you all it has.

And that is called a great answer to getting wealthy in MLM and Network Marketing. If you do own a home business, focus on taking ACTION and getting the results you WANT by doing what it TAKES for home based business success.

That is what millionaires do. Whatever it takes to get the Successful RESULTS in their home business.

Are you looking for more RESULTS in your home business prospecting? Click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011   all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing Training? THIS is HOT!  Click here

MLM Prospecting- The HIDDEN Question the Prospect Always Asks?

mlm prospecting

mlm prospecting

Prospecting in MLM is something that MUST happen everyday.

In social media, online, internet, offline, and any other way that it takes to find quality prospect for your home business.

But many do not look at the mlm prospecting process from the PROSPECT’S point of view.

That is a MUST.

ALWAYS consider the prospect’s point of view and what they are thinking.

THAT is critical as it is the PROSPECT that must be motivated to move towards you. And knowing what they are thinking will pay handsomely down the road in your mlm prospecting.

Imagine this…

There you are.

You are right in the middle of this great mlm presentation and then suddenly the network marketing prospect seems to drift off, and you are losing them. They eventually come back to you, but there for a minute you were a little worried about what you were doing wrong.

You were doing nothing wrong.

They were just walking into THE QUESTION.

There you are.

You are in front of 50 people, and rocking the house with a great mlm prospecting presentation and everything seems to be going incredible. And then suddenly, one by one, the mlm prospects seem to be somewhere else, and not with you. HELLO! You look, and one by one, they are returning. You question what just happened.


They were just walking through THE QUESTION.

Every home business network marketing prospect that you have talked to, or ever will talk to, asks this question sometime during the path to the Decision in Network Marketing. We all make it, and we all think it with every thing we look at doing or buying. It is done everyday.

Many times, we ask it quietly, and other times we will drift off and think about it, and feeling what answer we can come up with.

Especially in MLM and Network Marketing and Home business.


“What kind of VALUE do I feel this has for my life, and is it enough Value for me to bring into my life?”

You may not think those exact words, but you will think them in some form.

VALUE RULES in making decisions to change, add, or delete anything in your life.

 It is the same in Home Business Network Marketing and MLM.

The Next time that you are presenting to a prospect, make sure you POUR ON THE VALUE.

These are questions that your mlm prospect will be thinking:

How will this create Value to the prospect’s future and family?

How will this create more Value in their lifestyle?

How will this bring more Value than what they currently have or doing?

How will this bring Value to their Dreams?

How will this bring Value to their life and future that they cannot get anywhere else or from anyone else?

VALUE is the KEY to unlocking the MLM Success Doors.

Are you turning it in your MLM and Network Marketing home business or are you missing it?

The MLM prospect MUST feel that what you are talking to them is of EXTREME Value, and if it is, you will find your business soaring in your MLM and home based business.

How did THESE Prospecting tactics turn into a Billion Dollars worth of Business?

Blessings…Doug Firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Media Training for Home business Success

Article Marketing for MLM -5 Elements EVERY Article MUST Have?

mlm article marketing for home business

mlm article marketing for home business

Home business and

Article Marketing go hand in hand. The two are made for each other. One is a vehicle and the other helps drive the engine.

Article marketing I have been doing for nearly 10 years. It has been an amazing way to meet people as well as get a message out.

And of course, to train as well as educate the folks on some pretty cool things. Ahem.

Now I am going to get up on my soap box.

Recently I have been observing some articles that are…well…let’s just say are less than quality content. Ezine articles got smart. Chris Knight over at ezinearticles.com decided to go to 500 words per articles because a lot of articles were disguised advertisements for a lot of affiliate marketing, MLM, as well as internet marketing scams.

It is all over the place. Low quality articles that are deceptive at best.

I just shake my head when it comes to social media articles and what I call  the teaching and practice of “Deception Marketing.”

It is a total lack of ethics and integrity.

I am amazed by a lot of the social networking articles on the article marketing resources. Many neophytes in network marketing and social media try to come across as network marketing “experts” and social media “experts.” And when a little research is done-you find that many of the authors have not even been in the business 5 years- or even 3. They simply are doing what they have been taught to do and doing it over and over.

And they pitch and sell-pitch and sell- and pitch and sell.

Nothing wrong with that I guess.

Or is that really what articles are supposed to do?

