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Article 3

MLM Network Marketing Training-Choosing an MLM Network Marketing Company: What Do I Consider?


The MLM Network Marketing Company


You need to understand that you must be sold on 4 things in this industry:

1) The Company

2) The Products

3) Compensation Plan.

4) YOU.

This Module we are going to take a look at your MLM company and what you need to know to conaider it, and about it to talk about it, and feel comfortable about it. There are certain things that you need to know about it that will become part of your presentation.

What do you need to consider to choose a great MLM company?

And people will also want to know that you represent a good, solid, stable Network Marketing company. They will want to know about certain issues, facts, topics, details, and areas about the MLM company, and you need to cover them.

Put yourself in their place

If you were looking to join a Network Marketing company, what would you look for?

What would be important to you?

Basically, there are 5 areas that you need to look at in order to know about and choose an MLM company.

The 5 Areas to Consider When Looking at an MLM Company.

And most people will want to know about these areas.

What are they?


1) The Management.

Who is the CEO and Founder of your company?

What is the story behind the founding of the company?

What kind of experience and reputation do they have to tell about?

What makes them unique and different than all the rest?

Do they have any special notoriety that is worth telling people about?

How long have they been in business?

What is theri reputation?


2) The Finances.

What does your company look like on the balance sheet?

Are they debt free?

Do they have backers and investors?

Do they run a tight ship at home office?

Do they pay their checks on time?(GREAT question)

3) The Home Office

Where is the Home Office?

How many employees do they have?

Do they have their own building?

Are they totally computerized and ready for the future technologically?

How many people do they have working for them?


4) The Shipping Department.

Do they have their shipping department in house or at another location?

Do they have a toll free line?

Do they have a money back guarantee?

Do they ship the products out on time?

What is their return ratio?

5) The Distributor Services Department.

Do they have a DS Dept?

How friendly are they?

Do they know that they are doing?

Who heads it up?

How quickly do they respond?

These are some of the questions you need to know about choosing your Network Marketing company.

The more that you know about your company, the better you will feel about them.


Take as tour of the home office the first chance you can. Meet the people in the different departments.

This will give you a much better understanding of what the MLM Corporate office is about, and who you talk to when you call, and it will give you a much better presentation about your company.

The MLM Network Marketing Company you select is very important. Be careful, make the right choice, get the facts, know the basics of it, and be proud that you are associated with them once you join.


blessings...doug firebaugh / PassionFire International

copyright 2005 / all rights reserved

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