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Article 9

MLM Network Marketing Training Success - What Are The Emotional Pitfalls of MLM?


The New Distributor’s Emotional Roller Coaster in MLM.

Every distributor goes through it. You will to.

Every millionaire in MLM went through it.

So will you if you haven’t already. We call it the “MLM Emotional Roller Coaster”, and it can be an interesting ride during the frustrating times in this business…

You will be high as a kite on excitement on week….and then next week low as whale dung ….all because of your emotions and disappointments.


You will be disappointed by what you think is going to happen, but doesn’t…and it is part of this business.

A lot of folks cannot handle the Emotional Dynamics of this business, and your emotions can really be tested…but it is not innate to MLM…it is innate to being an entrepeneur and starting any business.

You must learn to let the downs be not so down, and the highs be not so high…this will give you an “Emotional balance” which will make your new enterprise more stable in your working it…

The M.O.N.E.Y Principle of MLM Success.

There is a Principle I have been training on for years…

I call it ‘The M.O.N.E.Y. Principle “ of Success in Network Marketing…..and it is one that you can take to the bank…

What is the SECRET for Networkers to create a LOT of MONEY in MLM?

M.O.N.E.Y. stands for:

“Management Of Negative Emotions-Yours”.



It’s all about managing what is trying to manage you!!!!!!

And understand this…..


Whoever is controlling your emotions…..will control your business.




Setbacks in MLM will happen and it will create major disappointment and discouragement…and you MUST not let it affect you long term. Sure, you will get down a little as you are human…

The Setback Solution in MLM.


There is no disappointment so strong that 3 new sign ups cannot handle.

I had a millionaire tell me last year that she was so discouraged her first 2 years that she nearly quit 3 times….but she hung on to the dream….and learned a VERY VALUABLE Secret:


ALL Negative emotions are TEMPORARY…they will subside.

Once she learned that, she knew that she was “In a Mood” and that would pass eventually and she would go to work harder than ever…(CLUE!!!!!!!!)

There are exceptions of course….but very few. Most new distributors do go through a myriad of emotions the first year, and most never learn to control them…


How do you control your lows that will come in this business?

1) Talk to Your Upline about how they handled it.

2) Read MLM books and continue to learn.

3) Ask “What is worth learning from this?”

4) Know that WHO is SUPPOSED to be in your business will be….

5) Know WHO is NOT…won’t be…

6) Let yourself grieve for a bit if you need to do that….call someone who has been there and get some understanding….

7) Get back to work asap….MASSIVELY to replace the one who “got away”…


You have to control your emotions, because they will determine about 80% of your first initial success…then they will determine about 80% of the rest of your success when you start your MLM career…


blessings...doug Firebaugh /PassionFire Intl

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