And another thing I have found is that many of their articles contain little or no training or any useful  information that will help people in their issues with life.

Now I have a REAL issue with that.

If you are honestly going to write an article as an “expert” – then give them expert advice, training, or something of VALUE.

COME ON folks!

Tough to do-if you have not done it. I have done it a lot-and done it in a big way. The training articles of Deception Marketing also contain mostly the same old warmed over stuff- the same ideas, tactics, and the same verbiage that has been out in the article directories for years. I call it “Recycled Mold.”  The info is so old, it contains marketing mold.

What happened to the USP? Or even being unique and SETTING YOURSELF APART?

Or even branding yourself as something different?

Well, maybe I am wrong- but I believe there are 5 Elements that a Network Marketing Social Media article should contain on any article resource directory in Article Marketing:

1) Unique training and information-NOT just useless selling.

Many people are looking for SOLUTIONS-not to be sold something. I have a lot of emails that people are asking why that all the trainings in these directories are a bait ands switch? They promise training but end up getting pitched on the newest deal or “opportunity.”

Been there as well as I have taken the time to look up other topics in article directories and found that good old Deception Marketing. And again- having a resource box with an offer is GREAT and that is how you do it. But let’s just not pitch in the article itself. It gives all of the authors in MLM /Social Media a black eye and bad rap.

GIVE some training / information as that is expected in an article is it not? That is what “experts” do- if there is really such a thing. GIVE something UNIQUE that will HELP people- and solve a problem for them. You will be taking your articles up to a whole new level. Get rid of the same ol same ol and THINK like an expert- write like an expert- and get creative like an expert would. That is the minimum we all should do.

2) A SOLUTION that has PROVEN to WORK.

THAT is imperative. If you are going to get in the article network marketing and social media marketing zone- make your article SOLUTION focused– not selling focused. That is what a Social Media and MLM “expert” does.

People are seeking answers to problems. They are looking for how to’s-not “here -buy this.” Create a solution for people- a REAL solution-not something that is disguised as one to sell something. Build your credibility, not your gullibility.

3) A Presentation- not a Pitch.

Articles are an information source- and a training haven. Professional authors understand that you want to create a BOND and RELATIONSHIP with the person reading your article. They will stay with you and read your blog and other articles. THAT is money in the bank. They will become raving fans of yours- instead of resentful foes that feel cheated by your article.

If you PITCH someone in your article- you have developed a short term relationship. If you PRESENT a solution or an answer- you are well on your way to developing a long term relationship-the secret to successful article marketing.

4) Your Article must contain IMPACT.

Impact is the key to a great article. Your article must create a “Wow” impact- and show them you are a TRUE expert-not someone pretending to be. The social media “gurus” teach personal branding. We have for years as well. But it takes 3 things to be branded as an Expert:




Impact is a fruit of “been there-done that” and the social proof that you are truly an expert. Impact is a fruit of having the KNOWLEDGE that experts that can Impact people in a powerful way. And Impact is taking a “TINY” focus- “Their Interests Not Yours.” Their interest in your article for the most part, is learning and solving. Make sure that your article has that within it- and you will have the impact to move people to want to know more about you.

5) Your Article MUST Contain ENOUGH Content AND – Content that is Valuable and Worth Reading.

I see a lot of “articles” of 75-100-words that only there for one reason it seems–to point to the resource box. THAT is what I call an “Article Pitch” or “Pretend Article.” It is PURE Deception Marketing. They use an article to “pitch” their offer and dilute all of the other articles in the directory.

There used to be a commercial asking “Where’s the BEEF?” Well- Where’s the Content? And many of the article directories today have gone to a minimum of 600 words to insure there IS content that is worth reading.

Now yes, there are really good articles in these directories from some really great writers. It is not all “fake it and write it.” There are great newer authors as well as older ones–that are VALUE focused– not Volume focused.

One is focused on giving Value to the reader- and the other to sell Volume for themselves. One is short term and the other is long term.

Guess which one is the most successful at building business? Yep- the Value focused article that delivers.

I have been blessed to write the last 8 years over 1000 on line published articles on over 300 directories-so I know a little bit about this. Let’s quit pretending to be authors and start giving TRUE Value first- THEN build a connection with the reader about what you have to offer.


