mlm home business 2012 goals
Magnetic MLM Goals.
Are you planning on setting 2012 goals this year for your home business whether online or offline, social media or social networking LIVE?
Are you planning on having a DIFFERENT year in 2012– or the same year in mlm? Well you can do Pilates Instructor Training and can become the best instructor and build yours business too.
What are your PLANS for your network marketing goals and ar ethey gong to MOVE YOU?
There are only 2 types of goals – Goals that PUSH you and paralyze you, and goals that PULL you towards them almost effortlessly in your mlm home business.
I call them MAGNETIC Goals.
Most set PUSH goals and begin the laborious process of working, working, and working, and never feeling like they are going to achieve them.
Those goals end up becoming ANCHORS and you start feeling the weight of the goals. These types of goals become almost a burden and then you start to question whether or not if it is worth it, and if you really are going to continue.
These types of goals do not INSPIRE you. They are not connected to the heart and these goals are what you think you should be gong for, not what you really want to go for.
These Goals lack MAGNETISM.
Magnetic Goals PULL you towards them.
Magnetic goals DRAW you towards them daily, and you find yourself accomplishing on a daily basis what needs to be accomplished.
Magnetic goals contain a powerful PURPOSE that your heart is connected to. It does not matter whether they are what other people want. These goals are what YOU want.
Magnetic Goals EXCITE YOU.
Magnetic Goals LIGHT YOU UP – just thinking of them.
Magnetic Goals FIRE YOU UP.
Magnetic Goals MOVE YOU on the inside and PULL YOU towards them.
You do NOT SET Magnetic Goals. You CONNECT TO THEM and THEY SET YOU – on a course to CAPTURE THEM with NO other option.
You do NOT SET Magnetic Goals. You CONNECT TO THEM and…
on a course to CAPTURE THEM with no other option for your network marketing business.
You are so DRAWN TOWARDS these types of Goals that you cannot see any other possibility except to capture those goals for your multi level marketing business.
Magnetic Goals STRETCH YOU and GROW YOU as they are powerful growth tools. They also ENLARGE YOU in what you think is possible in 2012.
How do you CONNECT to Magnetic Goals for your home business?
Magnetic Goals basically revolve around LIFESTYLE and INCOME.
Yes you can set goals as far as physical, and professional, and emotional. But Magnetic Goals are more powered by Lifestyle and Income.
Here is a Million Dollar question:
What part of your Lifestyle do you want to Enlarge in 2012 and when you think about that, it MOVES you on the inside with excitement and HOPE ?
Write that down.
Now, the next step:
What is the FIRST THING you need to do in order to start MOVING TOWARDS that Magnetic Goal? What are the parts to that first step?
BREAK IT DOWN into doable parts and actions. Then set a REWARD for yourself once you have achieved these small steps.
For instance, the FIRST thing you need to do to increase your income in 2012 is to increase your activity level, say by holding 30% more business conversations in 2012, which will increase your exposures, which will increase your prospects, which will increase your presentations, which will increase results.
Start with Activity level and break it down into the actions that you will be taking:
Prospecting, approaching, presenting, following up and closing.
NOW you have to set goals for EACH TASK– BUT set a reward and Celebration for achieving the increased number in each task. The normal increase that most can get excited about and seeing done is 30%. If you wanted 6 new leads a week last year- focus on 8 new leads a week in 2012 (a 30% increase.) If you want 50 new leads a week, then in 2012, it would be 65 new leads.
Put a weekly activity sheet together now, and fill in your activities DAILY and let your sponsor know what you are doing and send them a copy of your weekly Magnet Sheet.
What is the SECOND THING you need to do in order to continue moving towards that Magnetic Goal? What are the parts of that step? BREAK IT DOWN into doable parts and actions. Then set a REWARD for yourself once you have achieved these small steps moving you towards your network marketing success and lifestyle.
Continue to focus on ALL the STEPS that are needed in order to capture the Magnetic Goal. Write them down in order and break each one down into small doable actions and set rewards along the way a shown above.
These “rewards” are known as “Success Magnets” as they keep you focused on achieving the goal for your new lifestyle and home business.
Now….engage the FIRST small step — of the first thing you do to start moving towards the goal. Once you have achieved this action- write the Success down in your “Celebration Journal” and continue on to the next small step.
Now…here is the “secret sauce”- Get a poster board and some magazines and clip out pictures of those images that look like what your Magnetic Goal is in lifestlye and income. These represent your increased lifestyle and income, so STRETCH yourself and DREAM and then find the dream pictures. Paste them on the board and above the pictures write- “2012 Magnetic Goals Achieved” and look at it daily to weld that picture into your mind of where you are headed in 2012.
The secret to Magnetic Goal Success is LACK of OVERWHELM and LOTS of EMOTIONAL FIRE on the inside for the Lifestyle.
These types of goals are “chunked down” and not overwhelming. But they are also EXCITING to you because they are leading you step by step to a new, incredible lifestyle- one sale, one recruit, one new team member ar a time for your home based business.
If you set Magnetic Goals, you will start seeing them PULL YOU towards a life and lifestyle that you never thought possible in your network marketing home business!
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blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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