Volume 3
MLM Prospecting Reality
MLM Prospecting Reality. It makes sense that if you are going to sell product or build a Downline, you must have folks to talk to, otherwise you will be in for a long drought of business.
Understand:: There is a Reason why the Last 3 Letters in Prospecting are ING! That means... ongoing... nonstop... fluid... unceasing... continuous... constant... engaged... get the Picture? Prospecting is a Continuous Process of finding people to Talk to about your business and your Products.
Now the Question is: Where do you start looking if you are new? Your sponsor should help you with that. But as a review: There are 4 kinds of Markets in your world:
1) HOT Market - People you are closest to... friends and family you talk to daily or at least a couple times a week... folks who will help you out no matter what.
2) WARM Market - People who you are close to, and who you care about, but maybe see them on a less frequent basis than your Hot Market.
3) LUKE-WARM Market - Professional contacts, Social contacts, People you know and occasionally see.....and referrals from folks who you know.
4) COLD Market - People you Don't know.
What you need to do is make a list of 100 people you know. Use a memory jogger. See your upline as your company should have one.
Stop looking for people who only want to Sell! .Start Looking for people who want to earn an Extra income. People have dormant dreams and there are many psychological factors involved in why they have not obtained them. Most need and want extra money. Show them how they can obtain their dormant dreams with your Network Marketing company. Look for people who WANT to do this business, not just the ones who NEED it! Beware of folks who are looking for that "Get Rich' deal. Desperation in folks is not a good quality to bring into this business. People rarely follow desperate people.
There is a HUGE difference between a Prospect, and a Project. A lot of folks come into this business and they end up being a Welfare Project for the sponsor. They end up making the sponsor do the work and drain valuable time and emotions from people. Understand: This is not Net-Welfare Marketing, .but Net-WORK Marketing! You should prospect for those who do work and have a history of it. If they don't, it's Project time for you!
Create more Leads than you can call on! - "How to Create a Prospecting Tidal Wave" Training series
Use what we at PassionFire call the "5 Star Rule'....look for those MLM Prospects who are...
1) At least 25 years old or older. This age seems to be the age of where this business is considered more seriously and approached more maturely. There are exceptions of course.
2) Married (preferrably happily!)This creates a team effort in a lot of instances which is one of the TRUE Hidden Secrets of Success in MlM. It is a great Synergy.
3) Parents.The responsibilty that comes with children can be transferred to this business. And Parents do want to provide a great Life for their Kids.
4) Employed with at least 25,000 dollars a year.. Being employed shows that there is a good work ethic and an income that can help support the business as it is being built..
5) Homeowners. This shows stability and responsibility plus a good eye for the future. Sshow them how to pay off their House early.
The "5 Star Rule" is a HOT way to Ignite your brain with who first to call on in your mlm business . Also, there is what we at PassionFire call the "D2 Principle" in Prospecting. Look for those who are:
1) Dissatisfied.There is no better person to talk to about this business than someone who is dissatisfied with their current life, career, job, situation. A Fire is smoldering in them but, .not only do they need to be dissatisfied, but also have...
2) Desire to Change.There a lots of dissatisfied whiners out there who will never do anything to change or improve their situation. .Look for those who have a Desire to Change their situation. Ask.... " What are you willing to do to change that part of your life?" Their answer will reveal much.
Listen to what people say in normal conversation, about change and the things in life they want, but don't have in their life. Listen to people who talk about wanting to do something, but not sure what. .Listen for people who want to change their career, job, life. There is a Gold Mine for Home Business prospects there.
When Prospecting, push buttons to find out where a prospect is:
1) The Entrepeneur Button. Are they interested in the business? Find out! Ask them.
2) The Consumer Button. Are they interested in the Product to purchase?
3) The Dud Button.Are they a dud? Just no interest? Great!!! Remember this: Every Dud knows a Stud! Get a referral from them. Ask: "If you were going to do this biz, who would be the first 2 people you would call?"
According to Webster's Dictionary..Prospecting is.
."Looking for Gold."
You have to DIG! As long as you have that focus and mentality, and understand gold runs in VEINS... you will have more MLM leads than you can follow up in your MLM and Network Marketing Success.
blessings... doug firebaugh / PassionFire Intl
(c) 2005 PFI / all rights reserved
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