Connect with the reader with TRUE Solution Based Value. Direct them to your offer through your resource box. Build a relationship with them then, through a blog,conference calls, or newsletter.

Folks, as we say from my home state of Texas: This ain’t rocket science. It is simply understanding the process.

You will have so much more success in your Social Network Marketing efforts if you are HONEST and INTEGRITABLE about your writing and delivering content via article marketing. If you oppose Deception Marketing like I do, great. if you practice it then do not be surprised if you stay frustrated with your MLM Network Marketing Home Business.

Looking for a resource that teaches you ths secrets of ENDLESS Prospects?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Check this Social Network Marketing Training Out>

Home Business Training- The 3 Things that Stops Everyone?

home business stress

home business stress

Home based businesses

require the proper education and training on ALL aspects of building a business as well as yourself. That is the purpose of this home business training.

If you have been in Home Based business for a while you will find that there are a lot of times that you just feel like walking away. The pressure is real and the frustration can drive you crazy.

I nearly quit the first 2 years I was in this profession 4 times and wow! What that would have cost me if I had!

Home business survival when you are new is typical and must be dealt with. But after awhile it goes beyond survival to making a decision that you are staying…or leaving.

I have found that there are 3 things that stops everyone. But the ones that Succeed in home business are the ones that get past these 3 hurdles and makes these 3 things a STEP versus a stumbling block. You learn that in home business training.

What are the 3 things that stop everyone and what can you do about it?

1. Fatigue.

This is a killer of many a home business. The owner catches fire, but burns too bright and then starts to burn out and then burn up.They become fatigued and just worn out.

And then fade out.

This business is where you must PACE yourself. Any business owner will tell you that you must go at a steady pace versus run a race. And take care of your body and diet. Eat energy foods, exercise, and drop some pounds if you need to as that alone will keep you tired.

2. Stress.

If you are constantly stressed out because of your mlm business– you are working it all wrong. This business is Lifestyle Marketing. You work  it as you live your life, not live your life as you work your business.

You could try getting FluxxLab™ CBD vape cartridges that are among the best for an entourage effect of calmness for anxiety, stress and also insomnia to help you sleep, is recommended to use a dab pen with some kind of CBD oil. To reduce stress and anxiety you should eat healthy food. you can order healthy CBD food from KushieBites website, they provide healthy and delicious food product like honey, cookies, jelly beans, gummies, nutella etc.

Just like humans, cats can feel down too and they can even get sick. If you’re a cat owner, check out the best CBD oil for cats with cancer to help your cat heal.

You TAKE IT WITH YOU-not it takes you with it and dominates your life.

Stress can stop the best in this profession because of the worry and anxiety that goes with it. Let up and let go. Take a break and get with your kids or spouse and destress your life and business. To reduce stress you can try tianeptine sulphate or sodium, You can tianeptine buy from Tianeptine Shop.

It is NOT worth losing your health and lifestyle and more trying to make it work. You are working it wrong.

Do not try and MAKE it work- LET it work naturally and you will find that your home business will start growing.

3. Opinions.

Ahhh those pesky opinions of others, I could write a book on what I was told over the years. Opinions can stop you cold in your tracks. Especially from a person of influence.

My suggestion is when people start giving you negative opinions, smile and simply say, “I really appreciate you caring, but I don’t think that way anymore. I know that I will succeed and build a tremendous business and I would love your support even if it is only as a cheerleader.”

Opinions can make your business jump the track if you are not careful. Learn to listen to people that have BEEN THERE and can take you to where you want to go. If someone has a negative opinion, so be it. It probably will not change and it is best if you do not try to change it.

Becoming successful will change their minds without any forcing from you.

These are the 3 things that can stop anyone in a home based business. Make sure that you watch out for these hurdles when you are growing and building your home business in network marketing.

If you are looking for an amazing Team Building Training Resource this it it! I co-led a group of over 80,000 people. Learn what we did and how that can happen to YOU:

Secrets to Building Leaders

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training Resources

Network Marketing MLM- What IS Network Marketing MLM?

network marketing mlm
network marketing mlm

Network Marketing MLM

has many people asking questions.


Especially today as the economy is still struggling and appears to be headed nowhere. Network Marketing MLM is one of the more popular options for bringing in additional income to the household.

