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Article 8

MLM Network Marketing Training Success - Is There a Step By Step Process to MLM?


Yes There is. It is a PATH to Success in MLM.

“The 5 Modules of MLM”

There are 7 days to a week, 12 months to a year, and 60 seconds in a minute. This is all part of our life culture, and our life we live. MLM has the same pattern of structure in this industry.

There are 5 basic Modules, or steps, that drive the business of MLM and each module has it’s own importance. We will cover all 5 in great detail in PassionFire, and you must become very familiar with the modules. They will bring great success to you and your business, or great frustration, that all depends on YOU.


The Modules of MLM have a Power to them that you can make work FOR you….or AGAINST you….that is totally your decision.

Most people in MLM bring a certain pattern of thinking and living to their business, and these modules dove tail nicely in their pattern of life. And each module has it’s own purpose, and success.

Each is a part of the whole, but if worked in sync, then these modules can create a “flow” of work and success in your business that will amaze you.

Ok…what are they?

1) Prospecting
2) Contacting
3) Presentation
4) Next Move
5) Decision

Working the 5 Modules in Network Marketing.

1) Prospecting

Simply, if you don’t have people to talk to about your products and services, and business, you are unemployed in this industry. You must have people to share your product stories and successes with, so they can become a customer, and maybe a distributor.

Prospecting will be covered in depth in TrainingFire, bit it all starts with someone to talk to, and someone to share your message with.

2) Contacting

If you know people, and have a list of potential customers and distributors, but you never call them, then you have what I call a “wish list inventory”, as success will only be a wish on your part. You MUST engage them in conversation and use that as a vehicle to share your message with them. You have made a list of prospects, but now you must have a point of contact with them, and that usually starts with a conversation.

3) Presentation

You now must move forward from the contacting phase and move into the education phase, or the presentation. This will be where you educate them on the company, products, and the business, and do it in a manner that excites them and grabs their attention. All of this you will learn in TrainingFire.

You must use the presentation as a way to establish a connection with the prospect to the business or products. Get their questions answered, and here is a secret:


Don’t make the presentation a dissertation. It is NOT to dump everything you know in a single sitting. It is simply to create s level of knowledge and excitement in the prospect so you can move them forward in the process.

4) The Next Move

This is where you decide what the next move will be, and where you go from there. Do they want to try the products and services? Do they want to attend a meeting? Do they want to have a 3 way with your upline? And again, all this will be taught in TrainingFire…

5) Decision.

Here is where you complete your paycheck.

The MLM Reality of Success.


No decision…no paycheck.

You MUST get a decision, no matter what it is, and you will be taught different ways to get a decision in PassionFire, and very effective ways to persuade softly.

This whole process is simple, but deadly….first you get someone to talk to, then you contact them, if they have an interest than you educate them, and then see where they are interest wise, and those that do have a solid interest, move to more education, and finally get the decision that is right for them…simple, and deadly in effectiveness..

Follow the 5 steps, or modules, and you will learn how to turn it into a “Yellow Brick Road”….of gold.



Doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl.

(c) PFI / All rights reserved

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