Network Marketing MLM actually is a type of distribution of products that allows a network of inindependent distributors to sell and market products. They are entrepreneurs and own their own business. They purchase product s wholesale and sell them retail to the masses. This is known as Direct Sales or Consumer Direct sales.

But Network Marketing MLM is different as it has a twist to it beyond just selling and marketing product. Just like a Real Estate broker, who goes out and recruits real estate agents and gets an override off of their agent’s real estate sales, so goes MLM. The distributor, like the Real Estate broker, can go out, recruit a team of “distribution agents” and then get overrides off of the volume of sales that their team produces.

That is why it is called Network Marketing MLM.

It is a Network of Marketers that are recruited and built that eventually have multiple levels that the distributor leader can override and earn commissions on their product volume. It is a hybrid between Real Estate and traditional corporate America.

You get the opportunity to recruit a team of “agents” but yet you can build a hierarchy of reps that can go 5 to 500 levels deep much like a traditional corporation with sales people.

Network Marketing MLM also is a great way to move product to the masses inexpensively. It cuts out the middle man as well as requires not advertising . The form of advertising used for Network Marketing MLM is “word of mouth” advertising.

People telling people telling people telling people about you and your products. And through this network of conversations about your products, Network Marketing MLM thrives as a distribution channel for the market.

There is some controversy with MLM as some people just like any other type of entrepreneurial venture, can attract the wrong people. Although the number of bad apples in the profession is microscopic, they still show up on occasion and can create some negative vibes and results.

But today, most Network Marketing MLM companies are getting rid of these types of rogue distributors and tightening up their policies and procedures to disallow that type of unacceptable business practice. Most Network Marketing companies today will terminate anyone who violates their rules willingly with no questions asked.

The power of owning a home business in network marketing today is incredible. You can start your own business for less than 500.00 usually, and most compnaies have some form of guarantee. Most home business owners who choose Network Marketing MLM focus on selling of the products. That is smart at the beginnign as it will create some immediate income as the new distributor learns the ropes of the business.

Most Network Marketing MLM companies consist of 4 Things:

1. A Corporate Leadership Team with Experience.

2. In Demand Products that will sell.

3. A Compensation Plan that allows commissions to be earned by everyone.

4. Training and Education that will equip and empower the new represenative.

These 4 things are critical for any successful company. If you are looking at an MLM company, I would suggest checking for these 4 things to make sure it is a legiitimate  home based business company.

There are many different types of Network Marketing companies:

Skin Care.


Weight Loss.


Make up.

Internet Sales.

Fitness focused.


Niche companies.

Children’s Toys.

Green  Products.

Plsu MUCH MORE in product availability.

And most of the Network Marketing profession, according to most estimates, consists of 70% women and 30% men. Women do very well with Network Marketing MLM as they are natural networkers and nuture people. Many women today, as well as men,  have become millionaires because of the potential this profession offers.

In summary, Network Marketing MLM is a business that is run by a network of independent contractors who market products for companies, and also can build teams of “agents” who go out and do the same thing. The leader who recruited the team is allowed to override the team volume and get a commission on every sale made. The potential for wealth in the Network Marketing profession can be staggering if done correctly.

After 25 years in this great Home Business MLM profession, if you are considering a  home business I would recommend you do your due diligence and consider strongly a business in Network Marketing MLM.

For a powerful Step by Step Resource on MLM that will explode your Success:   A HOT Start:The First 14 Days in MLM

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


MLM – The Hidden Power of An MLM Home Business?


mlm home business

mlm home business

Home business

in MLM has a hidden power that most are unaware of to help people.

It can be a Change Agent for your life if you let it. Many people think that the MLM or Home Business or Network Marketing profession are for those people that cannot find jobs.


That is such a myth.

 Many professionals from other professions are coming into network marketing because of this hidden power that many home based business professionals use but use unknowingly.

Gravity is such a power. You are influenced by Gravity everyday, but yet you never really are that much aware of it. You really do not spend that much time thinking about it.

It just happens and keeps you from floating away.

It is the same with the Hidden Power of an MLM Home Business.

The other day I was on a three way coaching call and saw this in action and it was really rocking hot to see. I quietly listened taking notes and then when the hidden power was unleashed- wow. It was a game changer.

There are many different “powers” to owning a home business but this one is the one that really helps you along to recruit and to sponsor a lot of folks.

Ok…enough of the babble. What hidden power am I talking about that influences people to enroll in your business?


Many people are disgusted with what is going on in their life. They are disgusted with their income. They are disgusted with their job. They are disgusted with their recent raise or lack of one. They are disgusted with who they work with. They are disgusted with the lack of power and options they have to change it.

They are disgusted because they think they are POWERLESS to do anything.

That is where you come in.

You are the knight (or princess) in shining armor that is going to do 3 things:

1. Expose the pain.

2. Enlarge the pain.

3. Relieve the pain,


Create a conversation that finds out and Exposes what they are really not happy about in their life.

“What is the one thing you would give anything to change in your life?”

Then Enlarge the pain by observing that the way their life is going, it probably will only get worse.

“Wow. I am so sorry. Do you see much change happening there or maybe it getting worse?”

Then Relieve the pain by offering them a solution to their disgust with options with your business and products.

“I have an idea that I am not sure that it would be for you, but would like to run it past you. It has helped a lot of people move out of  the position you seem to be in. Let me explain…”

You have with a Home Business the hidden power of what I call “Disgust Busters!”You can help people get past the disgust with where they are in life with simply a little conversation and bringing in that DB power in 3 simple steps.

If you do that, you will help a lot of people with your MLM Home Business.

If you are looking for a POWERFUL Training that will speed up your MLM results overnight, check out this training  resource:

MLM Basics Training Course 10 CDs

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


MLM – The 5 Most Powerful Parts of Home Business Recruiting

home business recruiting

home business recruiting

Home business

owners for the most part, are very happy people. I have found that over the years, most people that I meet that own a home based business are a lot happier than those that are just in a job.

Nothing wrong with a job at all.

Thank God that jobs exist as they put food on the table and do pay bills.

But Home business owners seem to have a whole different attitude about life and energy for the future. I have had one for 25 years, and think that there is no better way to create a lifestyle. Others may argue, but you cannot dispute the results. And those attitudes and “parts” of a home business are powerful recruiting magnets.

There are 5 powerful “Parts” to a Home business, or I call them parts. They actually are 5 HUGE “Recruiting Tools” that people that own a home business can use in recruiting, and use them to become magnetic. 

What are the 5 parts?

1. Anticipation.

Most home business owners have a more powerful anticipation for their life and future. They seem to have a much stronger expectation that life is going to be better and more fun. And often times, that is exactly what happens. The anticipation “part” is one of the most magnetic parts in recruiting.

“Can you imagine anticipating every day being the best day of your life and tomorrow is going to be better?”

2. Education.

Most people quit learning after their schooling and their personal development has stopped or slowed down dramatically. Home business owners in MLM are on an education path that trains and teaches them to STRETCH themselves. It teaches them newskill sets. It teaches them new ideas. It teaches them new paradigms. And it teaches them new possibilities and hope. Those are very magnetic things for recruiting in network marketing.

What I have learned since I have started my home business is beyond words. I am not the same person and am so much more confident about life.”

3. Restoration.

Many home business owners have had their DREAMS RESTORED. They started dreaming again, and looking forward to life. Home business owners have had their FOCUS restored. They have had their BELIEF restored. They have had their CONFIDENCE restored. And they have had their GREATNESS restored to full power. These are powerful magnets to recruiting in MLM.

“I have got my dreams back and am more excited about helping people then I have ever been. Wow. It feels so good to be excited again.”

4.  Inspiration.

Home business owners have their inspiration restored as they are inspired again to go out and conquer the world. Many people talk motivation motivation motivation. But True Success comes from Inspiration and not just motivation. Motivation can fade. Inspiration is in it for the long haul.

“I am so inspired by the people I have met and really has helped me to see what life really is and can be!”

5. Termination.

Home business owners seems to terminate in their life what is not working. They terminate negative beliefs. They terminate negative thinking. They terminate negative actions. They terminate small focus. They terminate limiting opinions. They terminate restrictive input. And ….they terminate lack and less in their life. Truly a home business can be a terminating experience – in a powerful and profound way.

“I just don’t think the same anymore. I think so much bigger and more powerful and it keeps life exciting and imagine thinking that way all the time! How would that change your life?”

These are the 5 “parts” to a Home business and Success in MLM. Study them and include them in conversations that you hold with people for reasons to engage an MLM network marketing home business!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


Network Marketing – What is the ONE SECRET to Hitting the Two Types of Goals?

home business goals

home business goals

Home business

goals are critical in any success endeavor that you may engage.

Goals are where you are headed on a day by day hour by hour  basis.

Network Marketingis a very GOAL DRIVEN Success vehicle, and that is why many people struggle-they do not set the Goals that will DRIVE your business.

For example, in Galaxy Marketing company, you will find there are POSITIONS or RANKS that you must obtain. These are goals for you to focus on, work towards, capture and to obtain. Your company probably has these levels of achievement and you may already have been promoted- Congrats!

But yet- positions and levels actually — NOTE–are the FRUIT of Goals- and not really the goals themselves if you REALLY want to get technical.

You set goals on a daily basis for your home business and those goals you must engage and obtain to drive your business forward and also to get closer to the rank you are shooting for. Your daily goals actually are the DAILY DRIVERS in your MLM success, but your Rank or Title you are aiming for is the FOLLOW THROUGH FRUIT that occurs and happens when you Follow Through and obtain your daily goals.

Ok…then why don’t most people HIT their goals instead of missing them?

There is a secret that we have learned that you MUST grasp in your network marketing business and if you do, you will be amazed at what happens to your business.

There are 2 types of Goals:

1. Goals that YOU SET.

2. Goals that SET YOU.

Most people set goals and then ignore the goals that SET YOU.

Goals that YOU SET are targets and tasks and accomplishments that will drive you forward as well as your home based business. Those goals are what you plan on and aim for and then engage towards.

Goals that SET YOU are different types of goals that most do not set as they probably do not know about them and you may not as well.

Goals that SET YOU are the goals and rewards that YOU give yourself for accomplishing a task, succeeding at a phone call, doing a great presentation, or getting some powerful new friends or followers on social media.

These are the Goals that SET YOU in Motion.

Goals that SET YOU on TRACK!

Goals that SET YOU on FIRE with a focus of achieving so you can be receiving- what you have set as your reward.

NOTE: If you have goals that SET YOU- you will see so much more accomplished than you could ever believe.

Here is an example:

‘if I make 10 calls today and get 2 appointments, I will go to starbucks and reward myself with a gree tea and quiet time.”

“If I do 1 blog post, 10 comments, get 5 new twitter followers, and jump in on 5 facebook conversations, I will reward myelf that book I have been wanting to buy about Leadership.”

SET Goals that SET YOU in Motion, On track- and onFIRE for EXPLODING your Daily Accomplishments and  your network marketing home business!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

MLM – It is NOT about Movement or Motion but EMOTION

mlm people

home business mlm people

Home business mlm business

requires something that is missing in many presentations and efforts:



MOVING PEOPLE – not just hyping them,

A ‘Lot of times, people are BUSY being BUSY and getting little if anything done. They focus on being in MOTION and not being in THE EMOTION that will draw people towards you and create a hope and possibility FEELING for their life.

So often in social media, or even traditional presentations there is a lack of emotion and FEELING.

What happens, as I recently saw on facebook, when there is no Feeling involved, there is a need to pressure of FORCE something to happen.

That is not a good thing and will drive many people away.

If you focus on what YOU GET out of network marketing, and not what the prospect gets, you will come across as pressureful and greedy and will turn your prospect off. I see this quite often online. And people do not even realize they are coming across like that.

I saw this on LinkedIn just last week. The guy was obnoxious and was really pressuring people on a public message to look at his business.

Forcing and demanding people to listen comes across as desperate and a possible  scam.

Lighten up and focus on what you have for the prospect.

On social media, always make it about what the prospect can GET.

“This ebook is FREE…”

“Imagine this happening to you and your family.”

“Dreams are useless if they stay in your mind. How would you like to see them in real life?”

Whether Video or Audio, or just a post, or face to  face, show EMOTION and show VALUE to the prospect in your tweets, posts, and appointments. My favorite emotion phrase I use a lot is this:

“I am so passionate about this,  I am sharing this message with people that I believe will see the extreme help it offers. If you have a second I would like to SHOW YOU SOMETHING that has made an amazing difference to my life…”

Maybe you should consider the same thing in your MLM Home Based Business.

blessings..doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved


Doug Firebaugh Home Business Success Training